Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

How to Use the Whetstone | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Whetstone Banner

This is a guide on how to use the Whetstone in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise)! Read on to learn more about how to use the whetstone and where to get it!

Where to Get the Whetstone

The Whetstone is a free item that is permanently affixed to your item pouch, alongside the Kunai and the BBQ Split. There is no need to purchase it from the store or mine it from mining outcrops.

How to Use the Whetstone

Set in a Shortcut!

Pressing the L button brings up all of your saved shortcuts. By default, Shortcut 1 should have all your bare essentials like the Whetstone, Kunai, Ration, Palamute Ride Call, etc. You can also customize your shortcuts to fit your playstyle!

Cycle Through Consumables

On the lower right corner of your, HUD is where all of your consumable items can be seen. Similar to shortcuts, pressing the L button and then cycling through with the Y Button and A Button moves your selection Left and Right respectively. Cycle through until you reach the Whetstone. Let go of the L button and then press the A Button to sharpen your weapon!

When to Use the Whetstone

The best time to use the Whetstone is while riding your Palamute! Sharpening your weapon when not riding a Palamute renders you immobile, as your character goes through a sharpening animation. This leaves you open for dangerous monster attacks, especially when you are in low health!

If you have no choice but to sharpen due to your weapon bouncing when doing attacks, make sure to do it behind cover or at a high ground. This way, you can shield yourself from incoming monster attacks or buy yourself time before the monster reaches you.

However, take caution as some monsters can still reach you with an attack even if you are in an elevated spot from them.

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Items and Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton


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