Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Aquaglow Jewel Location: How to Get and Use | Monster Hunter Rise

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MHR Aquaglow Jewel Banner.png

This is a farming guide for Aquaglow Jewel, an item in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here for all Aquaglow Jewel locations and drop sources, as well as Aquaglow Jewel uses in equipment and decoration crafting.

Aquaglow Jewel - Basic Information

Name Aquaglow Jewel ImageAquaglow Jewel
Description An indispensable item used in decorations.
Rarity 4 Type Other Materials
Sell Price 400 Hold Limit 99

Aquaglow Jewel - How to Farm

Location Summary
Received as a Quest Reward.

As a Quest Reward

Type HR Quest Name Drop Qty (#)
Hub Quest ★4 Donning Toxicity -
Hub Quest ★4 Learning the Light Bowgun -
Hub Quest ★4 Study the Sword & Shield -
Hub Quest ★4 Even Cute Things Have Fangs -
Hub Quest ★4 Dancing A-purr-ition -
Hub Quest ★4 Lost and Found -
Hub Quest ★5 Rotten Fruit -
Event Quest ★5 Soaring Desire -
Event Quest ★5 Dastardly Vile Aknosom Trio -
Event Quest ★5 Wrestling with Pain -
Urgent Hub Quest ★5 The Restless Swamp -
Hub Quest ★5 Foul Play in the Forest -
Hub Quest ★5 Rise Above the Mud -
Hub Quest ★5 Bowled Over -
Hub Quest ★5 Miner Problem -
Hub Quest ★5 Charmed by a Queen -
Hub Quest ★5 Grasp the Great Sword -
Hub Quest ★5 Learn the Lance -
Hub Quest ★5 Hone Your Heavy Bowgun -
Hub Quest ★5 Flooded Forest Fiasco -
Hub Quest ★5 Shadows Over the Frost -
Hub Quest ★6 Closer Than it Appears -
Event Quest ★6 Nothing to Sneeze At! -
Event Quest ★6 Troubled Waters -
Event Quest ★6 Knight in Shattered Armor
Event Quest ★6 The Blue Bomber's Best Bud -
Event Quest ★6 Out of Sight, Out of Mind's Eye -
Hub Quest ★6 Be One with the Bow -
Hub Quest ★6 Learn the Long Sword -
Hub Quest ★6 Do it for the Dango! -
Urgent Hub Quest ★6 A Bewitching Dance -
Hub Quest ★6 Red Skies at Night -
Hub Quest ★6 A Somniferous Elegy -
Hub Quest ★6 The Abyss Stares Back -
Hub Quest ★6 Skies Flash, Clouds Boom -
Hub Quest ★6 Sharpening Amber Fangs -
Event Quest ★7 Heart of a Ninja -
Event Quest ★7 Memories of That Day -
Event Quest ★7 Zin and Yang -
Event Quest ★7 Kunai Ask You a Favor? -
Event Quest ★7 Beast of the Shadows -
Hub Quest ★7 It's Gonna Get You! -
Hub Quest ★7 Clad in Hellfire -
Hub Quest ★7 Subterranean Disturbances -
Hub Quest ★7 Seared Situation -
Hub Quest ★7 A Quartet of Horns -
Hub Quest ★7 Ruckus in the Ruins -
Hub Quest ★7 A Frosty Stalemate -
Hub Quest ★7 Omnidirectional Threats -

Item drop quantity marked as ''-'' have unknown / unconfirmed quantities.

Purchased from Bahari's Anomaly Research Lab

Item Investigation Coin
Aquaglow Jewel Aquaglow Jewel
1 Investigation Coins

Talk to Bahari at the Elgado Outpost to get this item in exchange for 1 Investigation Coins.

If you need more Investigation Coins, complete Bahari's Research Requests!

Anomaly Research Lab Guide

Farm 4★ or Higher Quests

You can get Aquaglow Jewels from certain quests, mostly 4★ or higher. We recommend you farm 4★ quests since they're the easiest to complete and take less time.

Clear Dango Duty for quick Aquaglow Jewel Farming

Dango Duty is a 4★ Slaying Hub Quest that requires you to slay a total of 20 Izuchi or Baggi! Successfully doing so grants you a chance of getting an Aquaglow Jewel as a quest reward. Be warned however as this may not always be the case. Though, this quest is the easiest since it only requires you to slay small monsters.

