Genshin Impact

How to Get Crab and Effects

Genshin Impact - How to Get Crab and Effects

Crab is an Item in Genshin Impact. Learn how to use and where to find it, its rarity and effects, and everything you need to know about Crab here!

How to Get Crab

Crab Location

Location 1 Dropped by animals

Get Crab from Guyun Stone Forest

You can get Crab from riversides, lakes, and beaches. Visit the area of Guyun Stone Forest and look for the crabs on the shore.

Alternate Location: Buy from Uncle Sun in Liyue Harbor

You can also buy Fish, Crabs, and Shrimp Meat from Uncle Sun in Liyue Harbor.
You can find the shop near the ships.
You can buy up to 5 of each item. Check the bottom to see when the items will refresh when sold out.

How to Use Crab

Items Craftable With This Material

Output Item Amount Needed
Crab Roe Image Crab Roe
Crab Crab ×4
Calla Lily Seafood Soup Image Calla Lily Seafood Soup
Crab Crab ×4
Mint Mint ×2
Adeptus Adeptus' Temptation
Ham Ham ×4
Crab Crab ×3
Golden Crab Image Golden Crab
Flour Flour ×5
Crab Crab ×4
Salt Salt ×2
A Prize Catch Image A Prize Catch
Crab Crab ×4
Mint Mint ×2
Sashimi Platter Image Sashimi Platter
Fish Fish ×4
Crab Crab ×4
Crab Roe Kourayaki Image Crab Roe Kourayaki
Crab Crab ×1
Butter Crab Image Butter Crab
Crab Crab ×4

Crab Effects and Basic Information

Crab ImageCrab Rarity -
Type Materials
Effect None

A shelled creature that lives near the ocean. Its flaky, delicious meat can easily be made into tasty dishes.

Related Guides

Genshin - Items and Materials Slim Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Cooking Ingredient

List of Items
Mushroom ImageMushroom Sweet Flower ImageSweet Flower Carrot ImageCarrot
Radish ImageRadish Snapdragon ImageSnapdragon Mint ImageMint
Wheat ImageWheat Cabbage ImageCabbage Pinecone ImagePinecone
Berry ImageBerry Raw Meat ImageRaw Meat Bird Egg ImageBird Egg
Matsutake ImageMatsutake Fowl ImageFowl Crab ImageCrab
Fish ImageFish Crab Roe ImageCrab Roe Lotus Head ImageLotus Head
Salt ImageSalt Onion ImageOnion Pepper ImagePepper
Milk ImageMilk Tomato ImageTomato Potato ImagePotato
Tofu ImageTofu Almond ImageAlmond Rice ImageRice
Shrimp Meat ImageShrimp Meat Flour ImageFlour Cream ImageCream
Smoked Fowl ImageSmoked Fowl Butter ImageButter Ham ImageHam
Sugar ImageSugar Jam ImageJam Cheese ImageCheese
Bacon ImageBacon Sausage ImageSausage Bamboo Shoot ImageBamboo Shoot
Chilled Meat ImageChilled Meat Great Snowboar King Meat ImageGreat Snowboar King Meat Lavender Melon ImageLavender Melon
Seagrass ImageSeagrass Unagi Meat ImageUnagi Meat Sumeru Rose ImageSumeru Rose
Harra Fruit ImageHarra Fruit Zaytun Peach ImageZaytun Peach Spice ImageSpice
Glabrous Beans ImageGlabrous Beans Ajilenakh Nut ImageAjilenakh Nut Mysterious Meat ImageMysterious Meat
Coffee Beans ImageCoffee Beans Tidalga ImageTidalga Marcotte ImageMarcotte
Fermented Juice ImageFermented Juice Chenyu Adeptea ImageChenyu Adeptea Spinel Fruit ImageSpinel Fruit
Cacahuatl ImageCacahuatl

List of Materials and Ingredients


7 Anonymousabout 2 months

There's actually 8 daily renewing shops that sell crab. In Sumeru, Butrus by westernmost TP in Port Ormos, Lambad in Lambad's Tavern (Next to the southermost TP in Sumeru City), and Pam on the dock below Lambad's Tavern. In Liyue, Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant, and Uncle Sun at Liyue Harbour just east of the rep NPC. In Fontaine, Hinterman at the entrance of Poisson (just outside of the TP). Lastly Inazuma, Obata at westernmost shack on Ritou dock, and Shimura across from Adv. Guild in City.

6 Vidael5 months

fish vendor called Butrus at osmos port also sell 10 crab a day

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