Genshin Impact

Where to Find Fowl Locations and How to Get

Genshin Impact - How to Get Fowl and Effects

Fowl is a Cooking Ingredient dropped by hunting birds or bought from Draff in Springvale in Genshin Impact. Check out where to find all Fowl farming locations in Mondstadt, where to buy it, and what you can cook with it in this guide!

All Ways to Get Fowl

How to Get Fowl Fast

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Hunt Birds in the Wild

Buy From the Shop

Obtain from Expeditions

The best way to get Fowl is by buying them from a vendor named Draff in Springvale, Mondstadt or from Ashpazi in Gandharva Ville, Sumeru. This method is the best way to get Fowl if you need them for the Marvelous Merchandise event.

Marvelous Merchandise Event Guide

Where to Find Fowl

All Fowl Locations in Mondstadt

Fowl Best Farming Map Locations

Mondstadt City

Starfell Lake


Best Farming Route for Fowl

Genshin - Fowl - Recommended Farming Areas - Bridge of Mondstadt Near Timmie
While birds can also be found in other regions, Mondstadt has the highest density of Fowl-producing birds!

Fowls are best found near the bridges of Mondstadt, with some of them flocking near the boy, Timmie! You can use far-reaching skills from characters like Diluc or Venti's Elemental Bursts to easily reach all of them.

Hunt Birds for Fowl

Genshin - Fowl - Get by Hunting Birds
You can get Fowl by hunting birds, pigeons, ducks, finches, and other flying animals. The majority of the birds listed below drop one fowl when you attack them. Except for Azure Cranes and Violet Ibis that drop two fowls.

All Birds that Drop Fowl

List of All Birds
Genshin - Brownwing Falcon ImageBrownwing Falcon Genshin - Umbertail Falcon ImageUmbertail Falcon Genshin - Lapis Glede ImageLapis Glede Genshin - Silkwhite Falcon ImageSilkwhite Falcon
Genshin - White Pigeon ImageWhite Pigeon Genshin - Brightcrown Pigeon ImageBrightcrown Pigeon Genshin - Graywing Pigeon ImageGraywing Pigeon Genshin - Crimsonflank Pigeon ImageCrimsonflank Pigeon
Genshin - Black King Pigeon ImageBlack King Pigeon Genshin - Crimson Finch ImageCrimson Finch Genshin - Golden Finch ImageGolden Finch Genshin - Snow Finch ImageSnow Finch
Genshin - Emerald Finch ImageEmerald Finch Genshin - Scarletbeak Duck ImageScarletbeak Duck Genshin - Emerald Duck ImageEmerald Duck Genshin - Azure Crane ImageAzure Crane
Genshin - Crow ImageCrow Genshin - Violet Ibis ImageViolet Ibis Genshin - Dusk Bird ImageDusk Bird Genshin - Red Vulture ImageRed Vulture
Genshin - Sacred Ibis ImageSacred Ibis Genshin - Flatcrest Fulmar ImageFlatcrest Fulmar Genshin - Violetgold Angler Gull ImageVioletgold Angler Gull Genshin - Slate Umbrellafinch ImageSlate Umbrellafinch
Genshin - Viridian Fantail Pigeon ImageViridian Fantail Pigeon Genshin - Magenta Fantail Pigeon ImageMagenta Fantail Pigeon Genshin - Bluecrown Finch ImageBluecrown Finch Genshin - Redcrown Finch ImageRedcrown Finch
Genshin - Burgundy Umbrellafinch ImageBurgundy Umbrellafinch Genshin - Snow-Winged Goose ImageSnow-Winged Goose Genshin - Darkwing Goose ImageDarkwing Goose Genshin - Redbill Pelican ImageRedbill Pelican
Genshin - Velvetfall Duck ImageVelvetfall Duck Genshin - Flowfire Bird ImageFlowfire Bird Genshin - Flowcurrent Bird ImageFlowcurrent Bird Genshin - Thick-Feathered Ruffed Pheasant ImageThick-Feathered Ruffed Pheasant
Genshin - Halberd-Crest Bird ImageHalberd-Crest Bird Genshin - Red Flamingo ImageRed Flamingo Genshin - Blue Mountain Spoonbill ImageBlue Mountain Spoonbill

List of Animals and Wildlife

Recommended to Use Bow Characters

List of Bow Characters
Amber Amber Venti Venti Fischl Fischl Tartaglia Tartaglia
Diona Diona Ganyu Ganyu Yoimiya Yoimiya Sara Sara
Gorou Gorou Aloy Aloy Lyney Lyney Yelan Yelan
Tighnari Tighnari Collei Collei Faruzan Faruzan Sigewinne Sigewinne
Sethos Sethos Chasca Chasca Ororon Ororon

We recommended to use Bow characters when hunting for Fowl, as birds will fly away when you try to approach them.

