Genshin Impact

List of All Items

Genshin Impact - List of Items

This is a list of all Items and Materials appearing in Genshin Impact.

List of Items and Materials

NOTE: This list is still incomplete. We are currently searching for all information in-game and adding it as soon as it has been confirmed. If you have found any items that are not yet recorded on this page, please leave a comment with a screenshot and we'll add your input to the page!

Character Development Items

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Character Weapon Recovery
Materials Quest Items Precious Items

Character EXP Items

List of Items
AdventurerAdventurer's Experience HeroHero's Wit WandererWanderer's Advice

Character Level Up Items

List of Items
Agnidus Agate Sliver ImageAgnidus Agate Sliver Agnidus Agate Fragment ImageAgnidus Agate Fragment Agnidus Agate Chunk ImageAgnidus Agate Chunk
Agnidus Agate Gemstone ImageAgnidus Agate Gemstone Varunada Lazurite Sliver ImageVarunada Lazurite Sliver Varunada Lazurite Fragment ImageVarunada Lazurite Fragment
Varunada Lazurite Chunk ImageVarunada Lazurite Chunk Varunada Lazurite Gemstone ImageVarunada Lazurite Gemstone Vajrada Amethyst Sliver ImageVajrada Amethyst Sliver
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment ImageVajrada Amethyst Fragment Vajrada Amethyst Chunk ImageVajrada Amethyst Chunk Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone ImageVajrada Amethyst Gemstone
Shivada Jade Sliver ImageShivada Jade Sliver Shivada Jade Fragment ImageShivada Jade Fragment Shivada Jade Chunk ImageShivada Jade Chunk
Shivada Jade Gemstone ImageShivada Jade Gemstone Vayuda Turquoise Sliver ImageVayuda Turquoise Sliver Vayuda Turquoise Fragment ImageVayuda Turquoise Fragment
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk ImageVayuda Turquoise Chunk Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone ImageVayuda Turquoise Gemstone Prithiva Topaz Sliver ImagePrithiva Topaz Sliver
Prithiva Topaz Fragment ImagePrithiva Topaz Fragment Prithiva Topaz Chunk ImagePrithiva Topaz Chunk Prithiva Topaz Gemstone ImagePrithiva Topaz Gemstone
Brilliant Diamond Sliver ImageBrilliant Diamond Sliver Brilliant Diamond Fragment ImageBrilliant Diamond Fragment Brilliant Diamond Chunk ImageBrilliant Diamond Chunk
Brilliant Diamond Gemstone ImageBrilliant Diamond Gemstone Damaged Mask ImageDamaged Mask Stained Mask ImageStained Mask
Ominous Mask ImageOminous Mask Treasure Hoarder Insignia ImageTreasure Hoarder Insignia Silver Raven Insignia ImageSilver Raven Insignia
Golden Raven Insignia ImageGolden Raven Insignia Firm Arrowhead ImageFirm Arrowhead Sharp Arrowhead ImageSharp Arrowhead
Weathered Arrowhead ImageWeathered Arrowhead Divining Scroll ImageDivining Scroll Sealed Scroll ImageSealed Scroll
Forbidden Curse Scroll ImageForbidden Curse Scroll Slime Condensate ImageSlime Condensate Slime Secretions ImageSlime Secretions
Slime Concentrate ImageSlime Concentrate RecruitRecruit's Insignia SergeantSergeant's Insignia
LieutenantLieutenant's Insignia Basalt Pillar ImageBasalt Pillar Hurricane Seed ImageHurricane Seed
Lightning Prism ImageLightning Prism Whopperflower Nectar ImageWhopperflower Nectar Shimmering Nectar ImageShimmering Nectar
Energy Nectar ImageEnergy Nectar Hoarfrost Core ImageHoarfrost Core Cleansing Heart ImageCleansing Heart
Everflame Seed ImageEverflame Seed Juvenile Jade ImageJuvenile Jade Crystalline Bloom ImageCrystalline Bloom
Marionette Core ImageMarionette Core Perpetual Heart ImagePerpetual Heart Kageuchi Handguard ImageKageuchi Handguard
Famed Handguard ImageFamed Handguard Old Handguard ImageOld Handguard Smoldering Pearl ImageSmoldering Pearl
Dew of Repudiation ImageDew of Repudiation Storm Beads ImageStorm Beads Spectral Nucleus ImageSpectral Nucleus
Spectral Husk ImageSpectral Husk Spectral Heart ImageSpectral Heart Riftborn Regalia ImageRiftborn Regalia
DragonheirDragonheir's False Fin Runic Fang ImageRunic Fang Fungal Spores ImageFungal Spores
Luminescent Pollen ImageLuminescent Pollen Crystalline Cyst Dust ImageCrystalline Cyst Dust Nagadus Emerald Sliver ImageNagadus Emerald Sliver
Nagadus Emerald Fragment ImageNagadus Emerald Fragment Nagadus Emerald Chunk ImageNagadus Emerald Chunk Nagadus Emerald Gemstone ImageNagadus Emerald Gemstone
Majestic Hooked Beak ImageMajestic Hooked Beak Faded Red Satin ImageFaded Red Satin Trimmed Red Silk ImageTrimmed Red Silk
Rich Red Brocade ImageRich Red Brocade Thunderclap Fruitcore ImageThunderclap Fruitcore Dormant Fungal Nucleus ImageDormant Fungal Nucleus
Inactivated Fungal Nucleus ImageInactivated Fungal Nucleus Robust Fungal Nucleus ImageRobust Fungal Nucleus Light Guiding Tetrahedron ImageLight Guiding Tetrahedron
Perpetual Caliber ImagePerpetual Caliber Quelled Creeper ImageQuelled Creeper Pseudo-Stamens ImagePseudo-Stamens
Evergloom Ring ImageEvergloom Ring EmperorEmperor's Resolution Artificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelius ImageArtificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelius
Artificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelia ImageArtificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelia Artificed Dynamic Gear ImageArtificed Dynamic Gear Mechanical Spur Gear ImageMechanical Spur Gear
Meshing Gear ImageMeshing Gear Xenochromatic Crystal ImageXenochromatic Crystal Transoceanic Chunk ImageTransoceanic Chunk
Transoceanic Pearl ImageTransoceanic Pearl Fontemer Unihorn ImageFontemer Unihorn Tourbillon Device ImageTourbillon Device
Water That Failed to Transcend ImageWater That Failed to Transcend Cloudseam Scale ImageCloudseam Scale Fragment of a Golden Melody ImageFragment of a Golden Melody
Mark of the Binding Blessing ImageMark of the Binding Blessing SentrySentry's Wooden Whistle WarriorWarrior's Metal Whistle
Saurian-Crowned WarriorSaurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle Juvenile Fang ImageJuvenile Fang Seasoned Fang ImageSeasoned Fang
TyrantTyrant's Fang Overripe Flamegranate ImageOverripe Flamegranate

