Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Heavy Knight Layered Armor for Hunter

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This is a guide on the Heavy Knight Layered Armor Set for the Hunter in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. See what the Heavy Knight Set looks like and find out how to get and unlock it by reading on!

Heavy Knight Layered Armor Appearance

Male Appearance Female Appearance
Armor Set Skills and Forging Materials
Master Rank

How to Get Heavy Knight Layered Armor

How to Get
Crafted at the Smithy.

Crafting Materials

Armor Required Materials
Hoplite's Helm
Hoplite's Armor
Hoplite's Braces
Hoplite's Belt
Hoplite's Greaves

How to Forge Weapons and Armor

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise Sunbreak - Layered Armor Partial Banner
List of Layered Armor and How to Equip

Related Layered Armor

Aknosom X Alice Almudron X
Anjanath X Arc / Storge Archfiend Armor
Artian Astalos Auroracanth
Azure Barbania Barioth X
Barroth X Basarios X Base Commander
Bazelgeuse X Bishaten X Black Wing Earrings
Bloodmalice Buff Body Ceanataur
Chaotic Gore / Nephilim Cielo Clockwork
Cohoot Mask Commission Crimson Valstrax - Eclipse
Crimson Valstrax - Epoch Damascus X Darkened Sight
Diablos X Dignified Dragonsbane
Dusk Elfin Crown Espinas
Ethereal Diadem Extremely Buff Body Face Scarf
Fall Five Element Flaming Espinas
Fluffy Fur Formal Dragon Garangolm
Golden Lune Gore Magala Goss Harag X
Grand Divine Ire Grand God's Peer Grand Mizuha
Guardian Guild Bard / Scholar Guild Palace
Harp Crown Hawk / Lecturer Heavy Knight
Hermitaur Hornetaur Ibushi - Pure
Izuchi X Jyuratodus X Kaiser X
Khezu X Knight Squire Kulu-Ya-Ku X
Kushala X Lagombi Ears Lennigan
Lien Lucent Narga Lunagaron
Magmadron Malzeno Marine
Mizutsune X Monksnail Hat Monocle of Clarity
Nargacuga Helm X Narwa - Pure Onmyo
Orangaten Palamask Pride
Primordial Professor / Charite Pukei-Pukei X
Pyre-Kadaki Qurio Crown Rakna-Kadaki X
Rathalos X Rathian X Reflet
Relunea Rimeguard Risen Kaiser
Risen Kushala Risen Mizuha Royal Artillery Corps
Royal Ludroth X Sailor Scholarly
Seregios Shui Silver Sol
Sinister Demon Sinister Grudge Snowshear
Snowy Cohoot Earmuffs Somnacanth X Summer
Tempest Tetranadon X Tigrex X
Tobi-Kadachi X Velociprey Vespoid
Virtue / Prudence Wild Yukumo Sky
Zinogre X


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