Starfield Walkthrough Comments


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    5 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    You can also loot it off the dead Captain of the Lagacy

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Wanted trait will give you a apeech choice that will lead to the same outcome as the persuade option.

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Found 1 that spawns in the mission Rook Meets King, board the Ragana and it's on Dmitri.

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Found 1 that spawns in the mission Rook Meets King, board the Ragana and speak to Dmitri. You must either attack the crew or persuade them to kill Austin Rake. If you Persuade then Austin will talk to Dmitri and kill him then attack you. The outfit can then be looted off of Dmitri's corpse. Have yet to find any other location where the outfit spawns. (P.s. I don't know if lvl affects it spawn but was lvl 25 during the quest.)

    1 Stoned10 monthsReport

    Does anyone know what store has the ship captains outfit?

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