Genshin Impact

How to Use and Upgrade the Lumenstone Adjuvant Gadget

Genshin Impact - How to Get Lumenstone Adjuvant and Effects

Lumenstone Adjuvant is a gadget used in The Chasm's Underground Mines in Genshin Impact 2.6. See how to get the Lumenstone Adjuvant, all uses of it, how to upgrade it with Lumenspars and Lumenstone Ores, and all rewards from refining it here!

The Chasm Guides
Genshin - Chasm Delvers Quest Chain GuideChasm Delvers Genshin - The Chasm Surface GuideThe Surface Genshin - The Chasm Mines GuideThe Mines Genshin - Lumenstone Adjuvant in The ChasmLumenstone Adjuvant
Genshin - Lumenspar Locations in The ChasmLumenspar Locations Genshin - Lumenstone Ore Locarions in The ChasmLumenstone Ores Genshin - Ruin Serpent GuideRuin Serpent Guide Genshin - Lost Valley GuideThe Lost Valley Guide

How to Get Lumenstone Adjuvant

Obtained from The Chasm Delvers Quest Chain

Genshin Impact -

The Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget can be obtained from the The Chasm Delvers quest chain, and playing through The Chasm Spelunkers subquest after entering the Underground Mines of the Chasm.

To unlock the whole questline, talk to Lan beside Katheryne in Liyue to start the quest!

''The Chasm Delvers'' Quest Chain Guide

How to Use the Lumenstone Adjuvant

All Known Uses of the Gadget

All Ways to Use Lumenstone Adjuvant
Lighting the Underground Mines
Dispersing Dark Mud and Oozing Concretions
Recharges objects and locked chests
Find other Lumenspars

Light up the Underground Mines

Genshin - Adjuvant Lumenspar Light
Equipping the Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget will allow players to light up their surroundings while in the Underground Mines of the Chasm. The area down under can be hard to see, so it's important to keep your gadget up at all times!

The Chasm: Underground Mines Map Guide

Use in Nahida's Second Story Quest

Genshin Impact - Homecoming Part 2 Step 2
During Nahida's Second Story Quest, Homecoming, the story takes Nahida and the Traveler into the depths of the Chasm! Having the Lumenstone Adjuvant ready can ensure the quest to go more smoothly.

Nahida Story Quest Act 2 Guide

Get Rid of the Dark Mud and Oozing Concretions

Genshin - Lumenstone Adjuvant - Blooming Light
At a certain level, the Lumenstone Adjuvant can actively be used to destroy Oozing Concretions and disperse Dark Mud using Blooming Light. This function can also be strengthened and given a wider range by upgrading the Lumenstone Adjuvant.

How to Clear Out of Oozing Concretions

Stop the Ruin Serpent's Feeding Attack

Genshin - Ruin Serpent - Spin Siphon
Using the Lumenstone Adjuvant's Blooming Light on the Oozing bulb while fighting the Ruin Serpent will stop and prevent itself from powering up from its feeding attack.

How to Beat the Ruin Serpent

Activate Objects and Locked Chests

Genshin - Lumenstone Adjuvant Recharge to Unlock

Objects and chest with marks and tethers will need to be recharged in order to activate or unlock. Doing this will deplete your Lumenstone Adjuvant energy, so plan your gadget usage accordingly!

Detect Lumenspars in the Mines

After upgrading your Lumenstone Adjuvant to a certain level, it will automatically mark a general area in the Underground Mines where a Lumenspar can be found, similar to how the Oculus Resonance Stones work.

How to Upgrade the Lumenstone Adjuvant

Refine with Lumenspars and Lumenstone Ores

Genshin - The Chasm - Lumenstone Adjuvant
Upgrade your Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget with Lumenspars and Lumenstone Ores. Both can only be found under The Chasm. Upgrading your Lumenstone Adjuvant will increase its maximum energy stored, its brightness and range.

Lumenstone Adjuvant Upgrade Items
Genshin - Lumenspar
Genshin - Lumenstone Ore
Lumenstone Ores

Talk to Jinwu to Start Refining

Genshin - Refine the Adjuvant
In order to refine and upgrade the Lumenstone Adjuvant, you'll need to talk to the NPC Jinwu in The Chasm!

