Starfield Shattered Space

Aurora - How to Get and Stats Overview

The Aurora is an Aid item in Starfield. Read on to learn how to get Aurora, how to use, its stats, and its effects.

How to Get Aurora

Purchase at The Astral Lounge

Starfield - Astral Lounge Bartender

You can buy Aurora from the bartender located inside the Astral Lounge club in Neon City. You can find him at the far end of the club, where he will offer to let you try the infamous contraband.

Neon City Map, Shops, and Location Guide

Purchase at Euphorika

Starfield - Aurora Euphorika Member Lounge

You can also buy Aurora from the Member's Lounge of Euphorika. However, you'll need to pay 5,000 credits for the Euphorika Lounge Pass to access it.

Euphorika Location and Shop Guide

Craft at a Pharmaceutical Lab

Starfield - Pharmaceutical Lab
Aurora can be crafted at any Pharmaceutical Lab as long as you have the recipe for it. To get the recipe, finish the Loose End quest and proceed to work shifts at the Xenofresh Lab where you'll be paid to make the contraband. After working for 3 shifts, you'll be able to receive the recipe for Aurora.

Loose Ends Rewards and How to Unlock

Where to find Chasmbass Oil

Starfield - Chasmbass Oil
Arguably, the most difficult ingredient to get when crafting Aurora is the Chasmbass Oil. To obtain one, you must hunt some Chasmbass, which you can find swimming in the sea underneath the Xenofresh Lab.

Note that you can't use your weapons while swimming, so you either need to snipe them from above or use your booster pack to shoot in the air.

How to Smuggle and Sell Aurora

Ways to Get Aid Items

Get Past the Guards at Neon City Spaceport

Starfield - Getting Pass Guards in Neon
The guards at the Neon City Spaceport will prevent you from leaving Neon while carrying Aurora. If you pass by them, they will instantly detect the contraband and place a bounty on your head.

To avoid getting detected by the guards, head to the Ebbside and go up the stairs that will take you to the top of the city. From there, proceed to the side where you can see the spaceport, then use your booster pack to get down to your ship safely.

Attach a Shielded Cargo Ship Module

Starfield - Shielded Cargo Module
Another hurdle to smuggling Aurora is to prevent contraband scanners from picking it up whenever you try to enter a new planet. One of the most effective ways to do so is to install a Shielded Cargo Ship Module.

You can install one at the Red Mile, which is found on the planet Porrima III, or at the Crimson Fleet's base, also known as The Key.

Sell on Any Trade Authority Shop

Starfield - Selling at Trade Authority
The best place to make some good bucks with your Aurora is to sell them at any Trade Authority shop. They always welcome any sort of item you want to sell, which includes contraband.

Aurora Overview

Aurora Value, Mass, and Effect

Aurora Overview
Starfield - Aurora Type Aid
Value 760
Mass 0.1
Item ID 002C5884
Effects • Slows time by 40% for 10s

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