Genshin Impact

How to Get and Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net Gadget to Catch Animals

Genshin Impact - How to Get Omni-Ubiquity Net and Effects

The Omni-Ubiquity Net is a gadget used to catch animals in Genshin Impact. See how unlock the Omni-Ubiquity Net, where to find Wakamurasaki and buy it, how to catch animals to get teapot furnishings, and what animals you can catch here!

How to Get Omni-Ubiquity Net

Complete the Omni-Ubiquity Net World Quest

Genshin Impact - Omni-Ubiquity Net World Quest Guide

Completing the Omni-Ubiquity Net World Quest unlocks the ability to capture the essence of small animals in the open-world and recapture them to add to your Serenitea Pot!

Omni-Ubiquity Net Quest Guide

Buy from Wakamurasaki

Genshin - Omni-Ubiquity Net - Purchase from Wakamurasaki

Once players complete the world quest, players can buy up to 5 Omni-Ubiquity Nets per week from the NPC Wakamurasaki, who is nearby the Inazuma's Fishing Association. Each Omni-Ubiquity Net will cost 10,000 Mora.

How to Use Omni-Ubiquity Net

Used to Capture Animals

Genshin - Omni-Ubiquity Net - Capture Animals in Open World
Obtain the essence of certain wildlife and animals by capturing them with the Omni-Ubiquity Net.

How to Catch Animals

Use Omni-Ubiquity Net Skill

Genshin - Omni Ubuquity Net - How to Use
You can catch animals by aiming with the Omni-Ubiquity Net. While using this gadget, your Elemental Skill will be replaced into the special Net skill. Hold this button then aim your net to the animal you wish to catch!

Place Animals in the Teapot

Genshin - Omni-Ubiquity Net - Place Animal in Teapot
After after obtaining the essence of animals, you can then put them inside your Serenitea Pot as Furnishing items. Fill that Serenitea Pot up with furry friends!

Housing System & Serenitea Pot Guide

What Animals Can be Caught with the Net?

Marked with Nets in the Archive

Genshin - Animals Marked with Nets Can be Caught
The animals whose essence can be copied into the Serenitea Pot are marked with the net symbol in the Living Beings: Wildlife Archive!

All Animals That Can Be Caught with the Omni-Ubiquity Net


All Birds That Can Be Caught by the Net
Genshin - Violetgold Angler Gull ImageVioletgold Angler Gull Genshin - Halberd-Crest Bird ImageHalberd-Crest Bird Genshin - Flowcurrent Bird ImageFlowcurrent Bird Genshin - Dusk Bird ImageDusk Bird
Genshin - Crow ImageCrow Genshin - Violet Ibis ImageViolet Ibis Genshin - Sacred Ibis ImageSacred Ibis Genshin - Burgundy Umbrellafinch ImageBurgundy Umbrellafinch
Genshin - Redcrown Finch ImageRedcrown Finch Genshin - Crimson Finch ImageCrimson Finch Genshin - Golden Finch ImageGolden Finch Genshin - Snow Finch ImageSnow Finch
Genshin - Emerald Finch ImageEmerald Finch Genshin - Bluecrown Finch ImageBluecrown Finch Genshin - Slate Umbrellafinch ImageSlate Umbrellafinch Genshin - Red Flamingo ImageRed Flamingo
Genshin - Flatcrest Fulmar ImageFlatcrest Fulmar Genshin - Snow-Winged Goose ImageSnow-Winged Goose Genshin - Darkwing Goose ImageDarkwing Goose Genshin - Redbill Pelican ImageRedbill Pelican
Genshin - Thick-Feathered Ruffed Pheasant ImageThick-Feathered Ruffed Pheasant Genshin - Viridian Fantail Pigeon ImageViridian Fantail Pigeon Genshin - Magenta Fantail Pigeon ImageMagenta Fantail Pigeon Genshin - Black King Pigeon ImageBlack King Pigeon
Genshin - Crimsonflank Pigeon ImageCrimsonflank Pigeon Genshin - Graywing Pigeon ImageGraywing Pigeon Genshin - Brightcrown Pigeon ImageBrightcrown Pigeon Genshin - White Pigeon ImageWhite Pigeon


