Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Piercing Fire Ammo Location: How to Get and Uses

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Piercing Fire Ammo Banner

This is a farming guide for Piercing Fire Ammo, an item in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here for all Piercing Fire Ammo locations and drop sources, as well as Piercing Fire Ammo uses in equipment and decoration crafting.

Piercing Fire Ammo - Basic Information

Name Piercing Fire Ammo ImagePiercing Fire Ammo
Name (JP) 貫通火炎弾
Description Piercing ammo that discharges multiple heavy-hitting fire-element shots.
Rarity 3 Type Ammo and Phials
Sell Price 4 Hold Limit 60

Piercing Fire Ammo - How to Farm

Location Summary
Crafted using Materials.

Obtain by Crafting

Pierce Ammo 1.pngPierce Ammo 1 Fire Herb.pngFire Herb Piercing Fire Ammo.pngPiercing Fire Ammo

Crafting List and How to Craft Items

Bought from the Market

Item Price Sale Price
Piercing Fire Ammo 26z 13z

You may buy from the Market through Kagero the Merchant in Steelworks or Maido the Merchant inside the Gathering Hub.

Piercing Fire Ammo - How to Use

Effect Summary
Piercing ammo that is good against monsters weak to fire.

Deals Fire Damage that Pierces Through Enemies

MH Rise - Piercing Fire Ammo

You can effectively utilize this ammo by using on a monster with high vulnerability to fire elemental attacks. This ammo can deal multiple hits upon impact.

Monsters with Major Fire Weaknesses

MH Rise - Almudron Large Monster IconAlmudron MH Rise - Apex Arzuros Large Monster IconApex Arzuros MH Rise - Arzuros Large Monster IconArzuros
MH Rise - Aurora Somnacanth Large Monster IconAurora Somnacanth MH Rise - Barioth Large Monster IconBarioth MH Rise - Barroth Large Monster IconBarroth
MH Rise - Chaotic Gore Magala Large Monster IconChaotic Gore Magala MH Rise - Gore Magala Large Monster IconGore Magala MH Rise - Goss Harag Large Monster IconGoss Harag
MH Rise - Great Baggi Large Monster IconGreat Baggi MH Rise - Khezu Large Monster IconKhezu MH Rise - Lagombi Large Monster IconLagombi
MH Rise - Lunagaron Large Monster IconLunagaron MH Rise - Risen Chameleos Large Monster IconRisen Chameleos MH Rise - Royal Ludroth Large Monster IconRoyal Ludroth
MH Rise - Velkhana Large Monster IconVelkhana

MHR Monster List

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Items Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

Related Ammo

Other Related Items
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MH Rise Pierce Ammo 2 IconPierce Ammo 2 MH Rise Pierce Ammo 3 IconPierce Ammo 3 MH Rise Piercing Dragon Ammo IconPiercing Dragon Ammo MH Rise Piercing Fire Ammo IconPiercing Fire Ammo
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List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket Glasses Ticket Thief's Calling Card
Black Winged Ears Ticket Torn Foreign Drawings Numerical Foreign Drawings
Canyne Mask Ticket Ancient Fragment Bandana Ticket
Fluffy Ticket Coastal Foreign Drawings Treasured Foreign Drawings
Small Flower Pot Noble Foreign Drawings Bunny Ears Ticket
Buff Badge Charming Foreign Drawings Heavenly Silk

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types


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