Starfield Shattered Space Walkthrough Comments

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Showing 1-20 of 120 entries


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    120 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Another glitch in star field that I found was when you start the power from beyond quest, it causes all of your crew members that are apart of constellation to disappear from the crew roster. Really bad bug that ruins the story of the game.

    119 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Resources are moving or missing from active outposts. Bugged to 11/25. I've had Aluminum and He-3 Either move or disappear from the outpost altogether. I've moved the Inire Outpost with both inter-system and Local system (same moon) transport pads. I just got everything up and running and they moved again!! I went back to the outpost on the same planet, that I thought was functioning properly, only to find that that outpost had a gold vein move!! What a waist of time!! @#%@%^!!

    118 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I’ve just got to Delgado to kill him . I start talking to him and Sarah pops up she stops talking and I can’t talk back. And nothing happens

    117 BLACK HAIKUover 1 yearReport

    Glitch on mission Search and Seizure. The end of the quest has the contraband underground, underneath a ship named UC Rambler.

    116 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    same here. Went back to a previous save to remain boyfriend/girlfriend

    115 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I am level 80 on NG+ and am experiencing the same bug when trying to get to the first temple quest. No temple, no scanner anomaly. Interestingly, if I walk around the area next to the solar panel farm (or whatever it is), a message pops up indicating that I found the anomaly and awards me 20 points! But no temple, no anomaly... and wasted 8 days of play if this doesn't get fixed.

    114 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Lost all my saves again for a second time after 5 days worth of play time, Again hours after finding unusual sos quest, even reloaded an earlier save after finding it again but crashed in neon shortly after again and all saves gone. I am finally done with the broken game. I recommend to anyone do not explore planets or risk bumping into that broken quest at own perrel, I believe, unusual sos quest then going to neon is a likely cause or perhaps its 6 days of play before new gaming.

    113 Lennartover 1 yearReport

    Contine from my last post number 112: I am now lvl 47 on my character and have also tried to start a new character but it is not very fun to continue playing and then suffer the same thing again.

    112 Lennartover 1 yearReport

    The quest all the money can buy is still trashed. I have now tried to do this quest four times since I got there the first time in the story. I've gone back into my saves but it hasn't worked and I've continued playing and that hasn't worked either. Same thing all the time, stuck when the quest is over and after I get my reward. I have no desire to use command and move on as I want my achievements. Getting really tired of this now and yes I have updated the game. I even reinstalled it to get a f

    111 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    The shield bug health need to be resolved ASAP, it renders useless the shield skill. happens if you load a game on space, if you lvl a skill while on your ship or when stealing a ship.

    110 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Two bugs: SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITIES: I lurk where they cannot see me and wait and wait and they never talk for me to eavesdrop. Cannot complete. ALTERNATING CURRENTS: did not complete the second part when I started it. Ran other missions and now every switch needs a computer to use it. Cannot complete.

    109 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Got a game killer for you. I’m 6 days of gameplay in and I have no idea when the bug came up. All my save files are affected the same on the Xbox SX. The lingering glitch is I stole the Dumas Ship in Sam’s story. Kept it and it’s my home ship. No many hours later. I finish a kill mission and back on the ship. My ships Space Port leads to The Den. My ships normal exit for the planet I’m currently on. When I take off from this planet my ship splits in 2, or becomes a skeleton ship. All files gone

    108 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Every time I use lock in the simulator my lock is randomly broken and it resets my subsystem settings differently. I can’t get past level four because while trying to reset my subsystems, ships are taking my subsystems down. It has even removed my weapons altogether. I’ve noticed that this translates into other ship battles outside of the simulator, and occasionally the game crashes on me while in the simulator. Running Xbox version.

    107 Gregover 1 yearReport

    I was doing the war relics mission and Kaiser the Robot will not move. No matter what ive done, reloaded it 10 times, went back and restarted the mission all of it he gets to a point where hes walking and wont move, killed all the creatures even scanned. But to no doubt all kaiser will do is stare at u. Making the mission impossible to beat.

    106 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Just be sure to reload your previous save the moment you get "Inaccessible" bug which prevents you to board your own ship. You can still fly it if you move directly to the cockpit from the landing bay. You can try to fix it by changing the ship landing bay or using unlock command but the crew will still stuck on that ship and wont move to other ship that you owned if you set other ship as home ship. Which also brick certain side and main quest since npcs can't get in and out of the ship.

    105 Tapping the gridover 1 yearReport

    I can't use the switches in the junction boxes because it says I need a computer to unlock them. I have no clue how to fix this bug on Xbox. If anyone can help me I appreciate it!!!!

    104 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Just lost hours of loot to vanishing storage crates at my outpost. Ik ng+ is a thing, but I wanted to sell that loot!

    103 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    den inaccessible, fast travel location is 1000s of KM from actual den location. you cant just fly to den either as it will teleport to a different location after 5 km distance

    102 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Into the unknow is broken still aswell after last "hotfix" the distortion doesnt appear and the temple doesn't spawn so the game is totally unplayable and cant be progressed.

    101 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Same guy, but continued. When I try to interact with something it will just freeze for a moment (as in I can’t move or turn my camera) and then nothing will happen. It’s also worth mentioning that the only thing I can do while seeing pilot seat options is get up and exit ship. Taking off does nothing except occasionally crash my game. If I fast travel somewhere from within my ship it will occasionally crash my game, or make me unable to move, and sometimes unable to move my camera. Please help.

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