Starfield Shattered Space

Robots Level Requirements and Unlocks

Robots is an Outpost Development research project in Starfield. Read on to see the list of all Robots levels, their requirements, and what the Robots research projects unlock.

Robots Levels

Jump to a Robots Level
1 2

Robots 1


Skill None
Resources Aluminum x3
Beryllium x3
Zero Wire x2


All Unlocks
・Garden Mini Bot
・Sanitation Mini Bot
・Engineering Robot

Robots 2


Skill Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
Resources Titanium x12
Chlorosilanes x12
Cobalt x12
Austenitic Manifold x3
Polymer x4
Positron Battery x3
Zero Wire x12


All Unlocks
・Logistics Robot
・Power Management Robot

How to Complete Robots Research Projects

Complete at a Research Lab

Starfield Research Lab Terminal

You can research Robots Research Projects at a Research Lab. These can be found in your ship, outposts, and major settlements in the game like New Atlantis.

Once you're at the Research Lab, you can do the following.

  1. Access the Research Lab terminal and select the "Outpost Development" category.
  2. Next, choose a Robots research project that you want to work on. Each project will have a list of requirements, such as the types of resources you need and the skills needed to complete it.
  3. Gather the resources and unlock the skills needed to complete the project, then go back to the Research lab to complete it.
  4. You can contribute resources to the project at any time, and you can also speed up the research by assigning crew members to the Research Lab. Once the project is complete, you'll be able to build different robots in your oupost.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Research Projects

List of All Research Projects

All Research Project Types

Research Project Types
Pharmacology Food and Drink
Outpost Development Equipment

Outpost Development Research Projects

Resource Extraction Manufacturing Horticulture
Domestication Power Generation Decoration
Robots Outpost Defense


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