Genshin Impact

Berry Location and How to Use

Genshin Impact - How to Get Berry and Effects

You can get Berry by farming them in the open world in Genshin Impact. See all Berry Map Locations and where to farm it, the best farming route, all the uses of Berry in crafting and cooking, and more in this guide!

All Ways to Get and Use Berry

How to Get and Use Berries

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Farm in the Open World Use in Crafting and Cooking

The only way to get Berries is to farm them in the open world! The most notable farming area is the one in Starfell Valley. This method is the best way to get a bunch of Berries if you need them for the Marvelous Merchandise event.

Marvelous Merchandise Event Guide

Berry Map Locations

Where to Farm Berries

Berries can be found in every region of Teyvat, hanging in batches of three on sapling bushes. Some Berries will also be lying on the ground, which you can easily collect!

Berry Locations in Teyvat

Berry Locations in Mondstadt

Berry Locations in Liyue

Berry Locations in Fontaine

Berry Locations in Sumeru

Berry Locations in Inazuma

Best Farming Route for Berries

Recommended Location: Starfell Valley

Although a Berry can be found almost anywhere, the Starfell Valley area in the Mondstadt region is the easiest place to get a lot of Berries in one go. This is the best place to go to if you need Berries for the Marvelous Merchandise event.

The Berries are scattered throughout the area, so we recommend starting from the Teleport Waypoint in Stormbearer Point and zigzagging down the map.

How to Use Berry

Items Craftable With This Material

Output Item Amount Needed
Jam Image Jam
Berry Berry ×2
Sugar Sugar ×1
Tea Break Pancake Image Tea Break Pancake
Berry Berry ×3
Flour Flour ×2
Lighter-Than-Air Pancake Image Lighter-Than-Air Pancake
Berry Berry ×3
Flour Flour ×2
Universal Peace Image Universal Peace
Rice Rice ×4
Berry Berry ×2
Prosperous Peace Image Prosperous Peace
Rice Rice ×4
Berry Berry ×2
Crispy Potato Shrimp Platter Image Crispy Potato Shrimp Platter
Mint Mint ×4
Berry Berry ×2
Yellow Dye Image Yellow Dye
Berry Berry ×1
False Worm Bait Image False Worm Bait
Berry Berry ×1
Berry Mizu Manjuu Image Berry Mizu Manjuu
Rice Rice ×2
Berry Berry ×2
Sugar Sugar ×1
Sunset Berry Tea Image Sunset Berry Tea
Berry Berry ×3
Sugar Sugar ×2
Minty Fruit Tea Image Minty Fruit Tea
Mint Mint ×3
Berry Berry ×3
Sugar Sugar ×1
Fruity Smoothie Image Fruity Smoothie
Berry Berry ×3
Milk Milk ×3
Sugar Sugar ×1

Where to Buy Berries

No Shops Sell Berries

There are currently no shops or seller that sell Berries in Teyvat. You can only get a Berry by harvesting them in the open world!

Berry Effects and Basic Information

Berry ImageBerry Rarity -
Type Materials
Effect None

Small brightly-colored fruit. They can be found everywhere, and the taste of them wipes the fatigue of a long journey away.

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Items and Materials Slim Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Cooking Ingredient

List of Items
Mushroom ImageMushroom Sweet Flower ImageSweet Flower Carrot ImageCarrot
Radish ImageRadish Snapdragon ImageSnapdragon Mint ImageMint
Wheat ImageWheat Cabbage ImageCabbage Pinecone ImagePinecone
Berry ImageBerry Raw Meat ImageRaw Meat Bird Egg ImageBird Egg
Matsutake ImageMatsutake Fowl ImageFowl Crab ImageCrab
Fish ImageFish Crab Roe ImageCrab Roe Lotus Head ImageLotus Head
Salt ImageSalt Onion ImageOnion Pepper ImagePepper
Milk ImageMilk Tomato ImageTomato Potato ImagePotato
Tofu ImageTofu Almond ImageAlmond Rice ImageRice
Shrimp Meat ImageShrimp Meat Flour ImageFlour Cream ImageCream
Smoked Fowl ImageSmoked Fowl Butter ImageButter Ham ImageHam
Sugar ImageSugar Jam ImageJam Cheese ImageCheese
Bacon ImageBacon Sausage ImageSausage Bamboo Shoot ImageBamboo Shoot
Chilled Meat ImageChilled Meat Great Snowboar King Meat ImageGreat Snowboar King Meat Lavender Melon ImageLavender Melon
Seagrass ImageSeagrass Unagi Meat ImageUnagi Meat Sumeru Rose ImageSumeru Rose
Harra Fruit ImageHarra Fruit Zaytun Peach ImageZaytun Peach Spice ImageSpice
Glabrous Beans ImageGlabrous Beans Ajilenakh Nut ImageAjilenakh Nut Mysterious Meat ImageMysterious Meat
Coffee Beans ImageCoffee Beans Tidalga ImageTidalga Marcotte ImageMarcotte
Fermented Juice ImageFermented Juice Chenyu Adeptea ImageChenyu Adeptea Spinel Fruit ImageSpinel Fruit
Cacahuatl ImageCacahuatl

List of Materials and Ingredients


2 Celegorm19 days

Here is a screenshot of stormbearer point for reference (zoomed out to the same level as my other comment)

1 Celegorm19 days

Just a pointer since this section doenst include Natlan, just outside of the Blazing Ruins domain, there are 14 berry bushed in a really close proximity, verses the 15 found from stormbearer point to the whispering woods. (Those 15 include one i found that isnt marked here)

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