Starfield Shattered Space

Bandages - How to Get and Stats Overview

The Bandages is an Aid item in Starfield. Read on to learn how to get Bandages, how to use, its stats, and its effects.

How to Get Bandages

Buy From Shops

Shop Location Planet
CJ's New Atlantis Jemison
MedBay The Well Jemison
Sieghart's Outfitters Neon Volii Alpha
Newill's Goods Neon Volii Alpha
Sati Chandra Red Mile Porrima III
Trade Authority The Well Jemison
Trade Authority Akila City Akila
Clinic New Homestead Titan
New Homestead Store New Homestead Titan
Pauline Keala's Hospital Gagarin Landing Gagarin

Bandages can be acquired from the above shops. Please note there is still some element of randomness as to what the vendor has in stock at any given time.

How to Restock Vendors

Craft at a Pharmaceutical Lab

Starfield - Pharmaceutical Lab

You can craft Bandages at Pharmaceutical Labs without any research as long as you have the necessary ingredients to make it.

Crafting Ingredients Fiber x1
Sealant x1

Crafting Guide: How to Craft

How to Use

Treat Contusions, Lacerations, and Puncture Wounds

Starfield - Red BandageRed Bandage Status Afflictions:
Contusions, Lacerations, Puncture Wounds

Bandages treat contusions, lacerations, and puncture wounds These afflictions are caused by taking hits from enemies and suffering fall damage.

You can check to see if you have this status affliction by looking for a Red Bandage icon under Status Effects in the menu.

How to Cure All Status Afflictions and Effects

Bandages Overview

Bandages Value, Mass, and Effect

Bandages Overview
Starfield - Bandages Type Aid
Value 40
Mass 0.1
Item ID 002F4459
Effects • Treats Contusions, Lacerations, and Puncture Wounds

Starfield Related Guides


List of All Items

List of All Items

List of All Item Types
Contraband Aid Food and Drink
Ammo - -

List of All Aid and Recovery Items

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Starfield - Antibiotic PasteAntibiotic Paste Starfield - AntibioticsAntibiotics Starfield - AuroraAurora Starfield - BandagesBandages
Starfield - BattlestimBattlestim Starfield - BattleUpBattleUp Starfield - Black Hole HeartBlack Hole Heart Starfield - Boosted InjectorBoosted Injector
Starfield - BoudiccaBoudicca Starfield - CQB-XCQB-X Starfield - Dwarf Star HeartDwarf Star Heart Starfield - Emergency KitEmergency Kit
Starfield - FrostwolfFrostwolf Starfield - Giant HeartGiant Heart Starfield - Heal GelHeal Gel Starfield - Heal PasteHeal Paste
Starfield - Heart+Heart+ Starfield - HippolytaHippolyta Starfield - Hypergiant HeartHypergiant Heart Starfield - ImmobilizerImmobilizer
Starfield - Infantry AlphaInfantry Alpha Starfield - Infused BandagesInfused Bandages Starfield - InjectorInjector Starfield - Junk FlushJunk Flush
Starfield - Med PackMed Pack Starfield - NeurajackNeurajack Starfield - O2 ShotO2 Shot Starfield - PanaceaPanacea
Starfield - PanopticonPanopticon Starfield - ParamourParamour Starfield - Penicillin XPenicillin X Starfield - Pick-Me-UpPick-Me-Up
Starfield - ReconstimReconstim Starfield - Red TrenchRed Trench Starfield - RedAMPRedAMP Starfield - Repairing ImmobilizerRepairing Immobilizer
Starfield - S.T.E.V.E.S.T.E.V.E. Starfield - Snake OilSnake Oil Starfield - SquallSquall Starfield - Subgiant HeartSubgiant Heart
Starfield - Supermassive Black HeartSupermassive Black Heart Starfield - Synapse AlphaSynapse Alpha Starfield - Trauma PackTrauma Pack Starfield - Unprocessed AuroraUnprocessed Aurora
Starfield - WhiteoutWhiteout Starfield - Zipper BandagesZipper Bandages


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