Genshin Impact

Carrot Locations and Where to Buy

Genshin - How to Get Carrots

Carrot is a Cooking Ingredient you can get by farming in the open world and buying them from Chef Mao in Genshin Impact. Check out all Carrot locations, the best farming routes, where to buy, how to plant carrots, and how to use them here!

All Ways to Get Carrot

How to Get Carrot

How to Get Carrot

Farm in the Open World

Buy from Shops

Obtain from Expeditions

Plant in the Serenitea Pot

The easiest way to get Carrots is by buying them from a seller named Chef Mao in Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor. This method is the best way to get Carrots if you need them for events like the Marvelous Merchandise!

Marvelous Merchandise Event Guide

Where to Get Carrot

All Carrot Locations

Map of Recommended Carrot Locations

Carrots in Mondstadt & Liyue

Carrots in Yashiori, Inazuma

The carrot locations are marked by numbers, each number represents how many there area in an area.

Best Farm Route for Carrots

Genshin - Carrots - Springvale
You can farm Carrots the easiest near the Teleport Waypoint and some houses in Springvale in Mondstadt. Follow the markers on our map for a quick farming route!

Use Nahida's Elemental Skill to Farm Carrots

Genshin - Nahida Elemental Skill for Carrots
Nahida's passive, On All Things Meditated, allows you to interact with certain harvestable items! Nahida's Elemental Skill allows her to collect items directly to the inventory from a distance.

Other Ways to Get Carrots ▲

Where to Buy Carrots

Purchase Carrot from Chef Mao

Wanmin Restaurant Details on Carrots
Location Chihu Rock, Liyue Harbor
Price 260 Mora per Carrot
Limit 10 Carrots
Shop Reset Every 3 Days at 4:00 (Server Time)

Buy Carrots from Chef Mao in Wanmin Restaurant

Genshin - Carrots - Wanmin Restaurant Chef Mao
You can buy 10 Carrots from the NPC Chef Mao for only 260 Mora every three days! Chef Mao works at the Wanmin restaurant located near Liyue's Adventurer's Guild.

Other Ways to Get Carrots ▲

Expeditions that Give Carrot

Choose Expedition with Carrot

Expedition and Region

Guyun Stone Forest, Liyue

Wolvendom, Mondstadt

Expeditions Guide

Amount of Carrots from Expeditions

4H 8H 12H 20H
Amount 1 2〜4 4〜6 8〜12

Both Guyun Stone Forest and Wolvendom give the same amounts of Carrots.

Other Ways to Get Carrots ▲

How to Plant Carrots

Carrots Gardening Guide

Carrot Planting Instructions
1 Unlock the Gardening System.
2 Obtain Carrot Seeds.
3 Plant the seeds in the Jade Field gardening plot.
4 Wait for 2 days and 22 hours for the Carrot.
5 Harvest the fully-grown Carrots.

How to Get Carrot Seeds

Use the Seed Dispensary to Collect Seeds

Geshin - Get Seeds in Teyvat
You can also collect Carrot seeds in the open world. Equip the Seed Dispensary and collect Carrots to get the seeds. Each Carrot you collect is equal to 1 Carrot seed.

How to Get the Seed Dispensary

Buy Carrot Seeds from Tubby

Genshin - How to Buy Carrot Seeds
Tubby will sell you a maximum of 5 Carrot Seed bags per week. Talk to Tubby, choose ''Realm Depot,'' then ''Creatures of the Realm,'' and look for the Carrot seeds for sale.

Each bag of Carrot seeds costs 5 Realm Currency.

How to Plant Carrot Seeds

Genshin - How to See Seeds Progress

Use the Jade Field Gardening Plot

You can only plant Carrots in ''A Path of Value: Jade Field.'' Buy the Jade Field plot from the ''Riches of the Realm'' section of the Realm Depot and place it in your Serenitea Pot to begin planting!

Once you've planted the Carrots, you'll have to wait 2 days and 22 hours for them to be fully grown. Do not harvest the Carrots earlier than that because you will lose both the plant and the seed!

