Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Ammy Costume for Palamute | Okami Amaterasu Layered Armor | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Ammy Costume Banner

This is a guide on the Ammy Costume Layered Armor Set for the Palamute in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). This is part of Capcom's collab event with Okami that makes your Palamute look like Amaterasu! See what the Ammy Costume Set looks like, how to change the weapon displayed on the back, and find out how to get and unlock the Ammy Costume by reading on.

Ammy Costume Layered Armor Appearance

Palamute Appearance

How to Get Ammy Costume Layered Armor

How to Get
Crafted at the Buddy Smithy after obtaining Celestial Scroll from "Rising Sun!?" event quest.

Event Quests List: Schedule and Roadmap

Crafting Materials

Armor Required Materials
Ammy Costume Head
Fur Scrap ImageFur Scrap ×2
Ammy Costume Body
Fur Scrap ImageFur Scrap ×2

How to Forge Weapons and Armor

You only need to craft one part (head or torso) of the Ammy Costume to get the full layered armor!

How to Use Ammy Costume Layered Armor

Customize Ammy Costume

With the Buddy Board, you can customize your Ammy Costume's fur. You can select through a variety of preset colors or mix a color that goes to your liking!

Let your most fashionable Ammy Costume shine! Share 'em with the world through our Fashion Board!

Change Ammy's Weapon on the Back

Blunt Weapon
Sever Weapon

Ammy's displayed weapon changes depending on whether you have sever or blunt Palamute weapon equipped! Ammy will use the Glaive if you equip a sever weapon or the Reflector if you equip a blunt weapon!

Buddy Board Guide

How to Summon Issun

There are two ways to summon Issun, Amaterasu's trusty companion from Okami, in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) using the Ammy Costume. Take note though that Issun will not help in fighting and his presence is only for aethetics.

Set Your Buddies to Wait

MH Rise - Summon Issun Around Ammy

If you set your Buddies to Wait using the Action Bar, the Palamute wearing the Ammy Costume will have Issun jumping around it in circles - a very cute detail that made our hearts melt!

Give Your Palamute A Treat

MH Rise - Summon Issun on Ammy Nose

If you choose to Pet your Palamute while wearing the Ammy Costume, the Hunter will put the treat on the Palamute's nose and Issun will jump on top of it! Be careful not to get eaten, Issun!

You can pet your Palamute by putting it on the Wait state and going near it. Press the button that corresponds to Pet.

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise Sunbreak - Layered Armor Partial Banner
List of Layered Armor and How to Equip

Related Layered Armor

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Canyne Zinogre Felyne Mask Heart Collar
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Shuriken Collar Sinister Seal Spiked Collar


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