Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Zamite Locations and Material Drops

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Monster Hunter Rise - Zamite.png

This page is about the Zamite, a small monster found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here for Zamite location, weaknesses, drops, carves, and more.

Zamite Basic Information

small monster Zamite icon.png
Type Amphibian
Official Description
Juvenile Zamtrios that use their sharp teeth to pierce the hide of their prey and burrow inside to consume them from within; those who are attacked must roll around vigorously to shake the monster off. They can also use a Wirebug or kunai to help them get free. Zamite grow rapidly after a single feeding.

Known Habitat

Map Visited Areas
Frost Islands.pngFrost Islands 4 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11

Zamtrios Return Possible

Monster Hunter Rise - Zamtrios Return Possible.png

It is quite possible that Capcom will announce the return of Zamite's adult form, the inflatable shark Zamtrios. The presence of Zamite in MH Rise could be an indication of its return. We could prabably witness this in the Sunbreak expansion this Summer of 2022.

Update Roadmap & Schedule

Zamite Materials and Drops

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Supple Piel IconSupple Piel 35%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Sharqskin Scale IconSharqskin Scale 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Crushing Fang IconCrushing Fang 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Guts IconMonster Guts 15%
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Meaty Hide+ IconMeaty Hide+ 40%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Sharqskin Scale IconSharqskin Scale 30%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Acute Fang IconAcute Fang 17%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Guts IconMonster Guts 13%
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Meaty Hide IconMeaty Hide 38%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Sharqskin Scale IconSharqskin Scale 27%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Guts IconMonster Guts 23%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Sharp Fang IconSharp Fang 12%

Zamite Quest Appearances

Low Rank
High Rank
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Hub Quest ★1 Hot Topic Hooligans
No Quest in This Rank

Zamite Locations

Zamite in Frost Islands

Frost Islands
Outbreak of Zamite 4 / 7 / 8 / 20 / 11 / 12
Outbreak of Baggi 4 / 8 / 11
Outbreak of Gajau 4 / 8 / 11
Normal Quest 4 / 8 / 11

Look out for Zamite Outbreaks!

From our testing, Zamite are easier to farm on Expeditions with Zamite Outbreaks in the Frost Islands. During these conditions, Zamite appears on more area!

Grown Up Zamite Has Twice the Carve

Zamite grows bigger when you allow them to suck blood from you. Afterwards, you can kill them and carve them twice instead of once. If you're looking to maximize getting Zamite materials, let them attack you, kill them, then carve away!

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Small Monsters Partial Banner
List of Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Boggi IconBoggi MH Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Partial BannerCeanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat Partial BannerGowngoat MH Rise Sunbreak - Hermitaur Partial BannerHermitaur
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hornetaur Partial BannerHornetaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyrantula Partial BannerPyrantula MH Rise Sunbreak - Vespoid Partial BannerVespoid MH Rise Sunbreak - Velociprey Partial BannerVelociprey

List of Sunbreak Small Monsters

Small Monsters

Small Monsters
Altaroth Icon.pngAltaroth Anteka Icon.pngAnteka Baggi Icon.pngBaggi Bnahabra Icon.pngBnahabra
Bombadgy Icon.pngBombadgy Bullfango Icon.pngBullfango Delex Icon.pngDelex Felyne Icon.pngFelyne
Gajau Icon.pngGajau Gargwa Icon.pngGargwa Izuchi Icon.pngIzuchi Jaggi Icon.pngJaggi
Jaggia Icon.pngJaggia Jagras Icon.pngJagras Kelbi Icon.pngKelbi Kestodon Icon.pngKestodon
Ludroth Icon.pngLudroth Melynx Icon.pngMelynx Popo Icon.pngPopo Rachnoid Icon.pngRachnoid
Remobra Icon.pngRemobra Rhenoplos Icon.pngRhenoplos Slagtoth Icon.pngSlagtoth Uroktor Icon.pngUroktor
Wroggi Icon.pngWroggi Zamite Icon.pngZamite


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