Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Thunderblight Exploit Ramp-Up Skill Effects | Monster Hunter Rise

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This is a guide about Thunderblight Exploit Ramp-Up Skill in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on to learn Thunderblight Exploit's effects, its effect per level, and which weapons can use the Thunderblight Exploit Ramp-Up skill.

Other Rampage Guides
Rampage Guide: How to Get S-Rank Rampage Skills: Best Rampage Skills
How to Unlock Rampage Weapons What is the Rampage?

Thunderblight Exploit Effects

Effect by Level

Rampage Skill Effect
Thunderblight Exploit Increases damage to monsters afflicted with thunderblight.

Deal More Damage to Monsters with Thunderblight

If you have Thunderblight Exploit equipped, you are able to deal 10% more damage to monsters afflicted with thunderblight.

Status Boost, Abnormal Status,
and Elemental Blight Guide

Inflict Blight with Thunderbeetle or Wyvern Riding Attacks

To utilize Thunderblight Exploit's damage boost, your target must be affected with thunderblight. You can easily do this by flinging Thunderbeetles on monsters.

You can also inflict thunderblight with a monster's attacks while Wyvern Riding, provided that the monster can use thunder attacks.

Do note that thunderblight cannot be procced by weapons with the thunder element. You can only inflict blights on monsters through Beetles and from Wyvern Riding attacks.

Effective in Rampage Quests

Thunderblight Exploit can be handy in Rampage Quests thanks to the availability of Thunder Barrel Bombs during these hunts.

You can simply set up the bomb, inflict thunderblight on monsters, and unleash your attacks while they are blighted!

Rampage Quests Guide

Equipment with Thunderblight Exploit Ramp-Up Skills

Decorations with Thunderblight Exploit Ramp-Up Skill

MH Rise Sunbreak - Thunderblight Jewel 1 Rampage Decoration IconThunderblight Jewel 1

Melee Weapons with Thunderblight Exploit Ramp-Up Skill

Thunderblight Exploit Melee Weapon List

Great Sword Image Khezu Shock Sword I
Great Sword Image Khezu Shock Sword II
Long Sword Image Eager Cleaver I
Sword & Shield Image Khezu Razor I
Sword & Shield Image Khezu Razor II
Dual Blades Image Twin Chainsaws I
Lance Image Kadachi Lance I
Gunlance Image Full Voltage I
Gunlance Image Full Voltage II
Hammer Image Bag o' Horrors I
Hammer Image Bag o' Horrors II
Hunting Horn Image Khezu Horn I
Hunting Horn Image Khezu Horn II
Switch Axe Image Khezu Axe I
Switch Axe Image Khezu Axe II
Great Sword Image Khezu Shock Blade
Long Sword Image Eager Cleaver II
Long Sword Image Devil Slicer
Sword & Shield Image Painful Razor
Dual Blades Image Twin Chainsaws II
Dual Blades Image Guillotines
Lance Image Kadachi Lance II
Lance Image Shockspear
Gunlance Image High Volt Gunlance
Hammer Image Bag o' Thunder
Hunting Horn Image Khezu Flute
Switch Axe Image Khezu Cleaver
Charge Blade Image K. Captain's Blade I
Charge Blade Image K. Captain's Blade II
Charge Blade Image Die Walküre
Insect Glaive Image Bolt Chamber I
Insect Glaive Image Bolt Chamber II
Insect Glaive Image Full Bolt Chamber

Ranged Weapons with Thunderblight Exploit Ramp-Up Skill

Thunderblight Exploit Ranged Weapon List

Light Bowgun Image Khezu Syringe I
Light Bowgun Image Khezu Syringe II
Bow Image Khezu Bow I
Bow Image Khezu Bow II
Bow Image Arko Nulo Yellow I
Light Bowgun Image Khezu Syringe III
Light Bowgun Image Khezu Hypo
Bow Image Galvanized Core
Bow Image Arko Nulo Yellow II
Bow Image Arko Unu Yellow

Monster Hunter Rise Related Rampage Skills

MH Rise - Rampage Skills Partial Banner
Rampage Skills: Best Rampage Skills

Rampage Skills List

Related Rampage Skills
Affinity Boost Anti-Aerial Species Anti-Aquatic Species
Attack Boost Blast Boost Bloody Heart
Boost Equipped Coating Brutal Strike Buddy Rally
Chameleos Soul Charge Up Cluster Effect
Coating Switch Boost Defense Boost Defense Grinder
Demon Rage Dragon Boost Dragon Exploit
Dulling Strike Element Exploit Fanged Exploit
Fire Boost Fireblight Exploit Guard Bash
Hellion Mode Ibushi Soul Ice Boost
Iceblight Exploit Kinsect Level Boost Kinsect Supercharge
Kushala Daora Soul Lasting Arc Shot Magnamalo Soul
Master Rider Maximum Volume Narwa Soul
Normal Effect Paralysis Boost Paralysis Coating Boost
Phial Switch Boost Pierce Effect Poison Boost
Poison Coating Boost Self-Improvement Shrapnel Effect
Silkbind Boost Sleep Boost Sleep Coating Boost
Small Monster Exploit Spiribird Doubled Spread Effect
Sticky Effect Teostra Soul Thunder Boost
Thunderblight Exploit Valstrax Soul Water Boost
Waterblight Exploit Wirebug Wrangler Wyrmstake Boost
Wyvern Exploit


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