Talent Level Up Items

List of Items
Teachings of Freedom ImageTeachings of Freedom Guide to Freedom ImageGuide to Freedom Philosophies of Freedom ImagePhilosophies of Freedom
Teachings of Resistance ImageTeachings of Resistance Guide to Resistance ImageGuide to Resistance Philosophies of Resistance ImagePhilosophies of Resistance
Teachings of Ballad ImageTeachings of Ballad Guide to Ballad ImageGuide to Ballad Philosophies of Ballad ImagePhilosophies of Ballad
Teachings of Prosperity ImageTeachings of Prosperity Guide to Prosperity ImageGuide to Prosperity Philosophies of Prosperity ImagePhilosophies of Prosperity
Teachings of Diligence ImageTeachings of Diligence Guide to Diligence ImageGuide to Diligence Philosophies of Diligence ImagePhilosophies of Diligence
Teachings of Gold ImageTeachings of Gold Guide to Gold ImageGuide to Gold Philosophies of Gold ImagePhilosophies of Gold
Crown of Insight ImageCrown of Insight Philosophies of Light ImagePhilosophies of Light Guide to Light ImageGuide to Light
Teachings of Light ImageTeachings of Light Philosophies of Transience ImagePhilosophies of Transience Guide to Transience ImageGuide to Transience
Teachings of Transience ImageTeachings of Transience Philosophies of Elegance ImagePhilosophies of Elegance Guide to Elegance ImageGuide to Elegance
Teachings of Elegance ImageTeachings of Elegance Teachings of Admonition ImageTeachings of Admonition Guide to Admonition ImageGuide to Admonition
Philosophies of Admonition ImagePhilosophies of Admonition Teachings of Ingenuity ImageTeachings of Ingenuity Guide to Ingenuity ImageGuide to Ingenuity
Philosophies of Ingenuity ImagePhilosophies of Ingenuity Teachings of Praxis ImageTeachings of Praxis Guide to Praxis ImageGuide to Praxis
Philosophies of Praxis ImagePhilosophies of Praxis Philosophies of Equity ImagePhilosophies of Equity Guide to Equity ImageGuide to Equity
Teachings of Equity ImageTeachings of Equity Philosophies of Order ImagePhilosophies of Order Guide to Order ImageGuide to Order
Teachings of Order ImageTeachings of Order Philosophies of Justice ImagePhilosophies of Justice Guide to Justice ImageGuide to Justice
Teachings of Justice ImageTeachings of Justice Philosophies of Conflict ImagePhilosophies of Conflict Guide to Conflict ImageGuide to Conflict
Teachings of Conflict ImageTeachings of Conflict Philosophies of Kindling ImagePhilosophies of Kindling Guide to Kindling ImageGuide to Kindling
Teachings of Kindling ImageTeachings of Kindling Philosophies of Contention ImagePhilosophies of Contention Guide to Contention ImageGuide to Contention
Teachings of Contention ImageTeachings of Contention

Weekly Boss Materials

List of Items
Tail of Boreas ImageTail of Boreas Ring of Boreas ImageRing of Boreas Spirit Locket of Boreas ImageSpirit Locket of Boreas
DvalinDvalin's Plume DvalinDvalin's Claw DvalinDvalin's Sigh
Tusk of Monoceros Caeli ImageTusk of Monoceros Caeli Shard of Foul Legacy ImageShard of Foul Legacy Shadow of the Warrior ImageShadow of the Warrior
Dragon LordDragon Lord's Crown Gilded Scale ImageGilded Scale Bloodjade Branch ImageBloodjade Branch
Ashen Heart ImageAshen Heart Hellfire Butterfly ImageHellfire Butterfly Molten Moment ImageMolten Moment
Mudra of the Malefic General ImageMudra of the Malefic General Tears of the Calamitous God ImageTears of the Calamitous God The Meaning of Aeons ImageThe Meaning of Aeons
Mirror of Mushin ImageMirror of Mushin DakaDaka's Bell Puppet Strings ImagePuppet Strings
Everamber ImageEveramber Primordial Greenbloom ImagePrimordial Greenbloom Worldspan Fern ImageWorldspan Fern
Lightless Mass ImageLightless Mass Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom ImageLightless Eye of the Maelstrom Lightless Silk String ImageLightless Silk String
Silken Feather ImageSilken Feather Fading Candle ImageFading Candle Denial and Judgment ImageDenial and Judgment

Weapon Ascension Material

List of Items
Tile of DecarabianTile of Decarabian's Tower Debris of DecarabianDebris of Decarabian's City Fragment of DecarabianFragment of Decarabian's Epic
Scattered Piece of DecarabianScattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream Boreal WolfBoreal Wolf's Milk Tooth Boreal WolfBoreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth
Boreal WolfBoreal Wolf's Broken Fang Boreal WolfBoreal Wolf's Nostalgia Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator ImageFetters of the Dandelion Gladiator
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator ImageChains of the Dandelion Gladiator Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator ImageShackles of the Dandelion Gladiator Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator ImageDream of the Dandelion Gladiator
Luminous Sands from Guyun ImageLuminous Sands from Guyun Lustrous Stone from Guyun ImageLustrous Stone from Guyun Relic from Guyun ImageRelic from Guyun
Divine Body from Guyun ImageDivine Body from Guyun Mist Veiled Lead Elixir ImageMist Veiled Lead Elixir Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir ImageMist Veiled Mercury Elixir
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir ImageMist Veiled Gold Elixir Mist Veiled Primo Elixir ImageMist Veiled Primo Elixir Grain of Aerosiderite ImageGrain of Aerosiderite
Piece of Aerosiderite ImagePiece of Aerosiderite Bit of Aerosiderite ImageBit of Aerosiderite Chunk of Aerosiderite ImageChunk of Aerosiderite
Golden Branch of a Distant Sea ImageGolden Branch of a Distant Sea Jade Branch of a Distant Sea ImageJade Branch of a Distant Sea Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea ImageJeweled Branch of a Distant Sea
Coral Branch of a Distant Sea ImageCoral Branch of a Distant Sea Mask of the Kijin ImageMask of the Kijin Mask of the One-Horned ImageMask of the One-Horned
Mask of the TigerMask of the Tiger's Bite Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant ImageMask of the Wicked Lieutenant NarukamiNarukami's Valor
NarukamiNarukami's Affection NarukamiNarukami's Joy NarukamiNarukami's Wisdom
Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew ImageCopper Talisman of the Forest Dew Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew ImageIron Talisman of the Forest Dew Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew ImageSilver Talisman of the Forest Dew
Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew ImageGolden Talisman of the Forest Dew Oasis GardenOasis Garden's Reminiscence Oasis GardenOasis Garden's Kindness
Oasis GardenOasis Garden's Mourning Oasis GardenOasis Garden's Truth Echo of Scorching Might ImageEcho of Scorching Might
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might ImageRemnant Glow of Scorching Might Dream of Scorching Might ImageDream of Scorching Might Olden Days of Scorching Might ImageOlden Days of Scorching Might
Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea ImageGolden Goblet of the Pristine Sea Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea ImageSilver Goblet of the Pristine Sea Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea ImageWine Goblet of the Pristine Sea
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea ImageBroken Goblet of the Pristine Sea Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop ImageEssence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop ImageSpring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop ImageSublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop ImageDross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop Echo of an Ancient Chord ImageEcho of an Ancient Chord
Movement of an Ancient Chord ImageMovement of an Ancient Chord Chapter of an Ancient Chord ImageChapter of an Ancient Chord Fragment of an Ancient Chord ImageFragment of an Ancient Chord
Night-WindNight-Wind's Mystic Revelation Night-WindNight-Wind's Mystic Augury Night-WindNight-Wind's Mystic Premonition
Night-WindNight-Wind's Mystic Consideration Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord ImageDelirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord ImageDelirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord
Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord ImageDelirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord ImageDelirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord Blazing Sacrificial HeartBlazing Sacrificial Heart's Splendor
Blazing Sacrificial HeartBlazing Sacrificial Heart's Resolve Blazing Sacrificial HeartBlazing Sacrificial Heart's Hesitance

Constellation Activation Material

List of Items
Memory of Roving Gales ImageMemory of Roving Gales Memory of Immovable Crystals ImageMemory of Immovable Crystals Memory of Violet Flash ImageMemory of Violet Flash
Memory of Flourishing Green ImageMemory of Flourishing Green Memory of Running Stream ImageMemory of Running Stream

Character Development Items

Weapon Enhancement Items

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Character Weapon Food
Materials Quest Items Precious Items
List of Items
Enhancement Ore ImageEnhancement Ore Fine Enhancement Ore ImageFine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ImageMystic Enhancement Ore

