Starfield Walkthrough Comments


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    5 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Can be purchased from Lieutenant Gualter Azavedo at the Red Devils base during/after Hostile Intelligence quest.

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Another one can be fount at Neon. Video loc:

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Confirmed! Found it!

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    UC Navy fatigues along with UC Navy recon fatigues can both be purchased from the TDM headquarters on Mars, simply speak to the UC officer stood near Percival

    1 Sami10 monthsReport

    The UC Navy Fatigues can be found in the Sakharov system on the Eklund excavation site CL25 next to the planet Bonner. Once inside of the site go left through the security doors. And once in again go left you will see a security area. In there is two lockers. In the first one at the bottom shelf you will find it.

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