Character and Exploration Tier List

Have Kirara or Aloy in Your Party

Genshin - Kirara Passive Talent
Birds that produce Fowl will not be easily startled when either Aloy or Kirara is in the party. You can get so far as to stand beside them as long as you don't attack or sprint!

Note that Birds will still fly away if you startle them with an attack that doesn't hit them, as this ability will only make it easier for you to approach them.

Use Diona's Elemental Skill to Hunt Birds

Genshin - Diona Elemental Skill Hunt Birds
Diona's Elemental Skill, Icy Paws, can home in on those birds when you hunt them. You should press on it if you have one target and hold the skill when you have multiple bird targets!

Other Ways to Get Fowl ▲

Where to Buy Fowl

Buy from Draff's Shop in Springvale

Draff's Shop Details on Fowl
Location By the pond of Springvale
Price 240 Mora per Fowl
Limit 10 Fowls
Shop Reset Every 24 hours

Get Fowl From Draff in Mondstadt

Fowl can be bought from the vendor in Springvale named Draff during the day, for 240 Mora each. You can buy up to 10 fowl every 24 hours at Server Reset.

Buy from Ashpazi's Shop in Ghandarva Ville

Ashpazi's Shop Details on Fowl
Location Near a grill in the middle of Gandharva Ville
Price 240 Mora per Fowl
Limit 10 Fowls
Shop Reset Every 24 hours

Buy Fowls from the Azhpazi in Sumeru

You can also buy fowl from Ashpazi in Gandharva Ville, Sumeru. Like Draff, his fowl cost 240 Mora each, you can buy up to 10 Fowls and the shops will refresh its stock every 24 hours at server reset.

Buy From Pahsiv's Shop

Pahsiv's Shop Details on Fowl
Location Near a grill in the middle of Gandharva Ville
Price 2 Tidalga per 4 Fowls
Limit 5 sets of 4 Fowls
Shop Reset Does Not Reset

Pahsiv's Shop Only Appears After Wild Fairy of Erinnyes Quest

After completing the Wild Fairy of Erinnyes Questquest, Pahsiv will be inside a cave north of the Loch Urania lake in Fontaine where you can buy items from her. This includes Fowl, which can be bought with Tidalga.

Follow the waterfall until you find the cave entrance and just head inside.

Other Ways to Get Fowl ▲

Expeditions That Give Fowl

Which Expedition to Choose

Expedition and Region

Windrise, Mondstadt

Nazuchi Beach, Inazuma

Mont Esus, Fontaine

Expeditions Guide

Amount of Fowl From Expeditions

4H 8H 12H 20H
Amount 1 2〜4 4〜6 8〜12

All three Expeditions give the same amounts of Fowl

The amount of Fowl you get from expeditions depends on the expedition duration you choose. The longer the expedition, the more Fowl you get!