Weapon Enhancement Items

Food and Recovery Items

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Character Weapon Food
Materials Quest Items Precious Items
List of Items
"Consomme Purete" Image"Consomme Purete" "Pure Water" Image"Pure Water" "Warmth" Image"Warmth"
“My Way” Image“My Way” “Pick What You Like!” Image“Pick What You Like!” “Pour la Justice” Image“Pour la Justice”
“Sweet Dream” Image“Sweet Dream” A Buoyant Breeze ImageA Buoyant Breeze A Fragrant Feast of Flavors ImageA Fragrant Feast of Flavors
A Leisurely Sip ImageA Leisurely Sip A Magical Mix ImageA Magical Mix A Prize Catch ImageA Prize Catch
A Stunning Stratagem ImageA Stunning Stratagem Aaru Mixed Rice ImageAaru Mixed Rice Activated Starshroom ImageActivated Starshroom
AdeptusAdeptus' Temptation AdventurerAdventurer's Breakfast Sandwich All-Delicacy Parcels ImageAll-Delicacy Parcels
All-Weather Beauty ImageAll-Weather Beauty Almond Tofu ImageAlmond Tofu Apple ImageApple
Apple Cider ImageApple Cider Apple Roly Poly ImageApple Roly Poly Baklava ImageBaklava
Bamboo Shoot Soup ImageBamboo Shoot Soup Barbatos Ratatouille ImageBarbatos Ratatouille Barbeque Ribs ImageBarbeque Ribs
Berry & Mint Burst ImageBerry & Mint Burst Berry Mizu Manjuu ImageBerry Mizu Manjuu Bird Egg Sushi ImageBird Egg Sushi
Biryani ImageBiryani Black-Back Perch Stew ImageBlack-Back Perch Stew Blazed Meat Stew ImageBlazed Meat Stew
Blubber Profiterole ImageBlubber Profiterole Blubbercream ImageBlubbercream Boudin Noir aux Pommes ImageBoudin Noir aux Pommes
Bountiful Year ImageBountiful Year Braised Meat ImageBraised Meat Braised Meatball ImageBraised Meatball
Bulle Fruit ImageBulle Fruit Bulle Sauce Duck Breast ImageBulle Sauce Duck Breast Bulle Souffle ImageBulle Souffle
Butter Chicken ImageButter Chicken Butter Crab ImageButter Crab Calla Lily Seafood Soup ImageCalla Lily Seafood Soup
Candied Ajilenakh Nut ImageCandied Ajilenakh Nut Candlecap Mushroom ImageCandlecap Mushroom Cassoulet ImageCassoulet
Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake ImageCharcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake Chenyu Brew ImageChenyu Brew Chicken Tofu Pudding ImageChicken Tofu Pudding
Chicken-Mushroom Skewer ImageChicken-Mushroom Skewer Chili-Mince Cornbread Buns ImageChili-Mince Cornbread Buns Chocolate ImageChocolate
Cloud-Shrouded Jade ImageCloud-Shrouded Jade Coffee Bavarois ImageCoffee Bavarois Cold Cut Platter ImageCold Cut Platter
Cold Noodles with Mountain Delicacies ImageCold Noodles with Mountain Delicacies Come and Get It ImageCome and Get It Conch Madeleine ImageConch Madeleine
Consomme ImageConsomme Crab Roe Kourayaki ImageCrab Roe Kourayaki Crab Roe Tofu ImageCrab Roe Tofu
Crab, Ham and Veggie Bake ImageCrab, Ham and Veggie Bake Cream of Mushroom Soup ImageCream of Mushroom Soup Cream Stew ImageCream Stew
Crepes Suzette ImageCrepes Suzette Crisp Croissant Combo ImageCrisp Croissant Combo Crispy Potato Shrimp Platter ImageCrispy Potato Shrimp Platter
Crocodile Jerky ImageCrocodile Jerky Crystal Shrimp ImageCrystal Shrimp Cubic Tricks ImageCubic Tricks
Cup OCup O' Grainfruit Cured Pork Dry Hotpot ImageCured Pork Dry Hotpot Curry Shrimp ImageCurry Shrimp
Dango Milk ImageDango Milk Deep-Fried Doublecrisp ImageDeep-Fried Doublecrisp Definitely Not Bar Food! ImageDefinitely Not Bar Food!
Dendrocide Potion ImageDendrocide Potion Der Weisheit Letzter Schluss (Life) ImageDer Weisheit Letzter Schluss (Life) Desiccant Potion ImageDesiccant Potion
Dew-Dipped Shrimp ImageDew-Dipped Shrimp Die Heilige Sinfonie ImageDie Heilige Sinfonie Dinner of Judgement ImageDinner of Judgement
Dizziness-Be-Gone no Jutsu Version 2.0 ImageDizziness-Be-Gone no Jutsu Version 2.0 Dragon Beard Noodles ImageDragon Beard Noodles Dry-Braised Salted Fish ImageDry-Braised Salted Fish
Duck Confit ImageDuck Confit Duel Soul ImageDuel Soul Dustproof Potion ImageDustproof Potion
Egg Roll ImageEgg Roll Eight-Treasure Duck ImageEight-Treasure Duck Encompassing Gladness ImageEncompassing Gladness
Energizing Bento ImageEnergizing Bento Exclusive Scoop: Gourmet Column ImageExclusive Scoop: Gourmet Column Extravagant Slumber ImageExtravagant Slumber
Faith Eternal ImageFaith Eternal Fashion Show ImageFashion Show Fatteh ImageFatteh
Feast-OFeast-O's Fine Tea, Full Moon ImageFine Tea, Full Moon Fish and Chips ImageFish and Chips
Fish with Cream Sauce ImageFish with Cream Sauce Fish-Flavored Toast ImageFish-Flavored Toast FishermanFisherman's Toast
Five Pickled Treasures ImageFive Pickled Treasures Flaming Essential Oil ImageFlaming Essential Oil Flaming Red Bolognese ImageFlaming Red Bolognese
Flash-Fried Filet ImageFlash-Fried Filet Fonta ImageFonta Fontaine Aspic ImageFontaine Aspic
Fontainian Foie Gras ImageFontainian Foie Gras Fontainian Onion Soup ImageFontainian Onion Soup Fontinalia Mousse ImageFontinalia Mousse
Forest Essential Oil ImageForest Essential Oil Forest of Color ImageForest of Color Forest WatcherForest Watcher's Choice
Fragrant Mashed Potatoes ImageFragrant Mashed Potatoes Fricassee de Poulet ImageFricassee de Poulet Fried Radish Balls ImageFried Radish Balls
Fried Shrimp Beanballs ImageFried Shrimp Beanballs Frosting Essential Oil ImageFrosting Essential Oil Frostshield Potion ImageFrostshield Potion
Fruits of the Festival ImageFruits of the Festival Fruity Duet ImageFruity Duet Fruity Skewers ImageFruity Skewers
Fruity Smoothie ImageFruity Smoothie Fruity Trio ImageFruity Trio Fukuuchi Udon  ImageFukuuchi Udon
Fullmoon Egg ImageFullmoon Egg Garlic Baguette ImageGarlic Baguette Ghostly March ImageGhostly March
Gilded Tajine ImageGilded Tajine Glittering Gemstones ImageGlittering Gemstones Golden Chicken Burger ImageGolden Chicken Burger
Golden Crab ImageGolden Crab Golden Fried Chicken ImageGolden Fried Chicken Golden Shrimp Balls ImageGolden Shrimp Balls
Goldflame Tajine ImageGoldflame Tajine Goulash ImageGoulash Grainfruit Chips ImageGrainfruit Chips
Grainfruit Meat Soup ImageGrainfruit Meat Soup Grilled Fish in Mint Sauce ImageGrilled Fish in Mint Sauce Grilled Tiger Fish ImageGrilled Tiger Fish
Grilled Unagi Fillet ImageGrilled Unagi Fillet Guhua Fish & Lamb Soup ImageGuhua Fish & Lamb Soup Gushing Essential Oil ImageGushing Essential Oil
Haggis ImageHaggis Halvamazd ImageHalvamazd HearthfireHearthfire's Trail
Heartstring Noodles ImageHeartstring Noodles Heat-Quelling Soup ImageHeat-Quelling Soup Heatshield Potion ImageHeatshield Potion
Holy Water ImageHoly Water Honey Char Siu ImageHoney Char Siu Hot Spring OHot Spring O'Clock
Ideal Circumstance ImageIdeal Circumstance Ile Flottante ImageIle Flottante Impeccably Organized ImageImpeccably Organized
