Starfield Shattered Space Walkthrough Comments

Runaway Bug Fixes and WalkthroughComment

Showing 1-12 of 12 entries


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    12 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    This quest it still broken over a year later. Door is inaccessible, STILL.

    11 Becker SWE on Xbox10 monthsReport

    1. Tried not to speak, go 3rd LVL, back & speak to Minerva, 3rd LVL. Result: Did not work. 2. Speak to Minerva. 3rd LVL. Back to Minerva. 3rd LVL. Result: Did not work. 3. Rent room for 1 day. Sleep in hotel room bed. 3rd LVL. Speak to Minerva. 3rd LVL. Result: Did not work. 4. Have another quest active. Result: Did not work. 5. Here's my solution: BETHESDA! MAKE YOUR QUESTS DOABLE! So from now on I'll skip this stupid crap. Maybe I'll try it in New Game+ (hardly unlikely). /DBB

    10 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Only thing that worked for me was talking to Minerva when another quest was active

    9 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    worked for me. the door doesnt even say anything if you go straight up, im guessing since its the first time most players are going to the 3rd floor the door just isnt updating completely. definitely try 3rd floor, rent room, sleep an hour or 2, go down and ask about quest, go to 3rd floor.

    8 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    So, today.. 16th October 2023, i had this bug. I literally rented a room for a week, slept in bed in room 4x lol. Sam wad happy lol lol, spoke to her about everything but the quest, hard saved, didnt load it but went back to her to do quest then it actually worked lol

    7 Anonymousover 1 yearReport


    6 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Doesnt work for me. Autosaves are all after speaking to Minerva. Earliest manual save is 3 days prior. Guess I should quicksave more often.

    5 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    this worked for me

    4 Mattover 1 yearReport

    Before speaking to the hotel owner, I made a manual save (not quicksave) outside the hotel, reloaded the save and got a notice the mission had updated, talked to the hotel owner, went up to third floor and the door could be opened.

    3 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I went to the third floor, then rented the room on the second floor, slept an hour, then talked to Minerva, and the third floor room opened then.

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Yep, am in same boat with autosaves. Transitioned between lifts/floors a few times trying to find a way in

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    My auto saves are from after I spoke to her...

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