Starfield Shattered Space

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit ID and Location

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit is a type of DLC Apparel introduced in Starfield Shattered Space. Learn House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit's ID, location, and apparel stats below.

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit Location

Buy from the Va'ruun Depository at Dazra


This apparel can be bought from the Va'ruun Depository in the Dazra settlement. Dazra is located on Va'ruun'kai in the Kavnyk star system.

List of All Shops

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit ID

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit Apparel ID: 010847CD

Apparel ID 010847CD
Console Command player.additem 010847CD

On PC: To spawn the House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit, press the tilde (~) key to open console commands, then type the above code.

List of All Apparel IDs

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit Stats Overview

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit Apparel and Resistance Stats

PHYS 15 Corrosive 0
ENGY 5 Airborne 15
EM 15 Radiation 10
Thermal 0 -

Bonus Effects

Bonus Effects
・+5% chance of Research Sudden Developments

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit Basic Stats

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit Stats
Mass 1.30
Value 225
Apparel Item ID 010847CD

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House Veth'aal Lab Outfit

House Veth'aal Shielded Lab Outfit

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Teal Va'ruun Suit (Type 1)

Teal Va'ruun Suit (Type 2)

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