Imported Poultry ImageImported Poultry Insulation Potion ImageInsulation Potion Invigorating Kitty Meal ImageInvigorating Kitty Meal
Invigorating Pizza ImageInvigorating Pizza Jade Fruit Soup ImageJade Fruit Soup Jade Parcels ImageJade Parcels
Jadevein Tea Eggs ImageJadevein Tea Eggs Jewelry Soup ImageJewelry Soup Jueyun Chili Chicken ImageJueyun Chili Chicken
Jueyun Guoba ImageJueyun Guoba Katsu Sandwich ImageKatsu Sandwich Konda Cuisine ImageKonda Cuisine
La Lettre a Focalors ImageLa Lettre a Focalors Lambad Fish Roll ImageLambad Fish Roll Lasagna ImageLasagna
Lighter-Than-Air Pancake ImageLighter-Than-Air Pancake Lotus Flower Crisp ImageLotus Flower Crisp Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup ImageLotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup
Masala Cheese Balls ImageMasala Cheese Balls Matsutake Meat Rolls ImageMatsutake Meat Rolls Meat LoversMeat Lovers' Mushroom Pizza
Meatnado ImageMeatnado Milky Mushroom Crisp Tower ImageMilky Mushroom Crisp Tower Mint Jelly ImageMint Jelly
Mint Salad ImageMint Salad Minty Bean Soup ImageMinty Bean Soup Minty Fruit Tea ImageMinty Fruit Tea
Minty Meat Rolls ImageMinty Meat Rolls Miso Soup ImageMiso Soup Mixed Yakisoba ImageMixed Yakisoba
Mondstadt Grilled Fish ImageMondstadt Grilled Fish Mondstadt Hash Brown ImageMondstadt Hash Brown Moon Pie ImageMoon Pie
Mora Meat ImageMora Meat More-and-More ImageMore-and-More Mushroom Hodgepodge ImageMushroom Hodgepodge
Mushroom Pizza ImageMushroom Pizza Mysterious Bolognese ImageMysterious Bolognese No Tomorrow ImageNo Tomorrow
Noodles with Mountain Delicacies ImageNoodles with Mountain Delicacies Northern Apple Stew ImageNorthern Apple Stew Northern Smoked Chicken ImageNorthern Smoked Chicken
Nutritious Meal (V. 593) ImageNutritious Meal (V. 593) Omelette Rice ImageOmelette Rice Omurice Waltz ImageOmurice Waltz
Once Upon a Time in Mondstadt ImageOnce Upon a Time in Mondstadt Oncidium Tofu ImageOncidium Tofu Onigiri ImageOnigiri
OutriderOutrider's Champion Steak! Padisarah Pudding ImagePadisarah Pudding Panipuri ImagePanipuri
Pass the Luck ImagePass the Luck Pate de Fruit ImagePate de Fruit Pile Pile 'Em Up
Pita Pocket ImagePita Pocket Poisson Seafood Soup ImagePoisson Seafood Soup Poissonchant Pie ImagePoissonchant Pie
PopPop's Teas Potato Boat ImagePotato Boat Prosperous Peace ImageProsperous Peace
Puff Pops ImagePuff Pops Puppy-Paw Hash Brown ImagePuppy-Paw Hash Brown Qiankun Mora Meat ImageQiankun Mora Meat
Qingce Household Dish ImageQingce Household Dish Qingce Stir Fry ImageQingce Stir Fry Quiet Elegance ImageQuiet Elegance
Radish and Fish Stew ImageRadish and Fish Stew Radish Veggie Soup ImageRadish Veggie Soup Rainbow Aster ImageRainbow Aster
Rainbow Macarons ImageRainbow Macarons Rice Buns ImageRice Buns Rice Cake Soup ImageRice Cake Soup
Rice Pudding ImageRice Pudding RockinRockin' Riffin' Chicken! Rose Custard ImageRose Custard
Sabz Meat Stew ImageSabz Meat Stew Sakura Mochi ImageSakura Mochi Sakura Shrimp Crackers ImageSakura Shrimp Crackers
Sakura Tempura ImageSakura Tempura Samosa ImageSamosa Sangayaki  ImageSangayaki
Sashimi Platter ImageSashimi Platter Satiety Gel ImageSatiety Gel Satisfying Salad ImageSatisfying Salad
Saurus Crackers ImageSaurus Crackers Sauteed Matsutake ImageSauteed Matsutake Scented Meat Balls ImageScented Meat Balls
Scorched Starshroom ImageScorched Starshroom SeabirdSeabird's Sojourn Secret Sauce BBQ Ribs ImageSecret Sauce BBQ Ribs
Selva Salad ImageSelva Salad Shawarma Wrap ImageShawarma Wrap Shimi Chazuke ImageShimi Chazuke
Shocking Essential Oil ImageShocking Essential Oil Show Me the Mora ImageShow Me the Mora Sin: The Kind that DoesnSin: The Kind that Doesn't Need to be Dealt With
Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup ImageSlow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup Snow on the Hearth ImageSnow on the Hearth Soba Noodles ImageSoba Noodles
Sour Sauce Kipper ImageSour Sauce Kipper Sparkling Berry Juice ImageSparkling Berry Juice Spicy Stew ImageSpicy Stew
Squirrel Fish ImageSquirrel Fish Starshroom ImageStarshroom Steak ImageSteak
Steak Tartare ImageSteak Tartare Sticky Honey Roast ImageSticky Honey Roast Stir-Fried Filet ImageStir-Fried Filet
Stir-Fried Fish Noodles ImageStir-Fried Fish Noodles Stir-Fried Shrimp ImageStir-Fried Shrimp Stone Harbor Delicacies ImageStone Harbor Delicacies
Stormcrest Pie ImageStormcrest Pie Streaming Essential Oil ImageStreaming Essential Oil Stuffed NStuffed N' Mashed Potatoes
Summer Festival Fish ImageSummer Festival Fish Sunset Berry Tea ImageSunset Berry Tea Sunsettia ImageSunsettia
Sunshine Sprat ImageSunshine Sprat Super Magnificent Pizza ImageSuper Magnificent Pizza Super-Dee-Duper Delicious Meat Roll ImageSuper-Dee-Duper Delicious Meat Roll
SurveyorSurveyor's Breakfast Sandwich Survival Grilled Fish ImageSurvival Grilled Fish Sweet Madame ImageSweet Madame
Sweet Shrimp Sushi ImageSweet Shrimp Sushi Swirling Steps ImageSwirling Steps Tagged and Bagged ImageTagged and Bagged
Tahchin ImageTahchin Taiyaki ImageTaiyaki Tandoori Roast Chicken ImageTandoori Roast Chicken
Tasses Ragout ImageTasses Ragout Tatacos ImageTatacos Tea Break Pancake ImageTea Break Pancake
Tea-Smoked Squab ImageTea-Smoked Squab Teyvat Charred Egg ImageTeyvat Charred Egg Teyvat Fried Egg ImageTeyvat Fried Egg
The Endeavor ImageThe Endeavor The Only Truth ImageThe Only Truth The Palace Jewels ImageThe Palace Jewels
Tianshu Meat ImageTianshu Meat Tomates Narbonnaises ImageTomates Narbonnaises Tonkotsu Ramen ImageTonkotsu Ramen
Traditionally-Made Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake ImageTraditionally-Made Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake Tri-Flavored Skewer ImageTri-Flavored Skewer Tricolor Dango ImageTricolor Dango
Tripes du Port ImageTripes du Port Triple-Layered Consomme ImageTriple-Layered Consomme Trout Amandine ImageTrout Amandine
Tulumba ImageTulumba Tuna Sushi ImageTuna Sushi Udon Noodles  ImageUdon Noodles
Unagi Chazuke ImageUnagi Chazuke Universal Peace ImageUniversal Peace Unmoving Essential Oil ImageUnmoving Essential Oil
Utmost Care ImageUtmost Care Vegetarian Abalone ImageVegetarian Abalone Vessie Chicken ImageVessie Chicken
Victorious Legend ImageVictorious Legend Wakatakeni ImageWakatakeni Wanmin RestaurantWanmin Restaurant's Boiled Fish
Way of the Strong ImageWay of the Strong Well-Balanced Meal ImageWell-Balanced Meal Windbarrier Potion ImageWindbarrier Potion
Wolfhook Juice ImageWolfhook Juice Woodland Dream ImageWoodland Dream Yearning ImageYearning
Yummy Yum Cha ImageYummy Yum Cha Zhongyuan Chop Suey ImageZhongyuan Chop Suey

