Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Physique Jewel 2 Decoration Effect and How to Craft | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Physique Jewel 2 Banner

This is a guide to crafting the Physique Jewel 2 decoration in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn the effects of Physique Jewel 2, materials used to craft it, and armor pieces that have the same skills as Physique Jewel 2.

Physique Jewel 2 Basic Info

Physique Jewel 2
Rarity 4 Price 1000
Skill Constitution Lv. 1
Type Normal Decoration

Physique Jewel 2 Crafting Materials

Fucium Ore x 1
Volvi Carapace x 3
Aquaglow Jewel x 2

Latest Armor With Same Skills as Physique Jewel 2

Armor Base Defense Skills
Arms IconIbushi's Pure Pauldrons 122
Constitution Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Torso IconNarwa's Pure Breastplate 122
Constitution Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Arms IconSilver Solbraces 122
Constitution Lv. 2
Waist IconSilver Solcoil 122
Constitution Lv. 3
Redirection Lv. 1
Arms IconZinogre Braces X 116
Constitution Lv. 2
Latent Power Lv. 1
Legs IconZinogre Greaves X 116
Constitution Lv. 3
Latent Power Lv. 1
Head IconMizutsune Helm X 114
Constitution Lv. 1
Evade Window Lv. 2
Resuscitate Lv. 1
Torso IconMizutsune Mail X 114
Bubbly Dance Lv. 1
Constitution Lv. 2
Resuscitate Lv. 1
Waist IconMizutsune Coil X 114
Bubbly Dance Lv. 1
Constitution Lv. 1
Free Meal Lv. 1
Legs IconMizutsune Greaves X 114
Bubbly Dance Lv. 1
Constitution Lv. 1
Evade Window Lv. 1
List of All Armor
Low Rank Armor High Rank Armor Master Rank Armor

Latest Builds that use Physique Jewel 2

Available Builds
Dual Blades Image Blood Awakening Dragon DB Comfort
Bow Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental Spread Bows
Dual Blades Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental DB
Dual Blades Image Heaven-Sent, Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental DB
Bow Image Dragon Conversion Elemental Spread Bow Builds
Bow Image Elemental Build
HR 40+
Bow Image Raw Piercer
HR 40+
Bow Image Rapid Raw Damage
HR 40+
Bow Image Offense and Utility (Recommended for Sinister Soulpiercer)
Hub 7★

