Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

PC vs Switch: Which is Better?

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This is a guide to all of the pros and cons of owning the game on the Nintendo Switch or the PC (Steam). Read on to learn if you should get the game on the PC vs Switch, which one is better for you, the differences between both platforms, and more.

PC vs Switch

PC vs Switch Summary

Feature Switch PC
Portability ✔︎ ✔︎
Hi-Res Graphics ✖︎ ✔︎
High Framerate ✖︎ ✔︎
Widescreen Support ✖︎ ✔︎
Better Aim w/ Ranged Weapons ✖︎ ✔︎
Online Co-Op ✔︎
(w/ Nintendo Switch Online)
PC Exclusive Photo Features ✖︎ ✔︎
(Includes 3 filters and 3 settings)
Amiibo Related Features ✔︎ ✖︎

Switch: Portability

MH Rise Sunbreak - Being chased by an Espinas in the Jungle
Wherever you go, you can always bring your Switch with you to play whenever you want. You can bring your Switch to a party and play with your friends, or you can play it in the car when you're in a long road-trip.

You can probably bring your PC with you, but it'll be a hassle to lug it around unless you own a Steamdeck, so the Switch wins this one!

PC: Higher FPS and Detail

MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno
In the Switch, the highest FPS you can achieve is 30 FPS while in the PC you can go beyond that. With the proper PC parts, you can run the game on High settings, or even mod it and make it even more

While the game's visual quality looks really well done in the Switch, the PC's assets look more high definition when it comes to detail.

PC: More Customizability

MH Rise Sunbreak - In-game UI while in a hunt is shown
If the game's UI or settings aren't doing it for you, you can simply install mods and change up the look of your game if you please.

There is no way to mod your game in the Switch without hacking it. It is not recommended to do so because you might get your account banned.

The PC is better when it comes to customizing your game, since you can change the UI to suit your needs better, while on the Switch you are stuck with what the game already has.

PC: Aiming with Ranged Weapons

MH Rise Sunbreak - Bow of Hearts Layered Armor
It's easier to aim with ranged weapons like Bow, Light Bowgun, and Heavy Bowgun using the PC than the Switch. You get more accuracy using the mouse and keyboard than motion controls or a joystick.

PC: Play for Free Online

MH Rise Sunbreak - Play with Other Hunters in Multiplayer
You can play with other players for free in the PC, as long as you bought the game and have internet connection. To play co-op with friends on the Switch, you need to subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online which costs $19.99 for an Individual Membership.

You get a better bargain in the PC since you only need the game to play with your friends, while you need a subscription to even play it on the Switch.
Sunbreak Co-op Multiplayer Guide

PC: More Photography Features

New Filters Feature for PC
You can take photos, selfies, and more for both the PC and the Switch, but there are filters and features only avaialble on the Switch. If you like taking photos, the Depth of Field, Blur, and Focus options may be a plus for you, so consider this when buying the game on your PC or Switch!

Which is Better: Switch or PC?

PC Has More Advantages

MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang

The PC is better in terms of getting the most out of your game purchase. You don't need to pay extra for an online subscription to play with friends, and the resolution and graphics are better since the PC is capable of more (depending on what you have) than the Switch.

All in all, it still depends on which is more accessible for you!

PC Exclusive Features

Camera Features

Although you can take pictures on both the PC and the Switch, there are some added features that can only be used on the PC!

PC Exclusive Camera Features
Depth of Field
Blur Range
Switch Filters
Black and White:
Japanese-Style & Warring Lands:

How to Take Pictures with the Camera: Photo Mode

Switch Exclusive Features

Sinister Seal Layered Armor

Male Appearance Female Appearance

Sinister Seal Layered Armor is exclusive to the Switch. The only way to get the Sinister Layered Armor is to buy the Magnamalo Amiibo.
All Amiibo and Amiibo Unlocks

Formal Dragon Layered Armor

Male Appearance Female Appearance

Formal Dragon Layered Armor is exclusive to the Switch. The only way to get the Sinister Layered Armor is to buy the Malzeno Amiibo.
All Sunbreak Amiibo and Amiibo Unlocks

Using the Amiibo for the Lottery

MH Rise Sunbreak - Regular Lottery
The Market offers an in-game lottery for players that they can access once a day per Amiibo. You can scan as much as three different Amiibos everyday.

Each Amiibo has its own unique jackpot prize when you scan them.

Jackpot Prize per Amiibo

Amiibo Jackpot
After Update 2.0
Before Update 2.0
Palico Amiibo Outfit Voucher.pngOutfit Voucher Lagniapple.pngLagniapple
Palamute Amiibo Mega Demondrug.pngMega Demondrug Mega Demondrug.pngMega Demondrug
Magnamalo Amiibo Heavy Armor Sphere.pngHeavy Armor Sphere Hard Armor Sphere.pngHard Armor Sphere

Possible Non-Jackpot Prizes per Amiibo

Amiibo Prizes
Palico Amiibo
Palamute Amiibo
Magnamalo Amiibo

List of All Lottery Prizes

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