Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Arc / Storge Layered Armor for Hunter

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This is a guide on the Arc / Storge Layered Armor Set for the Hunter in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. See what the Arc / Storge Set looks like and find out how to get and unlock it by reading on!

Arc / Storge Layered Armor Appearance

Male Appearance Female Appearance
Armor Set Skills and Forging Materials
Master Rank

How to Get Arc / Storge Layered Armor

How to Get
Crafted at the Smithy.

Crafting Materials

Armor Required Materials
Arc Helm / Storge Helm
Arc Mail / Storge Mail
Arc Vambraces / Storge Vambraces
Arc Coil / Storge Coil
Arc Greaves / Storge Greaves

How to Forge Weapons and Armor

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise Sunbreak - Layered Armor Partial Banner
List of Layered Armor and How to Equip

Related Layered Armor

Aknosom X Alice Almudron X
Anjanath X Arc / Storge Archfiend Armor
Artian Astalos Auroracanth
Azure Barbania Barioth X
Barroth X Basarios X Base Commander
Bazelgeuse X Bishaten X Black Wing Earrings
Bloodmalice Buff Body Ceanataur
Chaotic Gore / Nephilim Cielo Clockwork
Cohoot Mask Commission Crimson Valstrax - Eclipse
Crimson Valstrax - Epoch Damascus X Darkened Sight
Diablos X Dignified Dragonsbane
Dusk Elfin Crown Espinas
Ethereal Diadem Extremely Buff Body Face Scarf
Fall Five Element Flaming Espinas
Fluffy Fur Formal Dragon Garangolm
Golden Lune Gore Magala Goss Harag X
Grand Divine Ire Grand God's Peer Grand Mizuha
Guardian Guild Bard / Scholar Guild Palace
Harp Crown Hawk / Lecturer Heavy Knight
Hermitaur Hornetaur Ibushi - Pure
Izuchi X Jyuratodus X Kaiser X
Khezu X Knight Squire Kulu-Ya-Ku X
Kushala X Lagombi Ears Lennigan
Lien Lucent Narga Lunagaron
Magmadron Malzeno Marine
Mizutsune X Monksnail Hat Monocle of Clarity
Nargacuga Helm X Narwa - Pure Onmyo
Orangaten Palamask Pride
Primordial Professor / Charite Pukei-Pukei X
Pyre-Kadaki Qurio Crown Rakna-Kadaki X
Rathalos X Rathian X Reflet
Relunea Rimeguard Risen Kaiser
Risen Kushala Risen Mizuha Royal Artillery Corps
Royal Ludroth X Sailor Scholarly
Seregios Shui Silver Sol
Sinister Demon Sinister Grudge Snowshear
Snowy Cohoot Earmuffs Somnacanth X Summer
Tempest Tetranadon X Tigrex X
Tobi-Kadachi X Velociprey Vespoid
Virtue / Prudence Wild Yukumo Sky
Zinogre X


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