Builds and Best Armor for Each Weapon

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Decorations Partial Banner

Decoration List

Slot 2 Decorations

MH Rise - Anti-Aerial Jewel 2 Decoration IconAnti-Aerial Jewel 2 MH Rise - Anti-Aquatic Jewel 2 Decoration IconAnti-Aquatic Jewel 2 MH Rise - Anti-Wyvern Jewel 2 Decoration IconAnti-Wyvern Jewel 2
MH Rise - Arc Jewel 2 Decoration IconArc Jewel 2 MH Rise - Artillery Jewel 2 Decoration IconArtillery Jewel 2 MH Rise - Attack Jewel 2 Decoration IconAttack Jewel 2
MH Rise - Backstab Jewel 2 Decoration IconBackstab Jewel 2 MH Rise - Bladescale Jewel 2 Decoration IconBladescale Jewel 2 MH Rise - Blast Jewel 2 Decoration IconBlast Jewel 2
MH Rise - Blaze Jewel+ 2 Decoration IconBlaze Jewel+ 2 MH Rise - Bloody Jewel 2 Decoration IconBloody Jewel 2 MH Rise - Blunt Jewel 2 Decoration IconBlunt Jewel 2
MH Rise - Bolt Jewel+ 2 Decoration IconBolt Jewel+ 2 MH Rise - Brutal Jewel 2 Decoration IconBrutal Jewel 2 MH Rise - Bubble Jewel 2 Decoration IconBubble Jewel 2
MH Rise - Chain Jewel 2 Decoration IconChain Jewel 2 MH Rise - Challenger Jewel 2 Decoration IconChallenger Jewel 2 MH Rise - Chameleos Soul Jewel 2 Decoration IconChameleos Soul Jewel 2
MH Rise - Charge Jewel 2 Decoration IconCharge Jewel 2 MH Rise - Charger Jewel 2 Decoration IconCharger Jewel 2 MH Rise - Counter Jewel 2 Decoration IconCounter Jewel 2
MH Rise - Counterattack Jewel 2 Decoration IconCounterattack Jewel 2 MH Rise - Crisis Jewel 2 Decoration IconCrisis Jewel 2 MH Rise - Crit Element Jewel 2 Decoration IconCrit Element Jewel 2
MH Rise - Critical Jewel 2 Decoration IconCritical Jewel 2 MH Rise - Defense Jewel+ 2 Decoration IconDefense Jewel+ 2 MH Rise - Demon Rage Jewel 2 Decoration IconDemon Rage Jewel 2
MH Rise - Destroyer Jewel 2 Decoration IconDestroyer Jewel 2 MH Rise - Doot Range Jewel 2 Decoration IconDoot Range Jewel 2 MH Rise - Dragon Jewel+ 2 Decoration IconDragon Jewel+ 2
MH Rise - Element Exploit Jewel 2 Decoration IconElement Exploit Jewel 2 MH Rise - Embolden Jewel 2 Decoration IconEmbolden Jewel 2 MH Rise - Enduring Jewel 2 Decoration IconEnduring Jewel 2
MH Rise - Enhancer Jewel 2 Decoration IconEnhancer Jewel 2 MH Rise - Evasion Jewel 2 Decoration IconEvasion Jewel 2 MH Rise - Expert Jewel 2 Decoration IconExpert Jewel 2
MH Rise - Fanged Exploit Jewel 2 Decoration IconFanged Exploit Jewel 2 MH Rise - Flawless Jewel 2 Decoration IconFlawless Jewel 2 MH Rise - Footing Jewel 2 Decoration IconFooting Jewel 2
MH Rise - Foray Jewel 2 Decoration IconForay Jewel 2 MH Rise - Fortitude Jewel 2 Decoration IconFortitude Jewel 2 MH Rise - Friendship Jewel 2 Decoration IconFriendship Jewel 2
MH Rise - Frost Jewel+ 2 Decoration IconFrost Jewel+ 2 MH Rise - Furor Jewel 2 Decoration IconFuror Jewel 2 MH Rise - Gambit Jewel 2 Decoration IconGambit Jewel 2
MH Rise - Gobbler Jewel 2 Decoration IconGobbler Jewel 2 MH Rise - Growth Jewel 2 Decoration IconGrowth Jewel 2 MH Rise - Guardbash Jewel 2 Decoration IconGuardbash Jewel 2
MH Rise - Ibushi Soul Jewel 2 Decoration IconIbushi Soul Jewel 2 MH Rise - Ironwall Jewel 2 Decoration IconIronwall Jewel 2 MH Rise - Jumping Jewel 2 Decoration IconJumping Jewel 2
MH Rise - KO Jewel 2 Decoration IconKO Jewel 2 MH Rise - Magazine Jewel 2 Decoration IconMagazine Jewel 2 MH Rise - Magna Soul Jewel 2 Decoration IconMagna Soul Jewel 2
MH Rise - Mastery Jewel 2 Decoration IconMastery Jewel 2 MH Rise - Medicine Jewel 2 Decoration IconMedicine Jewel 2 MH Rise - Mighty Jewel 2 Decoration IconMighty Jewel 2
MH Rise - MindMind's Eye Jewel 2 MH Rise - Narwa Soul Jewel 2 Decoration IconNarwa Soul Jewel 2 MH Rise - Paralyzer Jewel 2 Decoration IconParalyzer Jewel 2
MH Rise - Phoenix Jewel 2 Decoration IconPhoenix Jewel 2 MH Rise - Physique Jewel 2 Decoration IconPhysique Jewel 2 MH Rise - Potential Jewel 2 Decoration IconPotential Jewel 2
MH Rise - Precise Jewel 2 Decoration IconPrecise Jewel 2 MH Rise - Protection Jewel 2 Decoration IconProtection Jewel 2 MH Rise - Quickswitch Jewel 2 Decoration IconQuickswitch Jewel 2
MH Rise - Razor Jewel 2 Decoration IconRazor Jewel 2 MH Rise - Refresh Jewel 2 Decoration IconRefresh Jewel 2 MH Rise - Resistor Jewel 2 Decoration IconResistor Jewel 2
MH Rise - Rodeo Jewel 2 Decoration IconRodeo Jewel 2 MH Rise - Sharp Jewel 2 Decoration IconSharp Jewel 2 MH Rise - Sheath Jewel 2 Decoration IconSheath Jewel 2
MH Rise - Shield Jewel 2 Decoration IconShield Jewel 2 MH Rise - Sleep Jewel 2 Decoration IconSleep Jewel 2 MH Rise - Sprinter Jewel 2 Decoration IconSprinter Jewel 2
MH Rise - Stream Jewel+ 2 Decoration IconStream Jewel+ 2 MH Rise - Stun Jewel 1 Decoration IconStun Jewel 1 MH Rise - Supercharge Jewel 2 Decoration IconSupercharge Jewel 2
MH Rise - Tenderizer Jewel 2 Decoration IconTenderizer Jewel 2 MH Rise - Teostra Soul Jewel 2 Decoration IconTeostra Soul Jewel 2 MH Rise - Thrift Jewel 2 Decoration IconThrift Jewel 2
MH Rise - Throttle Jewel 2 Decoration IconThrottle Jewel 2 MH Rise - Trueshot Jewel 2 Decoration IconTrueshot Jewel 2 MH Rise - Valstrax Soul Jewel 2 Decoration IconValstrax Soul Jewel 2
MH Rise - Wall Run Jewel 2 Decoration IconWall Run Jewel 2 MH Rise - Wirebug Jewel 1 Decoration IconWirebug Jewel 1 MH Rise - Wirebug Jewel 2 Decoration IconWirebug Jewel 2


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