Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Fashion Board: Best Outfits and How to Craft | Forum | Monster Hunter Rise

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Fashion Board Banner.png

This is a Fashion Board forum for Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). If you want to see great layered armors used for fashion hunting purposes and want to be a full-fledged fashion hunter, read on!

Fashion Board Spotlight

In this section, we highlight fashion sets crafted by our team as well as those submitted by users! Show the world your fashion hunting skills by submitting yours on the board!

Tracer Layered Armor Set

Armor and Materials Needed

Head.jpg Leather Headgear
Chest.jpg Almudron Mail
Arms.jpg Azure Braces
Waist.jpg Leather Belt
Legs.jpg Alloy Greaves
Ore+ Material ImageOre+ Material ×6 pts

Walter White Layered Armor Set

Armor and Materials Needed

Head.jpg Cunning Specs
Ore+ Material ImageOre+ Material ×10 pts
Chest.jpg Ludroth Mail
Arms.jpg Leather Gloves
Waist.jpg Leather Belt
Legs.jpg Black Leather Legs

Bow of Hearts Layered Armor Set

Armor and Materials Needed

Head.jpg Artillery Corps Helm
Chest.jpg Lien Vest
Arms.jpg Lien Braces
Waist.jpg Pyre-Kadaki Coil
Legs.jpg Barbania Boots

Iron Man Layered Armor Set

Armors and Materials Needed

Head.jpg None
Chest.jpg Almudron Mail
Arms.jpg Damascus Vambraces
Waist.jpg Almudron Coil
Legs.jpg Mosgharl Roots

Fashion Board Submission

Fashion Board Rules

  • Submit your Fashion Sets along with the armor list and pigments to be featured in this board. This can be easily taken from the Layered Armor Loadout section! If you did not use Layered Armors, submitting your armor set works too!
  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of fashions that violate public standards.
  • Refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for financial gain (via RMT, etc.)
Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.
Please include your Name, Twitter username (@username), or Social Media Links with your submissions so we can properly give credit to your awesome fashion set!

Send Your Submissions and Check Out Other Submissions Here!

What is Fashion Hunting?

Hunting While Looking Good

Fashion Board Hunting While Looking Good.png

Monster Hunter has always recommended doing mixed sets to maximize all your builds but this sacrifices the way your character looks.

Fashion Hunting is how players make their hunters look good by making sure the armor pieces go well with each other and changing armor colors to name a few. This customization feature has been a staple for Monster Hunter titles

As the saying goes in the Monster Hunter community, fashion is the true endgame!

Done Using Layered Armor

Fashion Board Done Using Layered Armors.png

Fashion Hunting allows you to look good without affecting the skills and stats of your currently equipped build with Layered Armor!

These equipment have no important stats or anything - they serve as a layer on top of your equipped gear and do not affect stats, skills, and the like of your original armor build!

List of Layered Armor

Can Also Be Done Without Using Layered Armors

Some hunters are successful in creating Fashion Sets without using Layered Armors and sacrificing their builds! This is extremely hard to do though so kudos to hunters who have successfully created one!

Fashion Hunt with Buddies

MH Rise Sunbreak - Buddy Fashion Hunting

Hunters are not alone in participating in Fashion Hunting! Palicoes and Palamutes can also participate as they can also be equipped with their own Palico and Palamute Layered Armor!

Typically, the best builds for Buddies consist of armor that can be crafted at endgame stage of Monster Hunter Rise due to its high stats. You may get tired of your Buddies wearing the same stale armor set, but crafting Layered Armor for them allows you to dress up your Palicoes and Palamutes with any armor set from any point of the game as you see fit!

Added in Version 2.0 of Monster Hunter Rise

MH Rise - Version 2.0

Back in the first version of the base game (Version 1.0+), Layered Armors are only those that can be bought via DLC. In Update 2.0, Capcom gave hunters the ability to craft Layered Armor pieces and sets from all the existing armor sets in the game as long as you have unlocked the original armor.

