Genshin Impact

List of Domains | Abyssal Domains Guide

Genshin Impact - List of Domains

Domains are Genshin Impact challenges that reward Artifacts, Weapon Materials, Talent Materials, and more. Check out a list of all Domains in Teyvat and learn how to use Domains in this guide!

List of All Domains

Newest Domains

Fontaine 4.6 Domains
Genshin - Faded Theater Domain Faded Theater

The Faded Theater artifact domain was released in Version 4.6, which players can challenge to get the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy and Unfinished Reverie artifact sets!

Version 4.6 Release Date and Banners

Challenge Domains

Challenge Domains for Artifacts
Genshin - Midsummer Courtyard Domain Midsummer Courtyard Genshin - Valley of Remembrance Domain Valley of Remembrance
Genshin - Domain of Guyun Domain Domain of Guyun Genshin - Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula Domain Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula
Genshin - Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern Domain Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern Genshin - Ridge Watch Domain Ridge Watch
Genshin - Momiji-Dyed Court Domain Momiji-Dyed Court Genshin - Slumbering Court Domain Slumbering Court
Genshin - The Lost Valley Domain The Lost Valley Genshin - Spire of Solitary Enlightenment Domain Spire of Solitary Enlightenment
Genshin - City of Gold Domain City of Gold Genshin - Molten Iron Fortress Domain Molten Iron Fortress
Genshin - Denouement of Sin Domain Denouement of Sin Genshin - Waterfall Wen Domain Waterfall Wen
Genshin - Faded Theater Domain Faded Theater
Challenge Domains for Weapon Materials
Genshin - Cecilia Garden Domain Cecilia Garden Genshin - Hidden Palace of Lianshan Formula Domain Hidden Palace of Lianshan Formula
Genshin - Court of Flowing Sand Domain Court of Flowing Sand Genshin - Tower of Abject Pride Domain Tower of Abject Pride
Genshin - Echoes of the Deep Tides Domain Echoes of the Deep Tides
Challenge Domains for Talent Materials
Genshin - Forsaken Rift Domain Forsaken Rift Genshin - Taishan Mansion Domain Taishan Mansion
Genshin - Violet Court Domain Violet Court Genshin - Steeple of Ignorance Domain Steeple of Ignorance
Genshin - Pale Forgotten Glory Domain Pale Forgotten Glory

Challenge Domains can give Artifacts, Weapon Ascension Materials, or Talent Ascension Materials depending on the type. You can claim Challenge Domain rewards any time as long as you have enough Resin.

Weapon and Talent Material Domains have different rewards depending on the days of the week, but Artifact Domain rewards are fixed. We have a fuller guide on Challenge Domains here:
Challenge Domain Guide

Trounce Domains

List of Trounce Domains
Stormterror Dvalin ImageStormterror Dvalin Lupus Boreas ImageLupus Boreas Childe ImageChilde
Azhdaha ImageAzhdaha La Signora ImageLa Signora Raiden Shogun ImageRaiden Shogun
Guardian of ApepGuardian of Apep's Oasis All-Devouring Narwhal ImageAll-Devouring Narwhal The Knave - Arlecchino ImageThe Knave - Arlecchino

Trounce Domains are boss fights that give Talent Ascension Materials and other rewards. You can only claim Trounce Domain rewards once a week, but you can repeatedly fight the domain bosses.

Here's our guide to Trounce Domains and Weekly Bosses:
Trounce Domain Guide

One-Time Domains

One-Time Domains in Mondstadt
Eagle's Gate Temple of the Lion
Temple of the Falcon Temple of the Wolf
One-Time Domains in Liyue
Domain of Forsaken Ruins Hidden Palace of Guizang Formula
Domain of the Wayward Path
One-Time Domains in Inazuma
Formation Estate Shakkei Pavilion
Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates Moshiri Kara
Palace in a Pool
One-Time Domains in Sumeru
The Coordinates of Sun and Rain The Dark Valley
Fragment of Childhood Dreams Under the Umbrella's Shade
Red Desert Threshold Garden of Endless Pillars
Altar of Mirages Fane of Panjvahe
City of the Deceased Purification Spring
Somalata Inland Sea

One-Time Domains are special Domains that are usually locked behind puzzles. You only get the rewards from One-Time Domains once, but you can challenge them over and over again.
List of All One-Time Domains

Information on Domains

What are Domains?

Domains are challenges you can find all over Teyvat! They're marked on your map and can be teleported to once unlocked. Completing domains will earn you different rewards depending on what type of domain it is.

What rewards do Domains give?

Domains are mainly used to farm for Artifacts, Weapon Materials, and Talent Mats, but you can also get useful materials like Primogems, EXP, and Mora!

One-Time Domains even give you Primogems, which you can only claim once.

Common Domain Rewards
Genshin - GladiatorArtifacts Genshin - Boreal WolfWeapon Mats Genshin - Teachings of ResistanceTalent Mats
Genshin - Adventure EXP Icon Adventure EXP Genshin - Mora Icon Mora Genshin - Companionship EXP Icon Companionship EXP
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Icon Mystic Enhancement Ore
Genshin - Electro Sigil Icon Electro Sigil Mondstadt Shrine of Depths KeyShrine of Depths Keys

How to Claim Domain Rewards

Genshin - Challenge Domains - Resin

Resin Cost for Rewards
Challenge 20 Original or 1 Condensed
Trounce 30 or 60 Original
One-Time No Resin Needed

You don't need Resin for One-Time Domains, but Challenge and Trounce Domains will cost you! You can claim Challenge Domain rewards with 20 Original Resin, or you can claim the rewards with 1 Condensed Resin to speed farming up.

Trounce Domains will cost you 30 or 60 Resin depending on how many Trounce Domain rewards you've claimed that week. The first three will only cost you 30, but everything after that will cost 60. You can't used Condensed Resin on Trounce Domains.

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