Genshin Impact

Padisarah Locations and How to Use

Genshin Impact - Padisarah Locations and How to Use

Padisarah is a Local Specialty material found in the Sumeru Rainforest in Genshin Impact. See where to find all Padisarah locations, where to buy, and how to use it here!

Padisarah Locations

Padisarah Locations Map

You can toggle the Area drop-down menu to see the underground map areas!
Click on each icon on the map to view the location image and description!

Found in the Sumeru Rainforest

68 Padisarah Lotus may be found throughout Sumeru's rainforest; most of these blooms can be gotten by farming near the city and villages, but you'll have to shift states if you wish to farm in Vanarana.

Found in Vanarana's Normal State

Obtaining these flowers in Vanarana requries you to be in the area's normal, non-purplish state. If you've progressed Aranyaka and you can only find Viparyas, you can switch states by playing the Vintage Lyre in front of the green Silapna stone to make them reappear.

Make Use of Character Farming Passive

Sumeru Local Specialty Markers
Genshin - TighnariTighnari

Tighnari's Passive, Encyclopedic Knowledge, displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.

Where to Buy Padisarah

Purchase from Jut the Spice Merchant

You can buy five Padisarah flowers from the NPC Jut every three days! Jut the Spice Merchant has a shop located in the Grand Bazaar in Sumeru City.

Item Purchase Limit Price & Refresh Time
Genshin - Tahchin Image Tahchin 2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x6600

Every day at 4:00 (Server Time)
Genshin - Biryani Image Biryani 2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x12500

Every 3 days at 4:00 (Server Time)
Genshin - Spice Image Spice 10
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x540

Every week at 4:00 (Server Time)
Genshin - Harra Fruit Image Harra Fruit 10
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x240

Every 3 days at 4:00 (Server Time)
Genshin - Padisarah Image Padisarah 5
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x1000

Every 3 days at 4:00 (Server Time)

Padisarah Respawn Time

Respawn time is 48 hours

Padisarah resets exactly 48 hours after you collect them. Relog the game or teleport from the farthest waypoint and check the location once more after the period.

Check out other player's worlds

If you're already out of flowers in your world, you can try asking other Travelers in Co-op mode!

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

How to Use Padisarah

Used to Ascend Nilou

All Characters
Nilou ImageNilou

Total Padisarah Needed

Ascension Level Material
Genshin - Padisarah Image Padisarah x3
Genshin - Padisarah Image Padisarah x10
Genshin - Padisarah Image Padisarah x20
Genshin - Padisarah Image Padisarah x30
Genshin - Padisarah Image Padisarah x45
Genshin - Padisarah Image Padisarah x60

Padisarahs are used to ascend Nilou to her next ascension level. You must collect 168 of these flowers to ascend her to the maximum level.

How to Ascend Characters

Items Craftable With This Material

Output Item Amount Needed
Dendro Treasure Compass Image Dendro Treasure Compass
Padisarah Padisarah ×30
Tahchin Image Tahchin
Rice Rice ×4
Fish Fish ×2
Padisarah Padisarah ×1
Biryani Image Biryani
Rice Rice ×4
Spice Spice ×2
Padisarah Padisarah ×1
Swirling Steps Image Swirling Steps
Padisarah Padisarah ×2
Milk Milk ×1
Sugar Sugar ×1
Duel Soul Image Duel Soul
Rice Rice ×4
Fowl Fowl ×2
Fish Fish ×2
Padisarah Padisarah ×1
Padisarah Pudding Image Padisarah Pudding
Padisarah Padisarah ×2
Sugar Sugar ×1
Milk Milk ×1
Tandoori Roast Chicken Image Tandoori Roast Chicken
Fowl Fowl ×3
Padisarah Padisarah ×1
Spice Spice ×1
Gilded Tajine Image Gilded Tajine
Padisarah Padisarah ×2
Spice Spice ×1
Onion Onion ×1
Goldflame Tajine Image Goldflame Tajine
Padisarah Padisarah ×2
Spice Spice ×1
Onion Onion ×1

Padisarah Information

What is a Padisarah?

Genshin Impact - Padisarah
Type Sumeru Local Specialty
Description A holy and noble plant. The conditions for growth in its environment are very demanding. The flower buds can be processed to make valuable spices.

Padisarah are lavander flowers that are rarely seen in the wild. Its stem is decorated by five leaves tipped with purplish colors. These flowers are a Sumeru Local Specialty material, which are mainly used to ascend Sumeru characters like Nilou.

These flowers are often mistaken for Viparyas, which only appears when you are in Vanarana's dream state.

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Local Specialties in Sumeru
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Genshin - Padisarah ImagePadisarah Genshin - Henna Berry ImageHenna Berry Genshin - Scarab ImageScarab
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All Items and Materials

Genshin - Items and Materials

List of Items and Materials


3 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Thanks for the comment on Jut's dialogue! Got the last Padisarah I needed to level 90 Nilou

2 vJoe93over 2 years

Jut five +4 Padisarah if u select his dialogue option

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