Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

List of All Layered Hunting Horns

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This is a list of all the Layered Hunting Horns found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Sunbreak. Read more to see the different Layered Hunting Horns and learn more about them!

List of Layered Hunting Horns

Preview Layered Weapon
Lost Code: Alos Layered Weapon Lost Code: Alos
Kamura Ninja Horn Layered Weapon Kamura Ninja Horn
Fine Kamura Flute Layered Weapon Fine Kamura Flute
Araknahorn Layered Weapon Araknahorn
Gigant Rock Layered Weapon Gigant Rock
Zurogong Secundo Layered Weapon Zurogong Secundo
Algiguiro Layered Weapon Algiguiro
Illusory Flute Layered Weapon Illusory Flute
Wind Horn Layered Weapon Wind Horn
Great Bagpipe Layered Weapon Great Bagpipe
Fortissimo Layered Weapon Fortissimo
Cry in the Night Layered Weapon Cry in the Night
Datura Lurr Layered Weapon Datura Lurr
Queen Chordmaker Layered Weapon Queen Chordmaker
Sandcrier Layered Weapon Sandcrier
Amphibia Allargando Layered Weapon Amphibia Allargando
Gale Horn Layered Weapon Gale Horn
Droth Roar Layered Weapon Droth Roar
Hardened Bone Horn Layered Weapon Hardened Bone Horn
Native Native's Horn
Wild Grunt Layered Weapon Wild Grunt
Kulu Grosso Layered Weapon Kulu Grosso
Khezu Flute Layered Weapon Khezu Flute
Vicello Unu Layered Weapon Vicello Unu
Vicello Uno Black Layered Weapon Vicello Uno Black
Vicello Unu White Layered Weapon Vicello Unu White
Vicello Unu Green Layered Weapon Vicello Unu Green
Sinister Shadestrum Layered Weapon Sinister Shadestrum
Toxic Fungasax Layered Weapon Toxic Fungasax
Magia Charmbell Layered Weapon Magia Charmbell
Webbed Cornupion Layered Weapon Webbed Cornupion
Bombadgy Bombadgy's Cry
Rampage Agitato S Layered Weapon Rampage Agitato S
Guardian Horn Layered Weapon Guardian Horn
Flicker Blizzard Flute Layered Weapon Flicker Blizzard Flute
Seismic Pauken Layered Weapon Seismic Pauken
Glass Queen Layered Weapon Glass Queen
Colored Castanet Layered Weapon Colored Castanet
Summoning Bell Layered Weapon Summoning Bell
Despot Despot's Thunderclap
Tigrex Horn Layered Weapon Tigrex Horn
Duo Risoluto Layered Weapon Duo Risoluto
Rathalos Feroce Layered Weapon Rathalos Feroce
Denden Doomsounder Layered Weapon Denden Doomsounder
Daora Daora's Baphophone
Teostra Teostra's Orphee
Cursed Ocarina Layered Weapon Cursed Ocarina
Magician Magician's Allure
Kampa Da Lavater Layered Weapon Kampa Da Lavater
Grunlicht Flap Layered Weapon Grunlicht Flap
Harmonic Resonance Layered Weapon Harmonic Resonance
Rosenseele Layered Weapon Rosenseele
Allysyl Muse Layered Weapon Allysyl Muse
Trauerklang Layered Weapon Trauerklang
Le Grégorien Layered Weapon Le Grégorien
Royal Order Royal Order's Horn+
Abyssal Gale Horn Layered Weapon Abyssal Gale Horn
Abyssal Storm Horn Layered Weapon Abyssal Storm Horn
Bazelreid Rookslayer Layered Weapon Bazelreid Rookslayer
Reddnaught Ritmico Layered Weapon Reddnaught Ritmico
Pure Bell Inari Layered Weapon Pure Bell Inari
Namalsadirah Namalsadirah's Asterism
Gold Chordmaker Layered Weapon Gold Chordmaker
Kaktus Seele Layered Weapon Kaktus Seele
Devil Devil's Lute
Demonlord Djembe Layered Weapon Demonlord Djembe
Bazel Valdi Rooksearer Layered Weapon Bazel Valdi Rooksearer
Abyssal Hollow Layered Weapon Abyssal Hollow
Antique Machina HH Layered Weapon Antique Machina HH
Grimm/Joie Layered Weapon Grimm/Joie
Stuffed Tigrex Layered Weapon Stuffed Tigrex
Sonorous Eisfyl Layered Weapon Sonorous Eisfyl
Autumn Lute Layered Weapon Autumn Lute
Silver Smasher Layered Weapon Silver Smasher

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

Layered Weapons Partial Banner

List of Layered Weapons

Layered Weapons

All Layered Weapon Types
Great SwordGreat Sword Long SwordLong Sword Sword and ShieldSword and Shield
Dual BladesDual Blades HammerHammer Hunting HornHunting Horn
LanceLance GunlanceGunlance Switch AxeSwitch Axe
Charge BladeCharge Blade Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive BowBow
Light BowgunLight Bowgun Heavy BowgunHeavy Bowgun


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