All Beasts That Can Be Caught by the Net
Genshin - Snow Weasel ImageSnow Weasel Genshin - Red-Tailed Weasel ImageRed-Tailed Weasel Genshin - Boot Weasel ImageBoot Weasel Genshin - Bluethunder Weasel ImageBluethunder Weasel
Genshin - Masked Weasel ImageMasked Weasel Genshin - Flying Squirrel ImageFlying Squirrel Genshin - Squirrel ImageSquirrel Genshin - Glittergray Hunting Hound ImageGlittergray Hunting Hound
Genshin - Amber Hunting Hound ImageAmber Hunting Hound Genshin - Chestnut Hunting Hound ImageChestnut Hunting Hound Genshin - Cacaua Goat ImageCacaua Goat Genshin - Fluff-Fleece Goat ImageFluff-Fleece Goat
Genshin - Desert Fox ImageDesert Fox Genshin - Kitsune ImageKitsune Genshin - Crimson Fox ImageCrimson Fox Genshin - Snow Fox ImageSnow Fox
Genshin - Brown Deer ImageBrown Deer Genshin - Gray Snow Cat ImageGray Snow Cat Genshin - Sapphire ImageSapphire Genshin - Capybara ImageCapybara
Genshin - Shroomboar ImageShroomboar Genshin - Alpaca ImageAlpaca

Crystalflies and Other Creatures

All Creatures That Can Be Caught by the Net
Genshin - General Crab ImageGeneral Crab Genshin - Golden Crab ImageGolden Crab Genshin - Sun Crab ImageSun Crab Genshin - Ocean Crab ImageOcean Crab
Genshin - Pale Red Crab ImagePale Red Crab Genshin - Pyro Crystalfly ImagePyro Crystalfly Genshin - Anemo Crystalfly ImageAnemo Crystalfly Genshin - Hydro Crystalfly ImageHydro Crystalfly
Genshin - Dendro Crystalfly ImageDendro Crystalfly Genshin - Coral Butterfly ImageCoral Butterfly Genshin - Electro Crystalfly ImageElectro Crystalfly Genshin - Cryo Crystalfly ImageCryo Crystalfly
Genshin - Geo Crystalfly ImageGeo Crystalfly Genshin - Forest Tree Frog ImageForest Tree Frog Genshin - Blue Frog ImageBlue Frog Genshin - Mud Frog ImageMud Frog
Genshin - Frog ImageFrog Genshin - Green Horned Lizard ImageGreen Horned Lizard Genshin - Red-Tailed Lizard ImageRed-Tailed Lizard Genshin - Blue Horned Lizard ImageBlue Horned Lizard
Genshin - Marrow Lizard ImageMarrow Lizard Genshin - Red Horned Lizard ImageRed Horned Lizard Genshin - Sunny Loach ImageSunny Loach Genshin - Golden Loach ImageGolden Loach
Genshin - Sunset Loach ImageSunset Loach Genshin - Lucklight Fly ImageLucklight Fly Genshin - Malachitin Lumibug ImageMalachitin Lumibug Genshin - Red-Finned Unagi ImageRed-Finned Unagi
Genshin - Adorned Unagi ImageAdorned Unagi Genshin - Deep Sea Unagi ImageDeep Sea Unagi Genshin - Quicksand Unagi ImageQuicksand Unagi
Genshin - Scarab animal icon Scarab

List of Animals and Wildlife

Omni-Ubiquity Net Basic Information

Omni-Ubiquity Net ImageOmni-Ubiquity Net Rarity 3
Type Gadgets
Effect None

A net that has been modified once again by Wakamurasaki using onmyoudou. She claims that it can detain the essence of small creatures before using the net itself as a medium to recreate their forms.

Introduced in the Bantan Sango Case Files event

Genshin Impact - Bantan Sango Case Files The Warrior Dog Event Guide
The Omni-Ubiquity Net was introduced in the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog event, which ran during Version 2.3!

Bantan Sango Case Files Event Guide

Used in Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog Event

Event-Exclusive Ubiquity Net

Genshin - Ubiquity Net Event Gadget

The Ubiquity Net used in the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog event is an event-exclusive gadget that can only be used within the event stages.

Rescue Animals with the Net

Genshin - Omni-Ubiquity Net - Rescue Animals in Event
During the event, players can use the Ubiquity Net to capture and rescue small animals.

Stun the Canine Bunshin

Genshin - Omni-Ubiquity Net - Stun Canine Bunshin
You can cause the Canine Bunshin to be unable to move for a short time if you hit him with the Ubiquity Net.

Bantan Sango Case Files Event Guide

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Genshin - Items and Materials Slim Banner

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5 Anonymousabout 3 years

Missing the standard Boot Weasel in the list. You can catch one near a crystal ore on Cuijue Slope (Aloy makes it easy).

4 Anonymousabout 3 years

How in the hell do you get the quest in the first place...? Is there a point you need to be at in the game to unlock...? I've been trying to find prerequisite info but everything just said it is after the dogo warrior event and NOTHING else... Did you have to complete the event to have this show up? though my friend didn't either and it just showed up in their quest log when they logged in 12/23.

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