List of All Lumenstone Adjuvant Upgrades

Lvl. Upgrades Materials Needed
1 • The maximum amount of energy that can be stored in the Lumenstone Adjuvant has been increased to 3.
2 • Unlocks the Blooming Light. Using the Lumenstone Adjuvant consumes the energy stored within the Adjuvant to destroy nearby Level 1 Oozing Concretions. This can be used once every 4s.
3 • The maximum amount of energy that can be stored in the Lumenstone Adjuvant has been increased to 4. The brightness and range have been increased.
4 • The maximum amount of energy that can be stored in the Lumenstone Adjuvant has been increased to 6.
5 • The maximum amount of energy that can be stored in the Lumenstone Adjuvant has been increased to 7.
• Blooming Light's CD is decreased to 2s as well.
6 • Blooming Light can unleash even greater energy to destroy Level 2 Oozing Concretions.
7 • The maximum amount of energy that can be stored in the Lumenstone Adjuvant has been increased to 9.
8 • The maximum amount of energy that can be stored in the Lumenstone Adjuvant has been increased to 10.
• Blooming Light's AoE is increased and it can now search for nearby Lumenspar when used.
9 • When the Lumenstone Adjuvant is equipped, characters can perform Sprints and Alternate Sprints even within the Oozing Filth.
• After Blooming Light is used, the character will regain Stamina.
10 • ''The Lumenstone Adjuvant has reached it maximum enhancement level. May this little light bring some comfort to this journey through the dark.''

80 Lumenspars and 3 Lumenstone Ores Needed

To unlock all upgrades for the Lumenstone Adjuvant, you need to collect all 80 Lumenspar and 3 Lumenstone Ores from the Underground Mines of The Chasm.

All 3 Lumenstone Ores are obtainable from The Chasm Delver's questline, so you'll only need to advance the quests to get them!

All Lumenspar Locations

Upgrade to Increase its Range

Genshin - Blooming Light from the Lumenstone Adjuvant
Refining the gadget will also increase the Blooming Light's area of effect. This will also be useful when exploring the deeper areas of The Chasm!

How to Recharge the Lumenstone Adjuvant

Ways to Replenish the Energy

All Ways to Recharge the Lumenstone Adjuvant
Teleport Waypoints
Lucklight Flies
Luminous Seelie
Lumen Bubbles

Recover by Teleport Waypoints

Genshin - Lumenstone Adjuvant - Recharge with Teleport Waypoint
Standing beside a Teleport Waypoint will also automatically start recharging your Lumenstone Adjuvant's energy.

Interact with Lumenlamps and Lucklight Flies

Genshin - Lumenlamps and Lucklight Flies
Using Lumenlamps and catching Lucklight Flies can restore some of your Lumenstone Adjuvant's energy!

Get Close to Luminous Seelies

Genshin - Luminous Seelies
Luminous Seelies are mutated Seelies due to the unique environment in the Underground Mines of the Chasm. Standing close to a Luminous Seelie will automatically start recharging your Lumenstone Adjuvant's energy!

Activate Lumen Bubbles

Genshin - Lumenstone Adjuvant - Lumen Bubbles
Areas of the Underground Mines will also have small bubbles of light that you can activate to collect Lumenstone Adjuvant energy!

Lumenstone Adjuvant Rewards

All Rewards from Enhancing the Gadget

Lvl. Item Rewards
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000
Lumens: Stone of Light Namecard x1
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50000

Lumenstone Adjuvant Effects and Basic Information

Gadget Effects and Info

Lumenstone Adjuvant ImageLumenstone Adjuvant Rarity 4
Type Gadgets
Effect When equipped in The Chasm's Underground Mines, this precious crystal can provide illumination.

It has many similarities to the Glazed Sand Crystal that may only be found within The Chasm, but it stores even greater power within it.
May it be as a sun in your palm, lighting the way through the lightless tunnels and bringing comfort where all is dark.

Released in Version 2.6

Genshin Impact - Version 2.6 Release Date and Patch Notes
The Lumenstone Adjuvant was released during the Version 2.6 update along with The Chasm. Take a look at our Version 2.6 guide for all other new content:

Version 2.6 Release Date and Patch Notes

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event

Genshin Impact - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event Guide

Lumenstone Adjuvant Event

The Lumenstone Adjuvant was used to clear out the dark mud and oozing concretions in the A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event!
A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event Guide

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Items in The Chasm

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2 An0nymover 2 years

Some ores can replenish the energy too

1 Neja over 2 years

You forgot to add that some ores can replenish the Adjuvant's energiu ;)

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