Other Ways to Get Fowl ▲

How to Use Fowl

All Fowl Recipes

All Recipes That Use Fowl
Genshin - Chicken-Mushroom Skewer ImageChicken-Mushroom Skewer Genshin - Sweet Madame ImageSweet Madame Genshin - Jueyun Chili Chicken ImageJueyun Chili Chicken
Genshin - Fruity Skewers ImageFruity Skewers Genshin - RockinRockin' Riffin' Chicken! Genshin - Triple-Layered Consomme ImageTriple-Layered Consomme
Genshin - Golden Fried Chicken ImageGolden Fried Chicken Genshin - Golden Chicken Burger ImageGolden Chicken Burger Genshin - Dinner of Judgement ImageDinner of Judgement
Genshin - Chicken Tofu Pudding ImageChicken Tofu Pudding Genshin - Imported Poultry ImageImported Poultry Genshin - Konda Cuisine ImageKonda Cuisine
Genshin - Oncidium Tofu ImageOncidium Tofu Genshin - Dragon Beard Noodles ImageDragon Beard Noodles Genshin - Heartstring Noodles ImageHeartstring Noodles
Genshin - Show Me the Mora ImageShow Me the Mora Genshin - Butter Chicken ImageButter Chicken Genshin - Duel Soul ImageDuel Soul
Genshin - Tandoori Roast Chicken ImageTandoori Roast Chicken Genshin - Duck Confit ImageDuck Confit Genshin - Fontainian Foie Gras ImageFontainian Foie Gras
Genshin - Fontaine Aspic ImageFontaine Aspic Genshin - Vessie Chicken ImageVessie Chicken Genshin - Consomme ImageConsomme
Genshin - Cassoulet ImageCassoulet Genshin - "Consomme Purete" Image"Consomme Purete" Genshin - Feast-OFeast-O's
Genshin - Sin: The Kind that DoesnSin: The Kind that Doesn't Need to be Dealt With Genshin - Tea-Smoked Squab ImageTea-Smoked Squab Genshin - Deep-Fried Doublecrisp ImageDeep-Fried Doublecrisp
Genshin - Eight-Treasure Duck ImageEight-Treasure Duck Genshin - Tagged and Bagged ImageTagged and Bagged Genshin - Bulle Sauce Duck Breast ImageBulle Sauce Duck Breast
Genshin - Fricassee de Poulet ImageFricassee de Poulet Genshin - A Fragrant Feast of Flavors ImageA Fragrant Feast of Flavors Genshin - Impeccably Organized ImageImpeccably Organized
Genshin - Grainfruit Chips ImageGrainfruit Chips Genshin - Grainfruit Meat Soup ImageGrainfruit Meat Soup Genshin - Stuffed NStuffed N' Mashed Potatoes
Genshin - Grainfruit Wrap ImageGrainfruit Wrap Genshin - Moment of Respite ImageMoment of Respite Genshin - Surf, Turf, and Perch ImageSurf, Turf, and Perch

Other Items Craftable with Fowl

Output Item Amount Needed
Smoked Fowl Image Smoked Fowl
Fowl Fowl ×3
Salt Salt ×1
Redrot Bait Image Redrot Bait
Fowl Fowl ×1

Fowl Effects and Basic Information

Fowl ImageFowl Rarity -
Type Materials
Effect None

A fresh chunk of fowl. Handled correctly it can make a hearty meal.

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Items and Materials Slim Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Cooking Ingredient

List of Items
Mushroom ImageMushroom Sweet Flower ImageSweet Flower Carrot ImageCarrot
Radish ImageRadish Snapdragon ImageSnapdragon Mint ImageMint
Wheat ImageWheat Cabbage ImageCabbage Pinecone ImagePinecone
Berry ImageBerry Raw Meat ImageRaw Meat Bird Egg ImageBird Egg
Matsutake ImageMatsutake Fowl ImageFowl Crab ImageCrab
Fish ImageFish Crab Roe ImageCrab Roe Lotus Head ImageLotus Head
Salt ImageSalt Onion ImageOnion Pepper ImagePepper
Milk ImageMilk Tomato ImageTomato Potato ImagePotato
Tofu ImageTofu Almond ImageAlmond Rice ImageRice
Shrimp Meat ImageShrimp Meat Flour ImageFlour Cream ImageCream
Smoked Fowl ImageSmoked Fowl Butter ImageButter Ham ImageHam
Sugar ImageSugar Jam ImageJam Cheese ImageCheese
Bacon ImageBacon Sausage ImageSausage Bamboo Shoot ImageBamboo Shoot
Chilled Meat ImageChilled Meat Great Snowboar King Meat ImageGreat Snowboar King Meat Lavender Melon ImageLavender Melon
Seagrass ImageSeagrass Unagi Meat ImageUnagi Meat Sumeru Rose ImageSumeru Rose
Harra Fruit ImageHarra Fruit Zaytun Peach ImageZaytun Peach Spice ImageSpice
Glabrous Beans ImageGlabrous Beans Ajilenakh Nut ImageAjilenakh Nut Mysterious Meat ImageMysterious Meat
Coffee Beans ImageCoffee Beans Tidalga ImageTidalga Marcotte ImageMarcotte
Fermented Juice ImageFermented Juice Chenyu Adeptea ImageChenyu Adeptea Spinel Fruit ImageSpinel Fruit
Cacahuatl ImageCacahuatl

List of Materials and Ingredients


4 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Here to find out where to spend and lower my fowl count so that I can keep killing Timmie's birds

3 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Yes, i would rather pay draff to get 10 fowls, when I can get 10 in 15seconds mm yes

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