Starfield Shattered Space

How to Persuade Emin Macar

You will be prompted to persuade Emin Macar to gain access to the Secure Storage during the Distilling Confidence quest. Learn about all the available choices, the consequences of each choice, and which choice is best!

All Persuade Emin Macar Choices and Consequences

Persuasion Choices and Consequences

Choice Consequences
[Persuade] You've got some cargo that was impounded. I need access to it. Emin may not immediately let you in so easily and initiate the persuasion prompts.
No, I don't need anything. The dialogue will end and Emin will not open the storage for you.
How often does UC Security clear out the impound storage? Unconfirmed
Why is this area locked off? Emin will simply explain why the area is locked.

You will have a higher success rate of persuading Emin if your background is Diplomat, Industrialist, Sculptor, or Space Scoundrel. They have a Persuasion Skill unlocked at the start of the game.

You only have three chances to fill up the Persuasion Meter and convince Emin to hand over the data. Also, note that the choices given are random, but it will have at least one green, one yellow, and one red on each part of the persuasion process.

You can reload a save near this part, so you can try again if you fail.

Persuasion Guide - How to Build Persuasion Meter

All Green Choices

& Points
Green Line +1
There must be some way we can both win here.
Green Line +1
There's no reason for us to have a problem, is there?
Green Line +1
I'm sure we can work something out.
Green Line +1
You know, I really think I left the oven on two star systems over. You think relative time means my house has burned down by now?
Green Line +2
What's the harm if you help me?

It's better to avoid being aggressive here to succeed in persuading Emin. You can choose the green options and play it safe until he gives in. They add lower points on the persuasion meter, but they will have more chances of succeeding.

All Yellow Choices

& Points
Yellow Line+3
You can't just have anyone going through. I get it. Must be hard for you to say no all the time.
Yellow Line+3
I understand. You can't let everyone through. Rules are rules.

Yellow options branch out more depending on the result of your choice but will yield more persuasion points if successful. Try to choose the green one if you're close to failing to have a higher chance of succeeding!

All Red Choices

& Points
Red Line+5
Don't stand in my way. You won't like where it goes.
Red Line+6
I'm being nice by asking first. I'm getting in there one way or another.

Red choices are the most difficult to succeed, but you can persuade Emin in one turn if you're successful. You can choose the red one in your first turn and test your luck, but try to pick a yellow or a green one if you fail to increase your chances of succeeding.

Should You Persuade Emin Macar?

Persuade Emin to Finish Quest Faster

During the Distilling Confidence side quest that you receive from Nyssa Marcano, you will be asked to gain access to a Secure Storage. Upon arriving at the location, Emin Macar will be standing guard in front of the storage.

Persuading Emin will lead to him open the Secure Storage for you right away, saving you time from possibly having to pick the locks or fighting your way in. Additionally, Lawful Companions like Sarah Morgan will like it if you persuade Emin.

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