Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

How to Transfer Data for PlayStation, Xbox, and Game Pass

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MH Rise Sunbreak How to Transfer Data

If you have made progress on any of these existing platforms and are moving to a new one, you will want to check out how you can transfer your save data. Learn about why consider data transfers, how to transfer data, and which platforms you can transfer save data with.

Transfer Data from PS4 and PS5

Moving PS4 Save Data to the PS5

MH Rise Save Data Transfers

Before you can get Monster Hunter Rise on your PS5 to recognize your PS4 save data, you can manually transfer save data by connecting both consoles to the same network.

Note that no transfers can be made from the PS4 to another console other than the PS5.

Check out the step-by-step table below on transferring PS4 saves to PS5 according to the PlayStation website.

Step Instruction
1 Sign in on your PS5 console.
Make sure that your console's system software is updated to the latest version.
2 Sync your MH Rise Trophies through the Options button with Sync with PlayStation Network.
3 Connect your PS4 and PS5 on the same network. You can refer to the diagram on the PlayStation website for the connections made between consoles.
4 Make sure both of your PS4 and PS5 are on.
On your PS5 console, head over to Settings → System → System Software → Data Transfer → Continue.
5 Select the PS4 you are preparing for a data transfer.
6 When the Prepare for Data Transfer prompt appears, press and hold the power button of your PS4 up to a second until you hear a beep sound.
7 On your PS5, select the data you wish to transfer from your PS4. The transfer will begin once you have chosen your data.
8 During data transfer, your PS5 will automatically restart. You can start using your PS5 as soon as the restart is done.

PS5 Recognizing PS4 Save Data

MH Rise PS5 Perform PS4 Data Transfer

Once you have moved your save data onto the PS5 according to the above instructions, data transfer will be straightforward. Your game should now be able to recognize the moved save data.

Step Instruction
1 Start up Monster Hunter Rise. The game will ask you to perform a data transfer.
2 Confirm the transfer. All of your progress along with the trophies you collected will now be available to play wtih on the PS5.
3 Verify if everything has been properly transferred by playing the game!

If you run into any problems regarding your save transfer such as the PS4 save not being recognized, recheck the steps in the previous section in moving PS4 Data to PS5.

Should there still be issues after doing rechecks, please try and contact PlayStation Support!

Save Data Transfer Between Xbox Platforms

MH Rise Bliss

Everything is Saved Online

Fortunately for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox Game Pass players, all save data is cloud-based and tied to your Xbox account.

While they all can share data with each other, they cannot transfer saves to PlayStation, Steam, and the Nintendo Switch versions of the game.

To be sure that you have the latest save data in Monster Hunter Rise, make sure that your Xbox platform connects to the network. The game will automatically update your save based on the latest data uploaded before your sign-off.

Why Transfer Save Data?

To Carry Over Progression

MH Rise Progression

Starting again from scratch when you have moved on to a new gaming platform can be tedious without cross progression.

That, considering also the increase in the ownership of different consoles from the same family, is why cross saves have been implemented recently with some games nowadays.

Not only does your in-game data get transfered, but so do achievements such as PlayStation trophies. That is a lot of time investment! Once achievements have been transferred, there is no need to fret over repeating your ordeals.

Cross Play and Cross Save Support

For Upgrades and Preservation

MH Rise Upgrades

Many people today still own a PS4 and may want to consider moving data onto PS5 when the previous generation phases out.

To add, perhaps there is much more demand for high-framerate and high resolution gameplay given that 4K support has also been advertised.

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