Starfield Shattered Space

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b Planet Location and 100% Survey Guide

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b is a Moon you can visit and explore in Starfield. Read on to learn where Zeta Ophiuchi V-b is, how to survey Zeta Ophiuchi V-b 100%, and Zeta Ophiuchi V-b flora, fauna, resources, cities, points of interests, traits and stats.

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b Location

Found in the Zeta Ophiuchi System

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b can be found in the Zeta Ophiuchi star system. Use your grav drive to warp to this system using the indicated path.

Zeta Ophiuchi Star System Location

2nd Moon of Zeta Ophiuchi V

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b can be found as the 2nd Moon of Zeta Ophiuchi V in the Zeta Ophiuchi system.

How to 100% Survey Zeta Ophiuchi V-b

100% Survey Checklist
Flora 0
Fauna 0
Resources 3
Planet Traits 1

Tips for Getting 100% Survey Score

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b List of Flora

There are no Flora on this planet

List of All Flora and Plants

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b List of Fauna

There are no Fauna on this planet

List of All Fauna and Alien Creatures

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b List of Resources

List of Planet Resources
Copper Fluorine Water

List of All Resources and Materials

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b Cities and Points of Interest

Where to Go in Zeta Ophiuchi V-b

There are no Cities and Points of Interest on this planet

All Cities and Points of Interest

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b Planet Traits

How to Get All Zeta Ophiuchi V-b Planet Traits

Trait How to Get
Starfield - Gaseous FontGaseous Font TBA

Find Planet Traits with Your Scanner

When you're on the surface of a planet, press F on keyboard or LB on Xbox to open your scanner. With this scanner, you will be able to spot Unknown locations in the distance. Head toward these Unknown locations and look for geographical structures you can scan.

If there are no Unknown locations, you may have to run further into the planet or find a new landing spot, keeping a watchful eye with your scanner.

All Planetary Traits

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b Stats and Overview

Zeta Ophiuchi V-b Overview

Moon of Zeta Ophiuchi V
System Zeta Ophiuchi Atmosphere None
Type Ice Magnetosphere None
Gravity 0.14 Fauna None (0)
Temp Type Deep Freeze Flora None (0)
Actual Temp TBA Water Chemical

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