Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

All Ibushi Armor Sets

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This is a list of all the Armor Sets that can be made with materials obtained from Ibushi in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Check out each Armor Set's Appearance here!

All Wind Serpent Ibushi Related Articles
Wind Serpent Ibushi.pngWind Serpent Ibushi Guide Weapons.pngWind Serpent Ibushi Weapons Armor Icon.pngWind Serpent Ibushi Armor

All Ibushi Armor Sets

Ibushi - Pure Armor Set

Male Armor Preview Female Armor Preview
Armor Slots Skills
Head Image Ibushi's Pure Helm ②ーー
Focus Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Torso Image Ibushi's Pure Breastplate ②ーー
Flinch Free Lv. 1
Guard Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Arms Image Ibushi's Pure Pauldrons ②ーー
Constitution Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Waist Image Ibushi's Pure Fauld ②ーー
Evade Window Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Legs Image Ibushi's Pure Foot ②ーー
Guard Up Lv. 1
Slugger Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1

Ibushi - Pure Armor Set Stats and Skills

Ibushi Armor Set

Male Armor Preview Female Armor Preview
Armor Slots Skills
Head Image Ibushi's Helm ーーー
Focus Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Torso Image Ibushi Breastplate ーーー
Flinch Free Lv. 1
Guard Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Arms Image Ibushi's Pauldrons ーーー
Constitution Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Waist Image Ibushi's Fauld ーーー
Evade Window Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1
Legs Image Foot of Ibushi ーーー
Guard Up Lv. 1
Slugger Lv. 1
Stormsoul Lv. 1

Ibushi Armor Set Stats and Skills

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - Armor Sets Partial Banner

List of Armor and Armor Skills

All Large Monster Armor Sets

MH Rise - Aknosom IconAknosom MH Rise - Almudron IconAlmudron MH Rise - Anjanath IconAnjanath MH Rise - Arzuros IconArzuros
MH Rise - Barioth IconBarioth MH Rise - Barroth IconBarroth MH Rise - Basarios IconBasarios MH Rise - Bazelgeuse IconBazelgeuse
MH Rise - Bishaten IconBishaten MH Rise - Chameleos IconChameleos MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax IconCrimson Glow Valstrax MH Rise - Diablos IconDiablos
MH Rise - Goss Harag IconGoss Harag MH Rise - Great Baggi IconGreat Baggi MH Rise - Great Izuchi IconGreat Izuchi MH Rise - Great Wroggi IconGreat Wroggi
MH Rise - Jyuratodus IconJyuratodus MH Rise - Khezu IconKhezu MH Rise - Kulu-ya-ku IconKulu-Ya-Ku MH Rise - Kushala daora IconKushala Daora
MH Rise - Lagombi IconLagombi MH Rise - Magnamalo IconMagnamalo MH Rise - Mizutsune IconMizutsune MH Rise - Nargacuga IconNargacuga
MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei MH Rise - Rajang IconRajang MH Rise - Rakna-Kadaki IconRakna-Kadaki MH Rise - Rathalos IconRathalos
MH Rise - Rathian IconRathian MH Rise - Royal Ludroth IconRoyal Ludroth MH Rise - Somnacanth IconSomnacanth MH Rise - Teostra IconTeostra
MH Rise - Tetranadon IconTetranadon MH Rise - Thunder Serpent Narwa IconThunder Serpent Narwa MH Rise - Tigrex IconTigrex MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi
MH Rise - Volvidon IconVolvidon MH Rise - Wind Serpent Ibushi IconWind Serpent Ibushi MH Rise - Zinogre IconZinogre

All Small Monster Armor Sets

MH Rise - Bnahabra IconBnahabra MH Rise - Bullfango IconBullfango MH Rise - Gargwa IconGargwa MH Rise - Jaggi IconJaggi
MH Rise - Ludroth IconLudroth MH Rise - Remobra IconRemobra MH Rise - Rhenoplos IconRhenoplos MH Rise - Slagtoth IconSlagtoth
MH Rise - Uroktor IconUroktor

Other Armor Sets

Aelucanth /
Alloy Black Leather Bone
Bone Brigade Chainmail Chaos
Cunning Specs Damascus Death Stench Dober
Edel Feather of Mastery Flame Seal Hunter
Guild Cross Ingot Jelly Kamura
Leather Makluva Melahoa Mosgharl
Shadow Shades Shell-Studded Skalda /
Utsushi (Hidden) /
Utsushi (Visible) /


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