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Akuma Layered Armor for Hunter | Monster Hunter Rise

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Akuma Layered Armor for Hunter

This is a guide on the Akuma Layered Armor Set for the Hunter in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). This is part of Capcom's collab event with Street Fighter that makes your hunter look like Akuma! See what the Akuma Layered Armor Set looks like, find out how to get it, know its special move set, and how to unlock the Akuma Layered Armor by reading on.

Akuma Layered Armor Appearance

Male Appearance Female Appearance

How to Get Akuma Layered Armor

How to Get
Crafted at the Smithy after obtaining Satsui no Hado from "SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam" event quest.

Event Quests List: Schedule and Roadmap

Complete SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam Quest

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam IconSF: Ultimate Promotion Exam
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting August 27th
Special Rewards:
Satsui no Hado

Crafting Materials

Armor Required Materials
Akuma's Face
Akuma's Body
Akuma's Arms
Akuma's Waist
Akuma's Legs

How to Forge Weapons and Armor

You only need to craft one part of the Akuma Layered Armor to get the full set!

How to Use Akuma Layered Armor

Wearing Akuma Set Modifies Hunter's Voice

Aside from looking like Akuma from Street Fighter, wearing this layered armor also modifies the voice of your hunter to sound like Akuma - regardless if you chose the Male or Female Hunter!

How to Know if Your Sword and Shield is Sheathed or Unsheathed

Sheathed Unsheathed

Red Aura is not present

Red Aura is present

Since the Sword and Shield is invisible when wearing the Akuma Layered Armor, you might get confused if your weapon is sheathed or not. The best way to know is to check if there is a red aura around Akuma.

If there is none, your weapon is sheathed. If there is an aura, your weapon is unsheathed.

Throwing Kunai Becomes the Gohadoken

MH Rise - Akuma Street Fighter Collab Throwing Kunai Becomes the Hadoken

You do not need to be an SnS user to see Akuma perform his version of Hadoken called Gohadoken. You can easily see this move when performing a kunai throw during hunts!

The Aerial Version, Zanku Hadoken, Is Also Possible

MH Rise - Akuma Street Fighter Zanku The Aerial Version of Hadoken is Zanku Hadoken

Throwing some knives and kunais while airborne will execute a Zanku Hadoken!

Sword and Shield Silkbind Moves are Modified

Metsu Shoryugeki Becomes the Goshoryuken

MH Rise - Akuma Street Fighter Collab Metsu Shoryugeki Becomes the Goshuryuken

Doing a ZL + A when Metsu Shoryugeki is equipped as a switch skill will look like the Goshoryuken attack!

The parry animation for Metsu Shoryugeki also looks like Akuma's parry called Rakan! Gotta love the details!

Windmill Attack becomes the Tatsumaki Zankukyaku

MH Rise - Akuma Street Fighter Collab Windmill Attack Becomes the Tatsumaki Zankukyaku

After performing a combo then pressing ZL + A turns the switch skill Windmill into a Tatsumaki Zankukyaku!

For more guides on SnS combos and move sets see the link below.

Sword and Shield Switch Skills

New Quest Complete Screen

MH Rise - Akuma Street Fighter Collab New Quest Complete Screen

When you finish a quest wearing the Akuma Layered Armor, the quest complete screen will showcase the might and power of Akuma!

He performs the pose he does after executing a Critical Art in Street Fighter V towards the end! Great detail there CAPCOM!

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise Sunbreak - Layered Armor Partial Banner
List of Layered Armor and How to Equip

Related Layered Armor

Aelucanth / Rhopessa Aknosom Akuma
Alloy Almudron Anja
Arthur Arzuros Azure Age
Baggi Barioth Barroth
Basarios Bazel Benevolent Bandage
Bishaten Black Belt Black Belt S
Black Leather Legs Blossom Bnahabra
Bombadgy Mask Bone Bow Necklace
Brigade Bullfango Mask Bunny Dango Earrings
Chainmail Chaos Chrome Metal
Cunning Specs Damascus Death Stench
Diablos Diver Dober
Droth Edel Elgado
Felyne Stealth Hood Flame Seal Floral
Fox Mask Frilled Choker Gala Suit
Gargwa Mask Golden Gorgeous Earrings
Goss Harag Guild Cross Hunter
Ibushi Ingot Izuchi
Jaggi Jaggi Mask Jelly
Jyura Kadachi Kaiser
Kamura Kamura Cloak Braces Kamura Cloak Garb
Kamurai Khezu Kulu
Kunai Earrings Kushala Lagombi
Leather Leather Choker Ludroth
Makluva Melahoa Mighty Bow Feather
Mizuha Mizutsune Mosgharl
Nargacuga Narwa Origin
Orion Pukei Rakna-Kadaki
Rathalos Rathian Remobra
Reverent Wrap Rhenoplos Shadow Shades
Shell-Studded Sinister Sinister Seal
Skalda / Spio Skull Visage Slagtoth
Somnacanth Sonic Wear Spiribird Earrings
Swallow Tetranadon Theater Wig
Tigrex Uroktor Utsushi (Hidden) / Channeler
Utsushi (Visible) / Medium Vaik Valstrax
Volvidon Woofpurr Earrings Wroggi
Wyverian Earrings Zinogre


2 Sunbreak Walkthrough Team@Game8over 2 years

Hey Anon! Sadly, you have to have the Akuma layered armor on to get the invisible Sword and Shield.

1 Anonymousover 2 years

Is it possible to have the invisible sword and shield on other armor sets?


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