Starfield Shattered Space

Magnetic Rails - How to Get and Effects

The Magnetic Rails is a type of Barrel weapon mod in Starfield. Read on to learn how to get Magnetic Rails, its compatible weapons, and the effects of the Magnetic Rails.

How to Get Magnetic Rails

Research and Craft With Materials

Required Research Barrel Mods 2

The Magnetic Rails can be crafted at Weapon Workbenches once you research Barrel Mods 2 and use the following materials:

Cobalt x2 Lubricant x1 Supercooled Magnet x1

Magnetic Rails Compatible Weapons

List of Compatible Weapons
Starfield -  Avatar
Starfield -  Magshear
Starfield -  Magshot
Starfield -  Magsniper
Starfield -  Mindtear
Starfield -  The Mutineer
The Mutineer
Starfield -  Trickshot

List of All Weapons

Magnetic Rails Effects

Magnetic Rails Effects and Description

Magnetic Rails Description
Increases the Rate of Fire and Damage at the cost of Aim Down Sights speed.
Damage Mag Fire Rate Accuracy
Range Mass Value

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Weapon Mods Partial

List of All Weapon Mods

All Weapon Mod Types

All Weapon Mod Types
Barrels Covers Grips & Stocks
Internals Lasers Mags & Batteries
Muzzles Optics Receivers

All Barrel Mods

Long Barrel Standard Barrel Stabilizing Barrel Short Barrel
Magnetic Rails Tech Barrel Fluted Barrel Bull Barrel
Extended Barrel


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