
Where to Get 12.5MM ST Rivet Ammo

The 12.5MM ST Rivet is a type of Ammo in Starfield. Read on to learn where to get 12.5MM ST Rivet ammo and what guns use it.

Where to Get 12.5MM ST Rivet Ammo

Buy From Shops

Shop Location Planet
Centaurion Arsenal New Atlantis Jemison
Mining League Neon Volii Alpha

12.5MM ST Rivet can be acquired from the above shops. Please note there is still some element of randomness as to what the vendor has in stock at any given time.

How to Restock Vendors

How to Use 12.5MM ST Rivet Ammo

Weapons That Use 12.5MM ST Rivet Ammo

Associated Weapons
Starfield - Auto-Rivet

(Heavy Weapon)

Starfield Related Guides


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List of All Ammo

.27 Caliber .43 MI Array .43 Ultramag .45 Caliber ACP
.50 Caliber Caseless .50 MI Array 1.5KV LZR Cartridges 11MM Caseless
12.5MM ST Rivet 12G Shotgun Shell 15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell 3KV LZR Cartridge
40MM XPL 6.5MM CT 6.5MM MI Array 7.5MM Whitehot
7.62x39MM 7.77MM Caseless 9x39MM Caseless Shotgun Shell
Heavy Particle Fuse Light Particle Fuse


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