Starfield Shattered Space Walkthrough Comments

Eye of the Storm Bug Fixes and WalkthroughComment

Showing 1-12 of 12 entries


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    12 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I am the same. I have reloaded the game several times. I cannot get the ComSpike and whatever else has to be added to the ship. Just have a permanent blue dialogue box above Jazz and I've spoken to her dozens of times.

    11 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Can’t board legacy still after nov 20 patch I’m done with Starfield it’s frustrating that you can’t finish quest lines due to bugs in the game

    10 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    It took over a decade to make n still more bugs than a sewer in the summer

    9 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I’m the same. No matter what I do I can’t install the ComSpike etc. does anyone have a fix for this?

    8 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I can’t get past Jasmine Durand. I’ve spoken with her but quest icon stays on her head. About all I can do now is survey. I can’t do pirate bounty quests or bounty quests. Everything else is either bugged or needs … oh well

    7 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    It is definitely bugged for me! I cannot turn in the quest because Briggs’ door is locked.

    6 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    the bug fix manipulating andrea works

    5 Kurtover 1 yearReport


    4 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Solved the “speak with Delgado” issue. It seems like he’s supposed to be in a conversation with Jasmine, but she was in her booth downstairs for me. I went to her and it initiated the conversation

    3 Tysonlkmover 1 yearReport

    I did tested it and its seems to work (You have to safe prior to touching the switch then try first if data core don't load just Alt=F4 to force close the game and reload the game did tested once and it work

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Getting this bug. No amount of reloading fixes this.

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Ran into this bug and have re loaded multiple times still isn’t working hopefully this gets fixed soon

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