Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Rath Medulla Location: How to Get and Uses | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Rath Medulla Banner

This is a farming guide for Rath Medulla, an item in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here for all Rath Medulla locations and drop sources, as well as Rath Medulla uses in equipment and decoration crafting.

Rath Medulla - Basic Information

Name Rath Medulla ImageRath Medulla
Description Only recently extractable due to advanced in carving techniques. Hard to forge.
Rarity 6 Type Monster Materials
Sell Price 4800 Hold Limit 99

Rath Medulla - How to Farm

High Rank Monster Rewards

Target Reward
Capture Reward
Broken Part Reward
Rathian ImageRathian (10%) Rathalos ImageRathalos (7%)
Rathalos ImageRathalos (30% (Back)) Apex Rathalos ImageApex Rathalos (30% (Back))
Apex Rathian ImageApex Rathian (8% (Tail)) Rathian ImageRathian (7% (Tail)) Apex Rathalos ImageApex Rathalos (7% (Tail), 5% (Body))
Rathalos ImageRathalos (5% (Body), 7% (Tail))

Master Rank Monster Rewards

Target Reward
Capture Reward
Broken Part Reward
Unobtainable as a Target Reward.
Rathian ImageRathian (10%) Rathalos ImageRathalos (7%)
Rathalos ImageRathalos (30% (Back))
Rathian ImageRathian (15% (Tail)) Apex Rathian ImageApex Rathian (15% (Tail)) Rathalos ImageRathalos (5% (Body))

Break Rathalos' Back

Monster Hunter Rise (Rathalos) - Insect Glaives against Rathalos

The best way to get Rath Medulla is to break Rathalos' back, as it gives you a 30% chance to get it after the quest. Focus on this part to maximize breaking.

Quests to Farm Rathalos Materials

You can take on the following quests to farm Rathalos though we highly suggest taking on the quest Red Skies at Night:

Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Event Quest ★6 Knight in Shattered Armor
Hub Quest ★6 Red Skies at Night
(Key Quest)
Event Quest ★7 A Good Old-Fashioned Rampage
Hub Quest ★7 Seared Situation
(Key Quest)
Hub Quest ★7 Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 5
Hub Quest ★7 Advanced: Proof of Power

How to Beat Rathalos: Weakness and Material Drops

Rath Medulla - How to Use

Effect Summary
Used for forging and upgrading.

Used to Craft Decorations

MH Rise - Charger Jewel 2Charger Jewel 2 (×2)

Decoration List: How to Unlock Decorations

Used to Craft Weapons

Bow Image Prominence Bow I (×1) Gunlance Image Red Rook I (×1)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Switch Axe Image Ash Drache II (×1) Hammer Image Red Bludgeon II (×1)
Long Sword Image Kamura's Inheritance (×2) Hunting Horn Image Araknahorn (×2)
Bow Image Tigrex Whisker (×1) Bow Image Arko Nulo Black II (×1)
Gunlance Image General's Arbalance II (×1) Sword & Shield Image Princess Rapier II (×1)
Sword & Shield Image Blazing Falchion (×1) Gunlance Image Cornpopper II (×1)
Hammer Image Deadeye Revolver (×1) Heavy Bowgun Image Felyne Bowgun II (×1)
Gunlance Image Fiore Nulo Black II (×1) Switch Axe Image Hellish Edge (×2)
Gunlance Image Imperial Guardlance+ (×1) Light Bowgun Image Jaeger Prime (×1)
Switch Axe Image Rath Flamesplitter III (×1) Sword & Shield Image Secta Nulo Black II (×1)
Light Bowgun Image Valkyrie Blaze (×2) Long Sword Image Wyvern Blade Blood II (×1)
Dual Blades Image Infernal Furies (×1) Heavy Bowgun Image Tigrex Howl II (×1)

Used to Craft Armor and Buddy Equipment

Torso Image Rathalos Mail X (×1) Arms Image Rathian Braces X (×1)
Arms Image Rathian Braces S (×1) Torso Image Rathalos Mail S (×1)

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Items Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

Related Rathian/Rathalos Materials

Other Related Items
MH Rise Apex Blaze Sac IconApex Blaze Sac MH Rise Apex Venom Spike IconApex Venom Spike MH Rise Rath Marrow IconRath Marrow MH Rise Rath Medulla IconRath Medulla
MH Rise Rath Wingripper IconRath Wingripper MH Rise Rath Wingtalon IconRath Wingtalon MH Rise Rath Wingtalon+ IconRath Wingtalon+ MH Rise Rathalos Carapace IconRathalos Carapace
MH Rise Rathalos Cortex IconRathalos Cortex MH Rise Rathalos Fellwing IconRathalos Fellwing MH Rise Rathalos Lash IconRathalos Lash MH Rise Rathalos Plate IconRathalos Plate
MH Rise Rathalos Scale IconRathalos Scale MH Rise Rathalos Scale+ IconRathalos Scale+ MH Rise Rathalos Shard IconRathalos Shard MH Rise Rathalos Shell IconRathalos Shell
MH Rise Rathalos Tail IconRathalos Tail MH Rise Rathalos Webbing IconRathalos Webbing MH Rise Rathalos Wing IconRathalos Wing MH Rise Rathian Carapace IconRathian Carapace
MH Rise Rathian Cortex IconRathian Cortex MH Rise Rathian Plate IconRathian Plate MH Rise Rathian Scale IconRathian Scale MH Rise Rathian Scale+ IconRathian Scale+
MH Rise Rathian Shard IconRathian Shard MH Rise Rathian Shell IconRathian Shell MH Rise Rathian Spike IconRathian Spike MH Rise Rathian Spike+ IconRathian Spike+
MH Rise Rathian Surspike IconRathian Surspike MH Rise Rathian Weave IconRathian Weave MH Rise Rathian Webbing IconRathian Webbing

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket Glasses Ticket Thief's Calling Card
Black Winged Ears Ticket Torn Foreign Drawings Numerical Foreign Drawings
Canyne Mask Ticket Ancient Fragment Bandana Ticket
Fluffy Ticket Coastal Foreign Drawings Treasured Foreign Drawings
Small Flower Pot Noble Foreign Drawings Bunny Ears Ticket
Buff Badge Charming Foreign Drawings Heavenly Silk

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types


3 Anonymousover 3 years

I hate me some apex rathalos

2 Anonymousover 3 years

You can get it from HR Rathian as well, I got one from it.


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