Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Dancing A-purr-ition Quest and Rewards | Monster Hunter Rise

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This is a guide for Dancing A-purr-ition, a Quest appearing in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn about Dancing A-purr-ition's availability, unlock conditions, target Monsters, and rewards for completing the Quest here.

Dancing A-purr-ition Basic Information

Lv ★4 Locale Shrine Ruins.pngShrine Ruins
Type Hub Quest
(Key Quest)
Time Limit 50 mins. Reward Money 4320
Objective Hunt an Aknosom
Other Conditions Fail quest if reward hits 0 or time expires.

Monsters Appearing in Dancing A-purr-ition

Monster Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Aknosom IconAknosom
(Shrine Ruins)
8 / 11 1 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 12 3

Shrine Ruins Map and Materials

Monster Weakness

Monster Fire Symbol (MHW).png Water Symbol (MHW).png Thunder Element (MHW).png Ice Element (MHW).png Dragon Element (MHW).png
Aknosom.pngAknosom 0 19 18 9 0

Higher numbers indicates higher damage potential for that element.

Dancing A-purr-ition Rewards

Target Rewards

(High Rank)
Item Name Drop Rate (#)
Aknosom Beak 12%
Inferno Sac 24%
Monster Keenbone 10%
Bird Wyvern Gem 3%
Aknosom Feather+ 30%
Aknosom Scale+ 21%

Quest Rewards

Rewards Drop Rate
Acute Fang -
Aquaglow Jewel -
Piercing Claw -
Monster Keenbone -
Nulberry -
Quality Bone -
Flashbug -
Advanced Armor Sphere -

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - List of Quests

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