Starfield Shattered Space Walkthrough Comments

Best Ship PartsComment

Showing 1-6 of 6 entries


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    6 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Took the words out of my mouth. My primary ship is a tank (due to lots of parts) but weighs a ton, slowing it down and making it unmaneuverable. Dropping a measly 100 shields and saving a whopping 70 mass is incredible. Not to mention that it recharges faster.

    5 Nutover 1 yearReport

    The best Shield is the 28T Defender. For 1500 capacity instead of 1600, its cheaper, has nearly half the mass, and a higher regen rate. And it's B class instead of C class, so you can get it earlier.

    4 Correction.over 1 yearReport

    The article clearly states level requirements. Learn to read kid.

    3 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Evidently, you need to look closer at the article. It is mentioned several times that the more powerful modules are locked to a certain level. While the exact level isn’t reported, the writer does say to level up your character of a certain module isn’t available.

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    such as?

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Very little of this is correct. Available ship parts are dependent upon character level. This is a low level part list, and even then it ignores parts available directly from the different ship manufacturers. Low effort "journalistic" trash. Definitely let this writer go.

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