Update 2.0 Patch Notes

Readily Available in Sunbreak

MH Rise Sunbreak - Buddy Fashion Hunting.png

When the Sunbreak update for the game arrived, all new armor sets from the expansion are available to be crafted as Layered Armor without waiting for a separate version update! All that was needed was for players to reach a certain MR and discover all about Anomaly Quests.

Sunbreak Guide

How to Use Layered Armors

Unlock Feature to Craft Layered Armor

Before you can go dive deep into Fashion Hunting, you first need to unlock the feature to craft Layered Armor. There are three types of Layered Armor with each having its own requirements to be unlocked.

Reach HR 8 for Low/High Rank Layered Armor

Low and High Rank Layered Armor can be crafted upon reaching HR 8. If you are still in Low Rank, you can keep doing Hub Quests to reach High Rank and start leveling up your HR!

List of Low/High Rank Layered Armor

Reach MR 10 and Clear Anomaly Quest for Master Rank Layered Armor

Master Rank Layered Armor can be crafted after reaching MR 10 in the Sunbreak expansion. You can keep on doing Master Rank Hub Quests after finishing Sunbreak's story to climb up to MR 10.

You also need to clear the first Anomaly Quest featuring an Afflicted Arzuros. Once you defeat the monster, you will now be able to craft Master Rank Layered Armor!

List of Master Rank Layered Armor

Obtain as DLC or Clear Event Quests for Special Layered Armor

MH Rise Sunbreak - Paid DLC Layered Armor

Several Special Layered Armor can only be obtained by purchasing them as downloadable content at the Nintendo eShop or at the Steam Store. Once you buy them, these can then be equipped from your inventory.

Capcom also tends to release free Armor sets as DLC. These can be equipped as Layered Armor after claiming it from the Courier!

You can also obtain Special Layered Armor by clearing Weekly Event Quests! These quests are free of charge, and you can complete them as many times as you want until you get enough materials to craft the armor set!

List of Special Layered Armor

Acquire Materials Needed

MH Rise Sunbreak - Outfit Voucher+

To craft Layered Armor in the game, you also need to have the necessary materials required to make armor pieces. Outfit Voucher and Outfit Voucher+ are vital materials needed to craft Layered Armor, and can be obtained by completing the tougher quests offered in High and Master Rank.

Do note that you also need to maintain a steady supply of various monster materials if you are planning to craft different Layered Armor sets!

Craft at the Smithy

When you get your hands on the materials you need, talk to the Smithy in Kamura, the Gathering Hub, or in Elgado then go to Forge/Upgrade Armor → Forge Layered Armor. You will be directed to the Layered Armor crafting menu that will show all the materials needed for crafting your chosen Layered Armors!

You can also toggle previews for each armor piece by pressing the X button!

Craft Buddy Layered Armor at Buddy Smithy

MH Rise Sunbreak - Buddy Smithy

You can craft Layered Armor for your Buddies at the Buddy Smithy, which is located right beside the Smithy in both Kamura, the Gathering Hub, and in Elgado.

You can also look at previews for Layered Armor sets for both Palicoes and Palamutes in the menu, as well as the materials needed to craft them.

Save Layered Armor Loadout

MH Rise Sunbreak  - Layered Armor Loadout

Later on, you may feel like switching between different Layered Armor sets. Fret not, as you can save any existing Layered Armor loadout so you don't have to scramble around the menu looking for armor pieces!

To access Layered Armor loadout, go to your Item Box while in Kamura, the Gathering Hub, or in Elgado, navigate to Layered Armor Settings and choose Layered Armor Loadout.

You can save up to 112 loadout here, and you can also view all your saved loadout and rename each set if you want to!

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Fashion Hunt Board.pngFashion Hunter Board (37) Suggestion Board.pngSuggestion Board (49)

Message Board

Submissions: 37
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29 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

28 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

27 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

All pieces colored like this: Pigment 1: 11, 96, 100. Pigment 2: 0, 0, 0.

26 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

25 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

24 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

Pumpkin king

23 Raelle over 2 yearsReport

: )

22 FluffyShortcakeover 2 yearsReport

Fairy Queen All white or color it with your favorite color

21 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

Can you tell me where you got the chest and leggings from?