Food and Recovery Items

Materials and Ingredients

Jump to a Section
Character Weapon Food
Materials Quest Items Precious Items
List of Items
A Flower Yet to Bloom ImageA Flower Yet to Bloom Adhigama Wood ImageAdhigama Wood Ajilenakh Nut ImageAjilenakh Nut
AkoAko's Sake Vessel Alkahest ImageAlkahest Almond ImageAlmond
Amakumo Fruit ImageAmakumo Fruit Amethyst Lump ImageAmethyst Lump Aralia Wood ImageAralia Wood
Ash Wood ImageAsh Wood Ashen Aratiku Wood ImageAshen Aratiku Wood Athel Wood ImageAthel Wood
Bacon ImageBacon Bamboo Segment ImageBamboo Segment Bamboo Shoot ImageBamboo Shoot
Berry ImageBerry Beryl Conch ImageBeryl Conch Birch Wood ImageBirch Wood
Bird Egg ImageBird Egg Blue Dye ImageBlue Dye Borderland Billet Trove ImageBorderland Billet Trove
Borderland Bow Billet ImageBorderland Bow Billet Borderland Catalyst Billet ImageBorderland Catalyst Billet Borderland Claymore Billet ImageBorderland Claymore Billet
Borderland Polearm Billet ImageBorderland Polearm Billet Borderland Sword Billet ImageBorderland Sword Billet Brightwood ImageBrightwood
Brilliant Chrysanthemum ImageBrilliant Chrysanthemum Butter ImageButter Butterfly Wings ImageButterfly Wings
Cabbage ImageCabbage Cacahuatl ImageCacahuatl Calla Lily ImageCalla Lily
Calla Lily Seed ImageCalla Lily Seed Cam and Cables of Law ImageCam and Cables of Law Carrot ImageCarrot
Carrot Seed ImageCarrot Seed Cecilia ImageCecilia Cecilia Seed ImageCecilia Seed
Cheese ImageCheese Chenyu Adeptea ImageChenyu Adeptea Chilled Meat ImageChilled Meat
Clearwater Jade ImageClearwater Jade Coffee Beans ImageCoffee Beans Condessence Crystal ImageCondessence Crystal
Congealed Pupa Wax ImageCongealed Pupa Wax Cor Lapis ImageCor Lapis Crab ImageCrab
Crab Roe ImageCrab Roe Cream ImageCream Crystal Chunk ImageCrystal Chunk
Crystal Core ImageCrystal Core Crystal Marrow ImageCrystal Marrow Cuihua Wood ImageCuihua Wood
Cypress Wood ImageCypress Wood Dandelion Bookmark ImageDandelion Bookmark Dandelion Seed ImageDandelion Seed
Dendrobium ImageDendrobium Desiccated Shell ImageDesiccated Shell Dust of Azoth ImageDust of Azoth
Electro Crystal ImageElectro Crystal Embercore Flower ImageEmbercore Flower EmperorEmperor's Balsam
Exalted Earth ImageExalted Earth Fabric ImageFabric Fake Fly Bait ImageFake Fly Bait
False Worm Bait ImageFalse Worm Bait Fermented Juice ImageFermented Juice Fir Wood ImageFir Wood
Fish ImageFish Flaming Flower Stamen ImageFlaming Flower Stamen Flammabomb  Wood ImageFlammabomb Wood
Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait ImageFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait Flour ImageFlour Fluorescent Fungus ImageFluorescent Fungus
Fowl ImageFowl Fragments of Innocence ImageFragments of Innocence Fragrant Cedar Wood ImageFragrant Cedar Wood
Frog ImageFrog Fruit Paste Bait ImageFruit Paste Bait Glabrous Beans ImageGlabrous Beans
Glaze Lily ImageGlaze Lily Glaze Lily Seed ImageGlaze Lily Seed Glowgrass Bait ImageGlowgrass Bait
Glowing Gem ImageGlowing Gem Grainfruit ImageGrainfruit Great Snowboar King Meat ImageGreat Snowboar King Meat
Ham ImageHam Harra Fruit ImageHarra Fruit Harra Fruit Seed ImageHarra Fruit Seed
Henna Berry ImageHenna Berry Horsetail ImageHorsetail Horsetail Seed ImageHorsetail Seed
Iron Chunk ImageIron Chunk Jam ImageJam Jueyun Chili ImageJueyun Chili
Jueyun Chili Seed ImageJueyun Chili Seed Kalpalata Lotus ImageKalpalata Lotus Karmaphala Wood ImageKarmaphala Wood
Lakelight Lily ImageLakelight Lily Lavender Melon ImageLavender Melon Linden Wood ImageLinden Wood
Lizard Tail ImageLizard Tail Loach Pearl ImageLoach Pearl Lotus Head ImageLotus Head
Lotus Head Seed ImageLotus Head Seed Lumidouce Bell ImageLumidouce Bell Lumidouce Bell Seed ImageLumidouce Bell Seed
Luminescent Spine ImageLuminescent Spine Lumitoile ImageLumitoile Magical Crystal Chunk ImageMagical Crystal Chunk
Mallow Wood ImageMallow Wood Maple Wood ImageMaple Wood Marcotte ImageMarcotte
Marcotte Seed ImageMarcotte Seed Marked Shell ImageMarked Shell MartensMartens' Omni-Fix
Matsutake ImageMatsutake Midlander Bow Billet ImageMidlander Bow Billet Midlander Catalyst Billet ImageMidlander Catalyst Billet
Midlander Claymore Billet ImageMidlander Claymore Billet Midlander Polearm Billet ImageMidlander Polearm Billet Midlander Sword Billet ImageMidlander Sword Billet
Milk ImageMilk Mint ImageMint Mint Seed ImageMint Seed
Mist Flower Corolla ImageMist Flower Corolla Mountain Date Wood ImageMountain Date Wood Mourning Flower ImageMourning Flower
Mushroom ImageMushroom Mushroom Spore ImageMushroom Spore Mysterious Meat ImageMysterious Meat
Naku Weed ImageNaku Weed Naku Weed Seed ImageNaku Weed Seed Nilotpala Lotus ImageNilotpala Lotus
Noctilucous Jade ImageNoctilucous Jade Northlander Billet Trove ImageNorthlander Billet Trove Northlander Bow Billet ImageNorthlander Bow Billet
Northlander Catalyst Billet ImageNorthlander Catalyst Billet Northlander Claymore Billet ImageNorthlander Claymore Billet Northlander Polearm Billet ImageNorthlander Polearm Billet
Northlander Sword Billet ImageNorthlander Sword Billet Ointment of Sight ImageOintment of Sight Onikabuto ImageOnikabuto
Onion ImageOnion Original Fish Ointment ImageOriginal Fish Ointment Otogi Wood ImageOtogi Wood
Padisarah ImagePadisarah Parasol Talcum ImageParasol Talcum Peach Palm Wood ImagePeach Palm Wood
Pepper ImagePepper Philanemo Mushroom ImagePhilanemo Mushroom Pine Wood ImagePine Wood
Pinecone ImagePinecone Pluie Lotus ImagePluie Lotus Pluie Lotus Seed ImagePluie Lotus Seed
Plume of the Changing Winds ImagePlume of the Changing Winds Potato ImagePotato Qingxin ImageQingxin
Qingxin Seed ImageQingxin Seed Quenepa Berry ImageQuenepa Berry Radish ImageRadish
Radish Seed ImageRadish Seed Rainbow Rose ImageRainbow Rose Rainbow Rose Seed ImageRainbow Rose Seed
Raw Meat ImageRaw Meat Red Dye ImageRed Dye Redrot Bait ImageRedrot Bait
Rice ImageRice Romaritime Flower ImageRomaritime Flower Rukkhashava Mushrooms ImageRukkhashava Mushrooms
Sakura Bloom ImageSakura Bloom Sakura Bloom Seed ImageSakura Bloom Seed Salt ImageSalt
Sand Grease Pupa ImageSand Grease Pupa Sandbearer Wood ImageSandbearer Wood Sango Pearl ImageSango Pearl
Saurian Claw Succulent ImageSaurian Claw Succulent Sausage ImageSausage Scarab ImageScarab
Sea Ganoderma ImageSea Ganoderma Sea Ganoderma Cutting ImageSea Ganoderma Cutting Seagrass ImageSeagrass
Seagrass Seed ImageSeagrass Seed Shrimp Meat ImageShrimp Meat Silk Flower ImageSilk Flower
Silk Flower Seed ImageSilk Flower Seed Small Lamp Grass ImageSmall Lamp Grass Small Lamp Grass Seed ImageSmall Lamp Grass Seed
Smoked Fowl ImageSmoked Fowl Snapdragon ImageSnapdragon Snapdragon Seed ImageSnapdragon Seed
Sour Bait ImageSour Bait Spice ImageSpice Spinel Fruit ImageSpinel Fruit
Sprayfeather Gill ImageSprayfeather Gill Spring of the First Dewdrop ImageSpring of the First Dewdrop Starconch ImageStarconch
Starsilver ImageStarsilver Sturdy Shell ImageSturdy Shell Subdetection Unit ImageSubdetection Unit
Sugar ImageSugar Sugardew Bait ImageSugardew Bait Sumeru Rose ImageSumeru Rose
Sumeru Rose Seed ImageSumeru Rose Seed Super-Duper Invincible Shining Sparkly Magic Crystal ImageSuper-Duper Invincible Shining Sparkly Magic Crystal Sweet Flower ImageSweet Flower
Sweet Flower Seed ImageSweet Flower Seed The Seas Silent Shade ImageThe Seas Silent Shade The Visible Winds ImageThe Visible Winds
Tidalga ImageTidalga Tofu ImageTofu Tomato ImageTomato
Torch Wood ImageTorch Wood Treasured Flower ImageTreasured Flower Trishiraite ImageTrishiraite
Unagi Meat ImageUnagi Meat Unfading Silky Grace ImageUnfading Silky Grace Valberry ImageValberry
Valberry Seed ImageValberry Seed Violetgrass ImageVioletgrass Violetgrass Seed ImageVioletgrass Seed
Viparyas ImageViparyas Vitalized Dragontooth ImageVitalized Dragontooth WandererWanderer's Blooming Flower
Wheat ImageWheat White Chestnut Oak Wood ImageWhite Chestnut Oak Wood White Iron Chunk ImageWhite Iron Chunk
Windwheel Aster ImageWindwheel Aster Windwheel Aster Seed ImageWindwheel Aster Seed Wolfhook ImageWolfhook
Yellow Dye ImageYellow Dye Yumemiru Wood ImageYumemiru Wood Zaytun Peach ImageZaytun Peach
Zaytun Peach Seed ImageZaytun Peach Seed

