Genshin Impact

How to Get Acquaint Fate and Effects

Genshin Impact - How to Get Acquaint Fate and Effects

Acquaint Fate is an Item in Genshin Impact. Learn how to use and where to find it, its rarity and effects, and everything you need to know about Acquaint Fate here!

How to Get Acquaint Fate

Acquaint Fate Locations

Adventure Rank Rewards

Genshin Impact - Acquaint Fate Adventure Rank Rewards

You can receive Acquaint Fates by leveling up your Adventure Rank and collecting them from Katheryne from the Adventurers' Guild.

How to Raise Your Adventure Rank

Adventurer's Handbook Rewards

Genshin Impact - Acquaint Fate Adventurers

You can collect Acquaint Fates from the Adventurers' Handbook in the Experience section. You can claim 2 of them in Chapters 8 and 9 by completing Spiral Abyss Floor 5 -3 and Spiral Abyss Floor 6 -3 respectively.

Experience Missions | Adventurer Handbook

Paimon's Bargains

Genshin Impact - Acquaint Fate Paimon

You can purchase Acquaint Fates from Paimon's Bargains in the Shop using the Masterless Stardust and Masterless Starglitter you received from wishing. You can also use Primogems to purchase Acquaint Fates.

Acquaint Fate Price
Genshin - Acquant Fate
Acquaint Fate
Genshin Impact - Masterless Stardust Image x75
Genshin Impact - Masterless Starglitter Image x5
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image x160

Character Ascension Rewards

How to Get Acquaint Fates
Open Ascension Rewards Select Ascension Phase

You can get 1 Acquaint Fate for every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Ascension Phase. If you want to get Acquaint Fates fast, we recommend ascending characters to at least Ascension Phase 1. It only takes a few Character EXP materials, so it's okay to ascend them even if you don't use them!

Frostbearing Tree Rewards

Genshin Impact - Aqcuaint Fate Frostbearing Tree Rewards

You can receive Acquaint Fates by leveling up the Frostbearing Tree in Dragonspine. You can receive a total of 4 Acquaint Fates overall by leveling up the Frostbearing Tree to levels 1, 2, and 5.

Frostbearing Tree

Battle Pass

Genshin Impact - Acquaint Fate Battle Pass

You can collect Acquaint Fates by leveling up your Battle Pass. You can collect up to 5 Acquaint Fates every Battle Pass.

What is the Battle Pass?

Sacred Sakura's Favor Rewards

Genshin - Acquaint Fate - Sacred Sakura

You can also collect Acquaint Fates by leveling up the Sacred Sakura Tree in the Great Narukami Shrine at Inazuma.

How to Increase Sacred Sakura's Favor

Acquaint Fate vs Intertwined Fate

Both the Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate are used to wish on Genshin Impact Banners. However, Intertwined Fate is harder to get for free than Acquaint Fate. This is because the banners that need Intertwined Fate offer greater rewards than the banners that need Acquaint Fate.

Fates and Banners

Fate Wish Banners
Genshin Impact - Acquaint Fate Image Genshin Impact - BeginnerBeginner's Wish Genshin Impact - Wanderlust Invocation GachaWanderlust Invocation
Genshin Impact - Intertwined Fate Image Genshin Impact - Ancient Flame Ablaze GachaAncient Flame Ablaze Genshin Impact - Starry NightStarry Night's Whispers

How to Use Acquaint Fate

You can use your Acquaint Fates for wishing in the following banners.

Wanderlust Invocation

Genshin Impact - Acquaint Fate Wanderlust Invocation Banner

Wanderlust Invocation Wish

Beginner's Wish

Genshin Impact - Acquaint Fate Beginner

Beginners' Wish Gacha | Noelle Banner

Acquaint Fate Effects and Basic Information

Acquaint Fate ImageAcquaint Fate Rarity 5
Type Precious Items
Effect None

A seed that lights up the night. No matter the distance apart, guided by the stone's glimmer, the fated will meet under the stars.

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List of Items and Materials

List of Precious Items

List of Items
Masterless Starglitter ImageMasterless Starglitter Masterless Stardust ImageMasterless Stardust Acquaint Fate ImageAcquaint Fate
Anemo Sigil ImageAnemo Sigil Geo Sigil ImageGeo Sigil Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key ImageMondstadt Shrine of Depths Key
Liyue Shrine of Depths Key ImageLiyue Shrine of Depths Key Fragile Resin ImageFragile Resin Intertwined Fate ImageIntertwined Fate
Cake for Traveler ImageCake for Traveler Anemoculus ImageAnemoculus Condensed Resin ImageCondensed Resin
Original Resin ImageOriginal Resin Domain Reliquary - Tier I ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier I Domain Reliquary - Tier II ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier II
Domain Reliquary - Tier III ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier III Geoculus ImageGeoculus Crimson Agate ImageCrimson Agate
Transient Resin ImageTransient Resin Dream Solvent ImageDream Solvent Vial of Adeptal Speed ImageVial of Adeptal Speed
Electro Sigil ImageElectro Sigil Electroculus ImageElectroculus Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ImageInazuma Shrine of Depths Key
Mask of Memories ImageMask of Memories Silken Print ImageSilken Print Lumenstone Ore ImageLumenstone Ore
Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ImageSumeru Shrine of Depths Key Dendro Sigil ImageDendro Sigil Dendroculus ImageDendroculus
NatureNature's True Fruit Match Invitation Letter ImageMatch Invitation Letter An Appellative Stroke ImageAn Appellative Stroke
Blank Dynamic Card ImageBlank Dynamic Card Plume of Purifying Light ImagePlume of Purifying Light Hydro Sigil ImageHydro Sigil
Hydroculus ImageHydroculus PaimonPaimon's "Food Fund" Welfare Meal ImageWelfare Meal
Swirling Scene in a Bottle ImageSwirling Scene in a Bottle Spirit Carp ImageSpirit Carp Toy Medal ImageToy Medal
Fantasia Flower ImageFantasia Flower Pyroculus ImagePyroculus Reaffirmed Accord of Appellation ImageReaffirmed Accord of Appellation
Pyro Sigil ImagePyro Sigil Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ImageFontaine Shrine of Depths Key Natlan Shrine of Depths Key ImageNatlan Shrine of Depths Key
Key Sigil ImageKey Sigil

List of Precious Items

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