20 Rellabout 3 yearsReport

Prima Nova Head: 189, 80, 27 / 188, 86, 93 Chest: 4, 93, 46 / 184, 100, 100 Arms: 189, 80, 27 / 188, 86, 93 Waist: 189, 51, 27 / 4, 93, 46 Legs: 4, 93, 46 / 184, 100, 100

19 Rellabout 3 yearsReport

Dunstaad Kommandant Head: 47, 35, 55 / 230, 44, 0 Chest: 354, 94, 33 / 43, 12, 0 Arms: (Same as chest) Waist: 43, 12, 0 Legs: (Same as waist)

18 Brizioabout 3 yearsReport

Nazgul All the parts are black

17 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport


16 KRIEGabout 3 yearsReport

KRIEG, Your favourite psycho from the borderlands franchise, now in Monster Hunter Rise! (There was an attempt :b) Head: 0,0,50/24,100,72 Chest: 28,100,100/0,0,13 Arms: 28,100,72/0,0,80 Waist: both 27,100,47 Legs: both 28,100,90

15 Brizioabout 3 yearsReport

Green Goblin Purple colour: H240 S72 C38 Green Waist: H120 S71 C25 Orange arms: H49 S100 C54 Green for head, Chest, Arms and Legs: H120 S66 C40 Black waist and Legs: H0 S0 C5

14 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

Looking good!

13 Rase(@RaseAncrath)over 3 yearsReport

Head: 52,70,89/0,0,0 Chest: 0,0,0/0,0,0 Arms: 0,0,0/0,0,0 Waist: 0,0,0/0,0,0 Legs: 0,0,0/0,0,0

12 Paonac̶r̶y̶l̶i̶k̶over 3 yearsReport

Orange version Head : default Chest : 15,100,45 Arm : 11,80,40 Leg : 11,70,70

11 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

this looks sick

10 Paonac̶r̶y̶l̶i̶k̶over 3 yearsReport

Pumpkin hunter : Head : 330,24,100 / 0,0,0 Chest : 0,0,80 / 24,55,35 Arm : 0,20,60 / 0,0,0 Waist : 0,0,0 / 26,46,100 Leg : 0,0,5 / 0,0,80

9 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Thunder God's Armor Pigment 2 for all is 160, 50, 15 Head and chest 1: 35, 65, 20 Arm1: 35, 70, 50 Waist1: 35, 65, 40

8 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Death God's Battle Armor Purple is 340, 65, 30 Yellow is 52, 100, 69 Pink is 340, 65, 50

7 Kreich v2almost 4 yearsReport

Woody from Toys Story *Sorry for the previous post*

6 Kreichalmost 4 yearsReport

Woody from Toys Story

5 AtenilÒwÓ almost 4 yearsReport

"Demon hunter" Head Color1:(H0 S94 V29) color2:(H0 S0 V0) Body Color1:(H0 S0 V0) color2:(H0 S94 V29) Arms Color1:(H0 S94 V29) color2:(H0 S0 V0) Waist Color1:(H0 S0 V0) color2:(H0 S94 V29) Legs Color1:(H0 S94 V29) color2:(H0 S0 V0)

4 Marlone almost 4 yearsReport

"Deku" Colors: Head H164 S100 V10 ; same Chest H0 S0 S74; H164 S100 V10 Arms H0 S0 V80;same Waist H0 S90 V47;same Legs H164 S100 V10; H0 S0 V0 IG:@marlificentthewaacker

3 Paonac̶r̶y̶l̶i̶k̶almost 4 yearsReport

Oni-Samourai (red > 5;94;30 || blue > 189;61;74)

2 T_G21796almost 4 yearsReport

"Ice-Born to Hunt" Colors going from top to bottom: Head- 30, 35, 85; 185, 60, 30 Chest- 45, 15, 45; 210, 45, 10 Arms- 185, 60, 30; 0, 0, 65 Waist- 30, 35, 85; 185, 60, 30 Legs- 185, 60, 30; 0, 0, 65

1 Kyda (@kwolf3512)almost 4 yearsReport

“Bloody Wedding” Slay the monsters who ruined your wedding!!

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