Materials and Ingredients

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“Delightful Encounter” Image“Delightful Encounter” A Ridiculously Common Branch ImageA Ridiculously Common Branch Ancient City Key ImageAncient City Key
Aphotium Ore ImageAphotium Ore Archaic Stone ImageArchaic Stone Arkhium Lumenite ImageArkhium Lumenite
Arkhium Stock ImageArkhium Stock Bag of Flower Seeds ImageBag of Flower Seeds Bathysmal Vishap Experimental Records ImageBathysmal Vishap Experimental Records
Before Sun and Moon ImageBefore Sun and Moon Chizhang Map ImageChizhang Map Credit Coupon ImageCredit Coupon
Cup of Commons ImageCup of Commons DateDate's Key DateDate's Medal of Recognition
Divine Bridle ImageDivine Bridle Dragonbone Orb ImageDragonbone Orb Drained Conch Cup ImageDrained Conch Cup
Dream Sakura ImageDream Sakura Energy Concentrating Component ImageEnergy Concentrating Component FateFate's Yearning
Fatui Stronghold Key ImageFatui Stronghold Key Fish Seized From a PelicanFish Seized From a Pelican's Mouth Flower of Farsight ImageFlower of Farsight
Foggy Forest Branch ImageFoggy Forest Branch Fontaine Ancient Key ImageFontaine Ancient Key Forgotten Key ImageForgotten Key
Frostglaze Crystal ImageFrostglaze Crystal Funerary Mask ImageFunerary Mask Garland ImageGarland
Glinting Component ImageGlinting Component Golden House Maiden ImageGolden House Maiden Handwheel ImageHandwheel
Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian ImageHandy Handbook of Hilichurlian Helm of Warding ImageHelm of Warding Husk Gem ImageHusk Gem
Hydrological Studies in Byakuyakoku ImageHydrological Studies in Byakuyakoku In the Light, Beneath the Shadow ImageIn the Light, Beneath the Shadow Jade Fragment ImageJade Fragment
Key of the Moon-bathed Deep ImageKey of the Moon-bathed Deep LetLet's Go, Dodoco! Light Realm Core ImageLight Realm Core
Lost Energy Block ImageLost Energy Block MinerMiner's Key Monolith Fragment ImageMonolith Fragment
Mysterious Core ImageMysterious Core Mysterious Ore ImageMysterious Ore Mysterious Xenochromatic Crystal ImageMysterious Xenochromatic Crystal
Orb of the Blue Depths ImageOrb of the Blue Depths Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji? ImagePretty Please, Kitsune Guuji? PriestPriest's Box
PrincessPrincess' Box Punched Tape ImagePunched Tape Rainbow RoseRainbow Rose's Ideals
Realm Dispatch ImageRealm Dispatch Record of the Tomb of Carouses ImageRecord of the Tomb of Carouses Red Wolfhook ImageRed Wolfhook
Restored Score ImageRestored Score Rusty Iron Key ImageRusty Iron Key Sacred Seal Auricle ImageSacred Seal Auricle
Sacred Seal Bird Head ImageSacred Seal Bird Head Sacred Seal Ceremony ImageSacred Seal Ceremony Sacred Seal Chisel Hammer ImageSacred Seal Chisel Hammer
Sacred Seal Crocodile Head ImageSacred Seal Crocodile Head Sacred Seal Danger ImageSacred Seal Danger Sacred Seal Dune ImageSacred Seal Dune
Sacred Seal Forest ImageSacred Seal Forest Sacred Seal Giant Serpent ImageSacred Seal Giant Serpent Sacred Seal Grand Door ImageSacred Seal Grand Door
Sacred Seal Labor ImageSacred Seal Labor Sacred Seal Precipice ImageSacred Seal Precipice Sacred Seal Raised Arm ImageSacred Seal Raised Arm
Sacred Seal Right to Rule ImageSacred Seal Right to Rule Sacred Seal Sandstorm ImageSacred Seal Sandstorm Sacred Seal Sheep Head ImageSacred Seal Sheep Head
Sacred Seal Sunrise ImageSacred Seal Sunrise Sacred Seal Thunderstrike ImageSacred Seal Thunderstrike Sacred Seal Valley ImageSacred Seal Valley
Scarlet Sand Slate ImageScarlet Sand Slate ScribeScribe's Box Shogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden with Unlimited Power ImageShogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden with Unlimited Power
Shriveled Seed ImageShriveled Seed Silver Twig ImageSilver Twig Simple Vault Key ImageSimple Vault Key
Skyfeather ImageSkyfeather Spur Gear ImageSpur Gear Star-Shaped Gem ImageStar-Shaped Gem
Story Key ImageStory Key Strange Key ImageStrange Key Strange Part ImageStrange Part
Sundial of Ages ImageSundial of Ages Tainted Blood ImageTainted Blood Teardrop Key ImageTeardrop Key
Tears Among the Stars ImageTears Among the Stars The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku ImageThe Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku ThelxieThelxie's Fantastic Adventures
Tokoyo Legume ImageTokoyo Legume Treasure Map Fragment ImageTreasure Map Fragment Unattributed Ramen Voucher ImageUnattributed Ramen Voucher
Valley Weaver ImageValley Weaver Vasmrti ImageVasmrti WarriorWarrior's Spear
Withered Kusava ImageWithered Kusava