Other Ways to Get Carrots ▲

How to Use Carrots

Items Craftable With This Material

Output Item Amount Needed
"Consomme Purete" Image "Consomme Purete"
Fowl Fowl ×3
Carrot Carrot ×2
Braised Meat Image Braised Meat
Carrot Carrot ×2
Onion Onion ×1
Consomme Image Consomme
Fowl Fowl ×3
Carrot Carrot ×2
Bountiful Year Image Bountiful Year
Fish Fish ×4
Carrot Carrot ×4
Onion Onion ×2
Goulash Image Goulash
Carrot Carrot ×2
All-Delicacy Parcels Image All-Delicacy Parcels
Flour Flour ×3
Carrot Carrot ×2
Crystal Shrimp Image Crystal Shrimp
Rice Rice ×3
Carrot Carrot ×2
Prosperous Peace Image Prosperous Peace
Rice Rice ×4
Carrot Carrot ×2
Berry Berry ×2
Tripes du Port Image Tripes du Port
Carrot Carrot ×3
Onion Onion ×2
Universal Peace Image Universal Peace
Rice Rice ×4
Carrot Carrot ×2
Berry Berry ×2
Red Dye Image Red Dye
Carrot Carrot ×1
A Buoyant Breeze Image A Buoyant Breeze
Carrot Carrot ×4
Onion Onion ×4
Barbatos Ratatouille Image Barbatos Ratatouille
Carrot Carrot ×4
Onion Onion ×4
Five Pickled Treasures Image Five Pickled Treasures
Carrot Carrot ×2
Sticky Honey Roast Image Sticky Honey Roast
Carrot Carrot ×2
Sugar Sugar ×2

Other Ways to Get Carrots ▲

Carrot Effects and Basic Information

Carrot ImageCarrot Rarity -
Type Materials
Effect None

A healthy and nutritious vegetable that is crunchy and sweet to the taste. Easy to grow and harvest.

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Items and Materials Slim Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Cooking Ingredient

List of Items
Mushroom ImageMushroom Sweet Flower ImageSweet Flower Carrot ImageCarrot
Radish ImageRadish Snapdragon ImageSnapdragon Mint ImageMint
Wheat ImageWheat Cabbage ImageCabbage Pinecone ImagePinecone
Berry ImageBerry Raw Meat ImageRaw Meat Bird Egg ImageBird Egg
Matsutake ImageMatsutake Fowl ImageFowl Crab ImageCrab
Fish ImageFish Crab Roe ImageCrab Roe Lotus Head ImageLotus Head
Salt ImageSalt Onion ImageOnion Pepper ImagePepper
Milk ImageMilk Tomato ImageTomato Potato ImagePotato
Tofu ImageTofu Almond ImageAlmond Rice ImageRice
Shrimp Meat ImageShrimp Meat Flour ImageFlour Cream ImageCream
Smoked Fowl ImageSmoked Fowl Butter ImageButter Ham ImageHam
Sugar ImageSugar Jam ImageJam Cheese ImageCheese
Bacon ImageBacon Sausage ImageSausage Bamboo Shoot ImageBamboo Shoot
Chilled Meat ImageChilled Meat Great Snowboar King Meat ImageGreat Snowboar King Meat Lavender Melon ImageLavender Melon
Seagrass ImageSeagrass Unagi Meat ImageUnagi Meat Sumeru Rose ImageSumeru Rose
Harra Fruit ImageHarra Fruit Zaytun Peach ImageZaytun Peach Spice ImageSpice
Glabrous Beans ImageGlabrous Beans Ajilenakh Nut ImageAjilenakh Nut Mysterious Meat ImageMysterious Meat
Coffee Beans ImageCoffee Beans Tidalga ImageTidalga Marcotte ImageMarcotte
Fermented Juice ImageFermented Juice Chenyu Adeptea ImageChenyu Adeptea Spinel Fruit ImageSpinel Fruit
Cacahuatl ImageCacahuatl

List of Materials and Ingredients

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