Genshin Impact

All Archaic Stone Locations in The Chasm

Genshin Impact - How to Get Archaic Stone and Effects

The Archaic Stone is a quest item found in the Chasm. See all locations of Archaic Stone for the Says He Who Seeks Stone quest, where to find them, and how to use them in Genshin Impact here!

Archaic Stone Locations

Map of Archaic Stones at The Chasm

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7 8 9

These Archaic Stones were released on Version 2.6 of Genshin Impact and are the only ones needed for the quest Says He Who Seeks Stone. These are different from the Archaic Stone obtained in Zhongli's Story Quest.

The Chasm Map Guide

How to Get Archaic Stone 1

This Archaic Stone can be found at the edge of the highest cliff that's north of The Chasm. The quickest way to climb the cliff is by using the Teleport Waypoint at Lumberpick Valley and then going south.

How to Get Archaic Stone 2

You can find this Archaic Stone near the Bedrock Key found underground. The cave can be quickly accessed by using the north Teleport Waypoint at The Chasm.

How to Get Archaic Stone 3

This Archaic Stone will be on the edge of a cliff that is above the Lost Valley Domain.

How to Get Archaic Stone 4

The Archaic Stone here can be found at the edge of a cliff above The Chasm camp. The fastest way to get here is to go to the Chasm entrance (where the Millelith are stationed) and climb the edge of the cliff there.

How to Get Archaic Stone 5

This Archaic Stone will be at the edge of a cliff with two Geo Slimes, a Blazing Axe Mitachurl, and a Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard. You can quickly get to this cliff using the Statue of The Seven and jump across the gap.

How to Get Archaic Stone 6

You can find this Archaic Stone resting right beside a Bedrock Key. You can get here by using the Chasm's Maw Waypoint Teleporter, climbing up using the jumping platforms nearby, and then going down the gap on the marked location on our map!

How to Get Archaic Stone 7

This Archaic Stone will be slightly hidden between two medium-sized rocks that are just above a Bedrock Key. There will be a nearby jumping platform to help you get on top faster.

How to Get Archaic Stone 8

The Archaic Stone here will be near a couple of mining Hilichurls.

How to Get Archaic Stone 9

This last Archaic Stone can be found at Glaze Peak. It will be slightly close to the edge of the map, so be careful!

How to Mine Archaic Stones

Use Claymore Characters

Archaic Stones are mined just like regular ores. We recommend using Claymore characters to get the Archaic Stones more quickly. Here's a list of the Claymore characters you can use:

All Characters
Diluc ImageDiluc Eula ImageEula Itto ImageItto
Dehya ImageDehya Navia ImageNavia Kinich ImageKinich
Razor ImageRazor Noelle ImageNoelle Beidou ImageBeidou
Chongyun ImageChongyun Xinyan ImageXinyan Sayu ImageSayu
Dori ImageDori Kaveh ImageKaveh Freminet ImageFreminet
Gaming ImageGaming

How to Use Archaic Stones

Quest Item for Says He Who Seeks Stone

Genshin Impact - Says He Who Seeks Stone World Quest Guide

Obtain 3 Archaic Stones Objective

These Archaic Stones will be used to complete the quest Says He Who Seeks Stone given by Muning.

Says He Who Seeks Stone World Quest Guide

What to do with Extra Archaic Stones?

Give to Muning for Rewards

You can give your extra Archaic Stones to Muning for more rewards! You can activate his prompts a total of 2 extra times for a total of 60 Primogems, 300 Adventure EXP, and 60,000 Mora.

All Ways to Get Primogems

Archaic Stones Basic Information

Archaic Stone Inventory Information

Archaic Stone ImageArchaic Stone Rarity 4
Type Quest Items
Effect None

A strange, rare ore that was mined from The Chasm.

These rocks can only be found in the ore veins of the oldest mountains. It is so rare that most merchants have probably never heard of it.

However, the changes in The Chasm have led to the emergence of how low-quality Archaic Stone, a fact that has given the merchants of Huishan Hall quite the headache.

Different from Zhongli's Story Quest

Genshin - Archaic Stone from Zhongli Story Quest Act II

Archaic Stones are different from the ones obtained in Zhongli's Story Quest. You can even see that it's paler from the item icon!

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3 Anonymous4 months

i go in all the place but i can't find the last 2 ... is like i already use all of them but idk why miss 2 so i can't finish the quest ... is a bug?

2 Anonymous6 months

Stop misusing the word literally

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