Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Glory Lotus Bowgun Forging and Upgrade Materials

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This page is about the Glory Lotus Bowgun (Light Bowgun), a weapon found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. All stats, as well as crafting materials and its full weapon tree, and all builds that use Glory Lotus Bowgun weapons can be found here.

Glory Lotus Bowgun Stats and General Info

Glory Lotus Bowgun

Weapon Stats and Info
 Glory Lotus Bowgun Light Bowgun Image Glory Lotus Bowgun
Rarity Attack Affinity
8 250 0%
Slots Def. Deviation
①①ー 0 L Mild
Recoil / Reload Average / Average
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Cluster Bomb Type Arc Shot
Rampage Slot

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 6 | Low | Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 5 | Low | Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 3 | High | Fast
Spread Ammo 2 3 | Average | Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 2 3 | Average | Fast
Sticky Ammo 1 2 | High | Fast
Sticky Ammo 2 2 | Very High | Slow
Cluster Bomb 2 1 | Very High | Slowest
Poison Ammo 1 3 | High | Fast
Paralysis 1 2 | High | Slow
Sleep Ammo 1 2 | High | Slow
Exhaust Ammo 1 3 | High | Fast -
Recover Ammo 1 4 | Average | Fastest
Flaming Ammo 5 | Low | Fast
Demon Ammo 1 | Average | Slow
Armor Ammo 1 | Average | Slow
Tranq Ammo 2 | Average | Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Glory Lotus Bowgun+

Weapon Stats and Info
 Glory Lotus Bowgun+ Light Bowgun Image Glory Lotus Bowgun+
Rarity Attack Affinity
8 280 0%
Slots Def. Deviation
①①① 0 L Mild
Recoil / Reload Average / Average
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Cluster Bomb Type Arc Shot
Rampage Slot

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 6 | Low | Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 5 | Low | Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 3 | High | Fast
Spread Ammo 2 3 | Average | Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 2 3 | Average | Fast
Sticky Ammo 1 2 | High | Fast
Sticky Ammo 2 2 | Very High | Slow
Cluster Bomb 2 1 | Very High | Slowest
Poison Ammo 1 3 | High | Fast
Paralysis 1 2 | High | Slow
Sleep Ammo 1 2 | High | Slow
Exhaust Ammo 1 3 | High | Fast -
Recover Ammo 1 4 | Average | Fastest
Flaming Ammo 6 | Low | Fast
Demon Ammo 1 | Average | Slow
Armor Ammo 1 | Average | Slow
Tranq Ammo 2 | Average | Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Savior's Lotus

Weapon Stats and Info
 Savior Savior's Lotus
Rarity Attack Affinity
10 330 0%
Slots Def. Deviation
①①① 0 L Mild
Recoil / Reload Average / Average
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Cluster Bomb Type Arc Shot
Rampage Slot
Qurious Augments

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 6 | Low | Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 5 | Low | Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 3 | High | Fast
Spread Ammo 2 3 | Average | Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 2 3 | Average | Fast
Sticky Ammo 1 2 | High | Fast
Sticky Ammo 2 2 | Very High | Slow
Cluster Bomb 2 1 | Very High | Slowest
Poison Ammo 1 3 | High | Fast
Paralysis 1 2 | High | Slow
Sleep Ammo 1 2 | High | Slow
Exhaust Ammo 1 3 | High | Fast -
Recover Ammo 1 4 | Average | Fastest
Flaming Ammo 6 | Low | Fast
Demon Ammo 1 | Average | Slow
Armor Ammo 1 | Average | Slow
Tranq Ammo 2 | Average | Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Glory Lotus Bowgun Forging and Upgrade Materials

Glory Lotus Bowgun Required Materials

Weapon Name Materials
Glory Lotus Bowgun Glory Lotus Bowgun
Forging Materials

Upgrade Materials
Glory Lotus Bowgun+ Glory Lotus Bowgun+
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Savior Savior's Lotus
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials