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Acquaint Fate ImageAcquaint Fate An Appellative Stroke ImageAn Appellative Stroke Anemo Sigil ImageAnemo Sigil
Anemoculus ImageAnemoculus Blank Dynamic Card ImageBlank Dynamic Card Cake for Traveler ImageCake for Traveler
Condensed Resin ImageCondensed Resin Crimson Agate ImageCrimson Agate Dendro Sigil ImageDendro Sigil
Dendroculus ImageDendroculus Domain Reliquary - Tier I ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier I Domain Reliquary - Tier II ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier II
Domain Reliquary - Tier III ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier III Dream Solvent ImageDream Solvent Electro Sigil ImageElectro Sigil
Electroculus ImageElectroculus Fragile Resin ImageFragile Resin Geo Sigil ImageGeo Sigil
Geoculus ImageGeoculus Hydro Sigil ImageHydro Sigil Hydroculus ImageHydroculus
Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ImageInazuma Shrine of Depths Key Intertwined Fate ImageIntertwined Fate Light Realm Sigil ImageLight Realm Sigil
Liyue Shrine of Depths Key ImageLiyue Shrine of Depths Key Lumenspar ImageLumenspar Lumenstone Ore ImageLumenstone Ore
Masterless Stardust ImageMasterless Stardust Masterless Starglitter ImageMasterless Starglitter Match Invitation Letter ImageMatch Invitation Letter
Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key ImageMondstadt Shrine of Depths Key NatureNature's True Fruit Original Resin ImageOriginal Resin
PaimonPaimon's "Food Fund" Plume of Purifying Light ImagePlume of Purifying Light Pyro Sigil ImagePyro Sigil
Pyroculus ImagePyroculus Radiant Spincrystal 1 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 1 Radiant Spincrystal 10 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 10
Radiant Spincrystal 100 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 100 Radiant Spincrystal 101 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 101 Radiant Spincrystal 102 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 102
Radiant Spincrystal 103 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 103 Radiant Spincrystal 104 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 104 Radiant Spincrystal 105 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 105
Radiant Spincrystal 106 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 106 Radiant Spincrystal 107 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 107 Radiant Spincrystal 108 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 108
Radiant Spincrystal 109 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 109 Radiant Spincrystal 11 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 11 Radiant Spincrystal 110 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 110
Radiant Spincrystal 111 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 111 Radiant Spincrystal 112 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 112 Radiant Spincrystal 113 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 113
Radiant Spincrystal 114 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 114 Radiant Spincrystal 115 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 115 Radiant Spincrystal 116 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 116
Radiant Spincrystal 117 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 117 Radiant Spincrystal 118 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 118 Radiant Spincrystal 119 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 119
Radiant Spincrystal 12 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 12 Radiant Spincrystal 120 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 120 Radiant Spincrystal 121 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 121
Radiant Spincrystal 122 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 122 Radiant Spincrystal 123 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 123 Radiant Spincrystal 124 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 124
Radiant Spincrystal 125 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 125 Radiant Spincrystal 126 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 126 Radiant Spincrystal 127 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 127
Radiant Spincrystal 128 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 128 Radiant Spincrystal 129 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 129 Radiant Spincrystal 13 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 13
Radiant Spincrystal 130 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 130 Radiant Spincrystal 131 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 131 Radiant Spincrystal 132 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 132
Radiant Spincrystal 133 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 133 Radiant Spincrystal 134 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 134 Radiant Spincrystal 135 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 135
Radiant Spincrystal 136 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 136 Radiant Spincrystal 137 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 137 Radiant Spincrystal 138 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 138
Radiant Spincrystal 139 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 139 Radiant Spincrystal 14 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 14 Radiant Spincrystal 140 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 140
Radiant Spincrystal 15 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 15 Radiant Spincrystal 16 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 16 Radiant Spincrystal 17 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 17
Radiant Spincrystal 18 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 18 Radiant Spincrystal 19 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 19 Radiant Spincrystal 2 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 2
Radiant Spincrystal 20 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 20 Radiant Spincrystal 21 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 21 Radiant Spincrystal 22 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 22
Radiant Spincrystal 23 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 23 Radiant Spincrystal 24 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 24 Radiant Spincrystal 25 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 25
Radiant Spincrystal 26 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 26 Radiant Spincrystal 27 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 27 Radiant Spincrystal 28 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 28
Radiant Spincrystal 29 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 29 Radiant Spincrystal 3 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 3 Radiant Spincrystal 30 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 30
Radiant Spincrystal 31 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 31 Radiant Spincrystal 32 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 32 Radiant Spincrystal 33 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 33
Radiant Spincrystal 34 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 34 Radiant Spincrystal 35 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 35 Radiant Spincrystal 36 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 36
Radiant Spincrystal 37 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 37 Radiant Spincrystal 38 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 38 Radiant Spincrystal 39 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 39
Radiant Spincrystal 4 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 4 Radiant Spincrystal 40 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 40 Radiant Spincrystal 41 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 41
Radiant Spincrystal 42 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 42 Radiant Spincrystal 43 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 43 Radiant Spincrystal 44 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 44
Radiant Spincrystal 45 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 45 Radiant Spincrystal 46 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 46 Radiant Spincrystal 47 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 47
Radiant Spincrystal 48 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 48 Radiant Spincrystal 49 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 49 Radiant Spincrystal 5 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 5
Radiant Spincrystal 50 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 50 Radiant Spincrystal 51 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 51 Radiant Spincrystal 52 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 52
Radiant Spincrystal 53 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 53 Radiant Spincrystal 54 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 54 Radiant Spincrystal 55 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 55
Radiant Spincrystal 56 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 56 Radiant Spincrystal 57 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 57 Radiant Spincrystal 58 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 58
Radiant Spincrystal 59 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 59 Radiant Spincrystal 6 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 6 Radiant Spincrystal 60 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 60
Radiant Spincrystal 61 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 61 Radiant Spincrystal 62 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 62 Radiant Spincrystal 63 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 63
Radiant Spincrystal 64 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 64 Radiant Spincrystal 65 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 65 Radiant Spincrystal 66 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 66
Radiant Spincrystal 67 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 67 Radiant Spincrystal 68 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 68 Radiant Spincrystal 69 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 69
Radiant Spincrystal 7 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 7 Radiant Spincrystal 70 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 70 Radiant Spincrystal 71 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 71
Radiant Spincrystal 72 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 72 Radiant Spincrystal 73 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 73 Radiant Spincrystal 74 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 74
Radiant Spincrystal 75 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 75 Radiant Spincrystal 76 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 76 Radiant Spincrystal 77 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 77
Radiant Spincrystal 78 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 78 Radiant Spincrystal 79 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 79 Radiant Spincrystal 8 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 8
Radiant Spincrystal 80 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 80 Radiant Spincrystal 81 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 81 Radiant Spincrystal 82 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 82
Radiant Spincrystal 83 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 83 Radiant Spincrystal 84 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 84 Radiant Spincrystal 85 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 85
Radiant Spincrystal 86 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 86 Radiant Spincrystal 87 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 87 Radiant Spincrystal 88 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 88
Radiant Spincrystal 89 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 89 Radiant Spincrystal 9 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 9 Radiant Spincrystal 90 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 90
Radiant Spincrystal 91 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 91 Radiant Spincrystal 92 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 92 Radiant Spincrystal 93 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 93
Radiant Spincrystal 94 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 94 Radiant Spincrystal 95 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 95 Radiant Spincrystal 96 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 96
Radiant Spincrystal 97 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 97 Radiant Spincrystal 98 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 98 Radiant Spincrystal 99 ImageRadiant Spincrystal 99
Reaffirmed Accord of Appellation ImageReaffirmed Accord of Appellation Silken Print ImageSilken Print Spirit Carp ImageSpirit Carp
Stories of You and the Aranara ImageStories of You and the Aranara Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ImageSumeru Shrine of Depths Key Swirling Scene in a Bottle ImageSwirling Scene in a Bottle
Transient Resin ImageTransient Resin Vial of Adeptal Speed ImageVial of Adeptal Speed Welfare Meal ImageWelfare Meal

