Starfield Shattered Space

Pirate Flayer Drops and Stats Overview

The Pirate Flayer is a type of enemy in Starfield. Read on for a stats overview of the Pirate Flayer and their drops.

Pirate Flayer Overview

Pirate Flayer Type, XP, and Item ID

Pirate Flayer Overview
Starfield - Pirate Flayer
Level and XP Gained Lvl. 74 | 115 XP
Type Human
Item ID 0012D030

Pirate Flayer Drops

Weapon, Armor, and Item Drops

All Pirate Flayer Enemy Drops
Pirate Survival Pack
Pirate Raiding Pack
Pirate Assault Space Helmet
Pirate Assault Spacesuit
Pirate Sniper Spacesuit
Pirate Sniper Space Helmet

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Enemies

List of All Enemies

All Enemies

List of Enemies
Albino Terrormorph Alpha Ashta Alpha Terrormorph
Ashta Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Captain
Burrowing Terrormorph Cloaked Terrormorph Controller Terrormorph
Crimson Fleet Captain Crimson Fleet Corsair Crimson Fleet Crew
Crimson Fleet Marauder Crimson Fleet Pilot Crimson Fleet Pirate
Crimson Fleet Robot Model A Crimson Fleet Robot Model S Crimson Fleet Rook
Crimson Fleet Rover Diseased Terrormorph Ecliptic
Ecliptic Agent Ecliptic Commandant Ecliptic Contractor
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Ecliptic Robot Model A Ecliptic Robot Model S Ecliptic Specialist
Ecliptic Warmonger Hacked Tick Turret MK I Juvenile Grylloba Hunter
Mining Turret MK I Mossgnath Pirate
Pirate Brigand Pirate Captain Pirate Corsair
Pirate Cutthroat Pirate Flayer Pirate Freebooter
Pirate Leader Pirate Legend Pirate Marauder
Pirate Plunderer Pirate Reaver Pirate Rover
Robot Model S Slayton Security Spacer
Spacer Beast Spacer Captain Spacer Myth
Spacer Predator Spacer Punk Spacer Savage
Spacer Scum Spacer Titan Spacer Troublemaker
Spacer Vulture Spaceroach Terrormorph
Terrormorph Anomaly Terrormorph Thrall Tuskfrog Grazer Turret MK I
Turrets Va'ruun Robot Model A Va'ruun Robot Model S
Va'ruun Zealot


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