Genshin Impact

Scarlet Sand Slate Clearance and How to Upgrade

Genshin Impact - How to Use the Scarlet Sand Slate

The Scarlet Sand Slate is a quest item that allows you to use certain Sumeru Desert mechanisms in Genshin Impact. Check out how to upgrade the Scarlet Sand Slate and its Clearances, as well as how to use the Delving Deeper section here!

How to Upgrade the Scarlet Sand Slate

Play Through Golden Slumber and Dual Evidence

Genshin - Upgrading the Scarlet Sand Slate

You can upgrade your Scarlet Sand Slate by playing through the Golden Slumber and Dual Evidence world quests. Upgrading your Scarlet Sand Slate gives you special Clearances that will allow you to explore different Ruins and activate certain ruin mechanisms in the Sumeru Desert area.

The Golden Slumber quest can get you the Lv1 Clearance as well as the mark that will let you enter Khaj-Nisut, while the Dual Evidence quest can get you up to Lv4 Clearance (max Clearance level) and let you enter Duat Hall.

Clearance Guide and How to Get More Levels

Read Pathfinders' Log: VI in Desert of Hadramaveth

Genshin - Pathfinders

You can get the last Scarlet Sand Slate Clearance Upgrade by reading Pathfinders' Log: VI in the Desert of Hadramaveth.

How to Get the Final Clearance

How to Use Scarlet Sand Slate

Hidden Clearance - Marks Clearance Levels

Genshin - Clearance Level 1

The Scarlet Sand Slate allows you to carry special clearances that allow access to puzzles and other mechanisms inside the ruins of the Sumeru desert.

The two special marks in the center will let you enter Khaj-Nisut and Duat Hall, while the four half-circle symbols on the sides are Clearance Levels that will allow you to operate certain ruin mechanisms across the Sumeru Desert.

Ruin / Mechanism Clearance Required
Gurabad's Ruin Genshin - U Clearance
Duat Hall Genshin - Circled Clearance
Khaj-Nisut Genshin - Squared Clearance
Great Red Sand
Genshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle Clearance
Verity Cell
Genshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle Clearance
Obscuring Cell
Genshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle Clearance
Giant Fan Blades
Genshin - Half-Circle ClearanceGenshin - Half-Circle Clearance
Everlight Cell
Genshin - Half-Circle Clearance
Primal Barrier None
Plinth of Secret Rites None

The Supplicant's Steps - Tracks Ruin Progress

Genshin - Scarlet Sand Slate - Tracking Progress

The Scarlet Sand Slate can also track your exploration progress in the Major Ruins that you need to explore for the related quests. The second tab of the gadget lists down all completed ruins with a green checkmark.

Major Ruins
Abdju Road Khemenu Temple
The Mausoleum of King Deshret Khaj-Nisut
The Mausoleum's Depths
(other ruins that you will explore during the questlines)

Delving Deeper - Locates Ruins

Genshin - Scarlet Sand Slate - Locating Ruins

The Scarlet Sand Slate can also locate and provide paths to each of the ruins, even the hidden ones! Select a ruin from the Delving Deeper menu and it will mark the location on your map. A slate icon will also appear while you're exploring, which you can follow to reach the marked ruin.

Don't forget to check the Delving Deeper section of the Scarlet Sand Slate if you get lost on your quest!

List of All Ruins
Abdju Road Khemenu Temple
The Mausoleum of King Deshret Opet Hall
Khaj-Nisut Duat Hall
Sekhem Hall Place of Rebirth
Place of Breath Place of Swallowing
Great Hall of Truths Aaru's Shut

Sumeru Map and Unlock Guide

How to Get Scarlet Sand Slate

Collected from the Lost in the Sands Quest

Genshin Impact - Lost in the Sands Quest Guide

The Scarlet Sand Slate can be unlocked during the Lost in the Sands quest.

Lost in the Sands Quest and Puzzles Guide

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