Starfield Shattered Space

Fang's Pack ID and Location

Fang's Pack is a type of DLC Pack introduced in Starfield Shattered Space. Learn Fang's Pack's ID, location, and armor stats below.

Fang's Pack Location

Looted from Maaliya in Fang's Armor

Maaliya Hajtal in Fang Armor

How to Get The Fang's Armor
ⓘ Complete the Legacy of the Fang side quest at Va'ruunk'ai. You must successfully persuade Farud Hajtal, Maaliya's father, at the end of the quest to repair the Broken Fang heirloom and give them to his daughter.
Legacy of the Fang can be started at the Tomb of the Fang located to the southwest of the Dazra settlement.
Va'ruunk'ai Interactive Map
Once you have successfully persuaded Farud, you will now have a random chance to meet Maaliya again using her heirloom Fang's armor and weapon when you visit a Va'ruun Camp point of interest anywhere outside of Dazra.
The Fang's Pack can be pickpocketed from her or looted from her body upon her death.

Legacy of the Fang Walkthrough

Rerolling the Chances of Meeting Maaliya

To reroll chances of spawning the unique encounter with Maaliya in Fang's armor on a Va'ruun Camp point of interest in Va'ruunk'ai, you can save your game first, then rest or sleep in-game for several hours before going to a Va'ruun Camp.

Resting or sleeping on Venus is recommended due to extreme time differences, which is 100 UT hours for every 1 hour on Venus.

Fang's Pack ID

Fang's Pack Armor ID: 0111BB99

Armor ID 0111BB99
Console Command player.additem 0111BB99

On PC: To spawn the Fang's Pack, press the tilde (~) key to open console commands, then type the above code.

List of All Armor IDs

Fang's Pack Stats Overview

Fang's Pack Armor and Resistance Stats

PHYS 72 Corrosive 10
ENGY 56 Airborne 20
EM 64 Radiation 0
Thermal 0 -

Bonus Effects

Bonus Effects
・Sturdy: -15% incoming melee damage.

Fang's Pack Basic Stats

Fang's Pack Stats
Mass 7.80
Value 6885
Armor Item ID 0111BB99

Fang's Pack Armor Mods

All Applicable Armor Mods

All mods for this type of armor can be installed as long as you have the required materials and research.

List of All Armor Mods

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Fang's Pack


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