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Adepti SeekerAdepti Seeker's Stove Anemo Treasure Compass ImageAnemo Treasure Compass Anemoculus Resonance Stone ImageAnemoculus Resonance Stone
AratakiArataki's Great and Glorious Drum Artifact Strongbox: Archaic Petra ImageArtifact Strongbox: Archaic Petra Artifact Strongbox: Blizzard Strayer ImageArtifact Strongbox: Blizzard Strayer
Artifact Strongbox: Bloodstained Chivalry ImageArtifact Strongbox: Bloodstained Chivalry Artifact Strongbox: Crimson Witch of Flames ImageArtifact Strongbox: Crimson Witch of Flames Artifact Strongbox: GladiatorArtifact Strongbox: Gladiator's Finale
Artifact Strongbox: Heart of Depth ImageArtifact Strongbox: Heart of Depth Artifact Strongbox: Lavawalker ImageArtifact Strongbox: Lavawalker Artifact Strongbox: Maiden Beloved ImageArtifact Strongbox: Maiden Beloved
Artifact Strongbox: Noblesse Oblige ImageArtifact Strongbox: Noblesse Oblige Artifact Strongbox: Retracing Bolide ImageArtifact Strongbox: Retracing Bolide Artifact Strongbox: Thundering Fury ImageArtifact Strongbox: Thundering Fury
Artifact Strongbox: Thundersoother ImageArtifact Strongbox: Thundersoother Artifact Strongbox: Viridescent Venerer ImageArtifact Strongbox: Viridescent Venerer Artifact Strongbox: WandererArtifact Strongbox: Wanderer's Troupe
Artifact Transmuter ImageArtifact Transmuter AyeshaAyesha's Chaos Prospector Bokuso Box ImageBokuso Box
Casket of Tomes ImageCasket of Tomes Crystalfly Trap ImageCrystalfly Trap Dendro Treasure Compass ImageDendro Treasure Compass
Dendroculus Resonance Stone ImageDendroculus Resonance Stone Electro Treasure Compass ImageElectro Treasure Compass Electroculus Resonance Stone ImageElectroculus Resonance Stone
Endora ImageEndora Eye of Upano ImageEye of Upano Fateometer ImageFateometer
Festive Drum ImageFestive Drum Fishing Line Stabilizer ImageFishing Line Stabilizer Floaty Splody ImageFloaty Splody
Floral Zither ImageFloral Zither Geo Treasure Compass ImageGeo Treasure Compass Geoculus Resonance Stone ImageGeoculus Resonance Stone
Hot Pod ImageHot Pod Hydro Treasure Compass ImageHydro Treasure Compass Hydroculus Resonance Stone ImageHydroculus Resonance Stone
Image Sampling Kamera ImageImage Sampling Kamera Inquisitive Endora ImageInquisitive Endora Inscribed Mirror ImageInscribed Mirror
Itty Bitty Octobaby ImageItty Bitty Octobaby Jinni in the Magic Bottle - Liloupar ImageJinni in the Magic Bottle - Liloupar Kamera ImageKamera
Kurious Kamera ImageKurious Kamera Kusava ImageKusava Launch Tube ImageLaunch Tube
Lumenstone Adjuvant ImageLumenstone Adjuvant Material Collector ImageMaterial Collector Memento Lens ImageMemento Lens
Mini Seelie - Brilliance ImageMini Seelie - Brilliance Mini Seelie - Curcuma ImageMini Seelie - Curcuma Mini Seelie - Dayflower ImageMini Seelie - Dayflower
Mini Seelie - Moss ImageMini Seelie - Moss Mini Seelie - Rosé ImageMini Seelie - Rosé Mini Seelie - Viola ImageMini Seelie - Viola
Nightwind Horn ImageNightwind Horn NRE (Menu 30) ImageNRE (Menu 30) Omni-Ubiquity Net ImageOmni-Ubiquity Net
Parametric Transformer ImageParametric Transformer Peculiar Pinion ImagePeculiar Pinion Portable Aerodynamic Gelatinous Bubble Generator ImagePortable Aerodynamic Gelatinous Bubble Generator
Portable Waypoint ImagePortable Waypoint Red Feather Fan  ImageRed Feather Fan Search Compass ImageSearch Compass
Seed Dispensary ImageSeed Dispensary Serenitea Pot ImageSerenitea Pot Shiki Koshou ImageShiki Koshou
Sorush ImageSorush Special Analysis Zoom Lens ImageSpecial Analysis Zoom Lens Special Kamera ImageSpecial Kamera
Straight Shooter ImageStraight Shooter The Boon of the Elder Tree ImageThe Boon of the Elder Tree Treasure-Seeking Seelie ImageTreasure-Seeking Seelie
Ultra-Hot Burner Lamp Test Model ImageUltra-Hot Burner Lamp Test Model Vintage Lyre ImageVintage Lyre Warming Bottle ImageWarming Bottle
Waverider Repair Toolbox ImageWaverider Repair Toolbox Wilderness Compass ImageWilderness Compass Wind Catcher ImageWind Catcher
Wind-Blessed Harpastum ImageWind-Blessed Harpastum Wind-Powered Wind Generator ImageWind-Powered Wind Generator Windblume Festival Commemorative Balloon ImageWindblume Festival Commemorative Balloon
Windblume Kamera ImageWindblume Kamera Windsong Lyre ImageWindsong Lyre Wisdom Orb ImageWisdom Orb


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15 Anonymous8 months

Your missing mist flower and flame flower

14 Anonymous8 months

Their are some thing called fire flower or something if you walk near it it will make the ground burn some with some mint

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