Glory Lotus Bowgun Layered Weapons

Layered Weapons
SaviorSavior's Lotus

Glory Lotus Bowgun Weapon Tree

  ┃┣Kamura L. Bowgun IV Attack Icon130
  ┃┃┗Kamura L. Bowgun V Attack Icon150
  ┃┃ ┗Kamura Ninja L. Bowgun Attack Icon170
  ┃┃  ┗Kamura Warrior Crossbow Attack Icon250
  ┃┃   ┣Kamura Warrior Crossbow+ Attack Icon290
  ┃┃   ┃┗Fine Kamura Crossbow Attack Icon330
  ┃┃   ┗Duke's Arquebus Attack Icon320
  ┃┃    ┗Vigil Kugel Attack Icon330
  ┃┣Hidden Eye I Attack Icon100 Affinity Icon35%
  ┃┃┗Hidden Eye II Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon35%
  ┃┃ ┃Night Owl Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon40%
  ┃┃ ┃┗Nightstrix Attack Icon260 Affinity Icon40%
  ┃┃ ┃ ┗Nightstrix+ Attack Icon280 Affinity Icon40%
  ┃┃ ┃ ┃┗Avidya Eye Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon40%
  ┃┃ ┃ ┗Kaus Borealis's Asterism Attack Icon340
  ┃┃ ┗Lumier Bowgun I Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon30%
  ┃┃  ┗Lumier Bowgun II Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon30%
  ┃┃   ┗Araknabolt Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon35%
  ┃┃    ┗Araknablaster Attack Icon270 Affinity Icon35%
  ┃┃     ┣Araknablaster+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon35%
  ┃┃     ┃┗Ceaseless Shadow Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon35%
  ┃┃     ┗Carmin Lantern Attack Icon320
  ┃┃      ┗Carmin Lantern+ Attack Icon330
  ┃┃       ┗Luci Da Lavater Attack Icon340
  ┃┗Lotus Bowgun I Attack Icon100
  ┃ ┗Lotus Bowgun II Attack Icon170
  ┃  ┗Great Lotus Bowgun Attack Icon180
  ┃   ┣Redeemer's Lotus Attack Icon270
  ┃   ┃┗Redeemer's Lotus+ Attack Icon290
  ┃   ┃ ┗Lord Redeemer's Iron Attack Icon320
  ┃   ┗Glory Lotus Bowgun Attack Icon250
  ┃    ┗Glory Lotus Bowgun+ Attack Icon280
  ┃     ┗Savior's Lotus Attack Icon330
  ┣Khezu Syringe I Attack Icon80
  ┃┗Khezu Syringe II Attack Icon90
  ┃ ┗Khezu Syringe III Attack Icon140
  ┃  ┗Khezu Hypo Attack Icon160
  ┃   ┗Khezu Hypo+ Attack Icon260
  ┃    ┗Hypodermic Miracle Attack Icon290
  ┃     ┗Hypodermic Miracle+ Attack Icon330
  ┗Shotgun (Viper) I Attack Icon70
   ┣Shotgun (Viper) II Attack Icon80
   ┃┗Shotgun (Viper) III Attack Icon130
   ┃ ┗Bullet Rain (Viper) Attack Icon140
   ┃  ┗Bullet Rain (Viper)+ Attack Icon320
   ┃   ┗Bullet Storm (Viper) Attack Icon330
   ┗Barro Barrel I Attack Icon100
    ┗Barro Barrel II Attack Icon130
     ┣Barro Blaster Attack Icon180
     ┃┗Barro Blaster+ Attack Icon240
     ┃ ┗Barrozooka Attack Icon260
     ┃  ┗Barrozooka+ Attack Icon320
     ┗Gossgun I Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon-15%
      ┗Gossgun II Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon-15%
       ┗Gossgun III Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-15%
        ┗Abominable Bowgun Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-15%
         ┗Gross Gossgun Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon-15%
          ┗Gross Gossgun+ Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon-15%
           ┗Abominable Snowshot Attack Icon360 Affinity Icon-15%

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - Weapons Partial Banner

Weapon Type Guides
MH Rise - Weapons Page BannerWeapons and Weapon Types MH Rise - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Type Tier List MH Rise - Builds for Each WeaponBuilds for Each Weapon Type

Melee Weapon Guides

Melee Weapons
MH Rise - Great Sword IconGreat Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
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Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Sword & Shield IconSword and Shield
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Dual Blades IconDual Blades
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Lance IconLance
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MH Rise - Gunlance Icon Gunlance
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MH Rise - Hammer Icon Hammer
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MH Rise - Hunting Horn IconHunting Horn
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MH Rise - Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Charge Blade IconCharge Blade
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive
Guide | Weapon Tree | Kinsects

Ranged Weapon Guides

Ranged Weapons
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree


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