Be Efficient When Farming

While farming for an Aquaglow Jewel, you can be efficient by also farming for a Bloodrun Jewel by clearing ★6 quests! Since both jewels appear when you clear a ★6 quest. Though sometimes Bloodrun Jewels are rewarded more and there are cases that an Aquaglow Jewel will not be rewarded.

Aquaglow Jewel - How to Use

Effect Summary
Used to craft decorations.

Used to Craft Decorations

MH Rise - Carver Jewel 1Carver Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Drain Jewel 1Drain Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Frost Jewel 1Frost Jewel 1 (×2) MH Rise - Grinder Jewel 1Grinder Jewel 1 (×2)
MH Rise - Hungerless Jewel 1Hungerless Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Medicine Jewel 2Medicine Jewel 2 (×2)
MH Rise - Physique Jewel 2Physique Jewel 2 (×2) MH Rise - Recovery Jewel 1Recovery Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Rodeo Jewel 2Rodeo Jewel 2 (×1) MH Rise - Satiated Jewel 1Satiated Jewel 1 (×2)
MH Rise - Slider Jewel 1Slider Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Sonorous Jewel 1Sonorous Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Stream Jewel 1Stream Jewel 1 (×2) MH Rise - Venom Jewel 1Venom Jewel 1 (×2)
MH Rise - Wall Run Jewel 2Wall Run Jewel 2 (×2) MH Rise - Wirebug Jewel 2Wirebug Jewel 2 (×2)
MH Rise - Antiblast Jewel 1Antiblast Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Antidote Jewel 1Antidote Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Antipara Jewel 1Antipara Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Blaze Jewel 1Blaze Jewel 1 (×2)
MH Rise - Bolt Jewel 1Bolt Jewel 1 (×2) MH Rise - Bomber Jewel 1Bomber Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Botany Jewel 1Botany Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Defense Jewel 1Defense Jewel 1 (×2)
MH Rise - Dive Jewel 1Dive Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Diversion Jewel 1Diversion Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Dragon Jewel 1Dragon Jewel 1 (×2) MH Rise - Dragon Res Jewel 1Dragon Res Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Enduring Jewel 2Enduring Jewel 2 (×1) MH Rise - Fire Res Jewel 1Fire Res Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Fortitude Jewel 2Fortitude Jewel 2 (×1) MH Rise - Geology Jewel 1Geology Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Ice Res Jewel 1Ice Res Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Muck Jewel 1Muck Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Pep Jewel 1Pep Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Shockproof Jewel 1Shockproof Jewel 1 (×1)
MH Rise - Thunder Res Jewel 1Thunder Res Jewel 1 (×1) MH Rise - Water Res Jewel 1Water Res Jewel 1 (×1)

Decoration List: How to Unlock Decorations

Essential in Creating Decorations in Smithy

Monster Hunter Rise - Crafting Decorations with Lazurite Jewel.png

Jewels such as Lazurite Jewels, Bloodrun Jewel, and Aquaglow Jewel are vital in crafting Decorations at smithy. Check out our Decorations Guide for more info!

Decorations Guide

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Items Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

Related Decoration Jewels

Other Related Items
MH Rise Adamant Jewel IconAdamant Jewel MH Rise Anomaly Jewel IconAnomaly Jewel MH Rise Aquaglow Jewel IconAquaglow Jewel MH Rise Bloodrun Jewel IconBloodrun Jewel
MH Rise Lazurite Jewel IconLazurite Jewel MH Rise Sovereign Jewel IconSovereign Jewel

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket Glasses Ticket Thief's Calling Card
Black Winged Ears Ticket Torn Foreign Drawings Numerical Foreign Drawings
Canyne Mask Ticket Ancient Fragment Bandana Ticket
Fluffy Ticket Coastal Foreign Drawings Treasured Foreign Drawings
Small Flower Pot Noble Foreign Drawings Bunny Ears Ticket
Buff Badge Charming Foreign Drawings Heavenly Silk

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types


1 Anonymous9 months

"Dango Duty" is quite literally the worst quest for Aquaglow jewels, with a drop rate of only 8%. Recommended are the 7* event quest "Beast of the Shadows" with 26%, or the 4* hub quest "Blue, Round, and Cute" with 16%. Please check Kiranico before you post bad info.


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