Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Monster Weakness Chart: List of Monster Weaknesses

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - List of Monster Weakness Chart

This is an updated list of all monster weaknesses in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak as of Free Title Update 1. Check here for a breakdown of all monsters' elemental weaknesses and damage type weaknesses, including the new monsters from the Sunbreak Expansion and its Title Updates!

Sunbreak Monster Weakness Chart

Elemental Weaknesses

Press the arrows to order the values and check which monsters have higher or lower elemental weaknesses. Numbers in red are the monster's major weakness.

MH Rise - Amatsu Large Monster IconAmatsu 12 0 2 5 12
MH Rise - Astalos Large Monster IconAstalos 5 7 0 11 5
MH Rise - Aurora Somnacanth Large Monster IconAurora Somnacanth 14 0 7 0 0
MH Rise - Blood Orange Bishaten Large Monster IconBlood Orange Bishaten 0 15 10 5 0
MH Rise - Chaotic Gore Magala Large Monster IconChaotic Gore Magala 16 0 9 5 12
MH Rise - Daimyo Hermitaur Large Monster IconDaimyo Hermitaur 23 6 21 12 0
MH Rise - Espinas Large Monster IconEspinas 0 8 3 13 8
MH Rise - Flaming Espinas Large Monster IconFlaming Espinas 0 13 9 3 8
MH Rise - Furious Rajang Large Monster IconFurious Rajang 0 5 0 18 0
MH Rise - Gaismagorm Large Monster IconGaismagorm 6 0 13 0 22
MH Rise - Garangolm Large Monster IconGarangolm 8 0 10 5 0
MH Rise - Gold Rathian Large Monster IconGold Rathian 1 9 12 7 0
MH Rise - Gore Magala Large Monster IconGore Magala 14 0 10 5 9
MH Rise - Lucent Nargacuga Large Monster IconLucent Nargacuga 0 7 0 18 10
MH Rise - Lunagaron Large Monster IconLunagaron 13 0 9 0 6
MH Rise - Magma Almudron Large Monster IconMagma Almudron 0 19 8 15 7
MH Rise - Malzeno Large Monster IconMalzeno 11 0 0 7 18
MH Rise - Primordial Malzeno Large Monster IconPrimordial Malzeno 11 0 0 6 17
MH Rise - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Large Monster IconPyre Rakna-Kadaki 0 19 0 10 0
MH Rise - Risen Chameleos Large Monster IconRisen Chameleos 21 1 10 0 15
MH Rise - Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Large Monster IconRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax 21 21 21 21 0
MH Rise - Risen Kushala Daora Large Monster IconRisen Kushala Daora 10 5 17 0 10
MH Rise - Risen Shagaru Magala Large Monster IconRisen Shagaru Magala 14 0 9 5
MH Rise - Risen Teostra Large Monster IconRisen Teostra 0 14 5 11 5
MH Rise - Scorned Magnamalo Large Monster IconScorned Magnamalo 0 18 14 7 0
MH Rise - Seething Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconSeething Bazelgeuse 0 5 12 18 7
MH Rise - Seregios Large Monster IconSeregios 0 12 10 10 3
MH Rise - Shagaru Magala Large Monster IconShagaru Magala 14 0 10 5 17
MH Rise - Shogun Ceanataur Large Monster IconShogun Ceanataur 23 12 20 10 0
MH Rise - Silver Rathalos Large Monster IconSilver Rathalos 0 14 10 6 0
MH Rise - Velkhana Large Monster IconVelkhana 27 7 9 0 14
MH Rise - Violet Mizutsune Large Monster IconViolet Mizutsune 0 9 15 19 5
The numbers are calculated by averaging the weakness values per body part for each element found in game. This gives us a rough estimate of which element that monster is weak in!

Damage Type Weaknesses

Press the arrows to order the values and check which monsters have higher or lower damage type weaknesses. Numbers in red are the monster's major weakness.

Sever Damage Icon Transparent.pngSever
Blunt Damage Icon Transparent.pngBlunt
Ammo Damage Icon Transparent.pngAmmo
MH Rise - Amatsu Large Monster IconAmatsu 39 38 20
MH Rise - Astalos Large Monster IconAstalos 35 35 23
MH Rise - Aurora Somnacanth Large Monster IconAurora Somnacanth 39 40 27
MH Rise - Blood Orange Bishaten Large Monster IconBlood Orange Bishaten 41 37 35
MH Rise - Chaotic Gore Magala Large Monster IconChaotic Gore Magala 42 40 27
MH Rise - Daimyo Hermitaur Large Monster IconDaimyo Hermitaur 34 42 28
MH Rise - Espinas Large Monster IconEspinas 29 28 54
MH Rise - Flaming Espinas Large Monster IconFlaming Espinas 29 28 24
MH Rise - Furious Rajang Large Monster IconFurious Rajang 45 45 34
MH Rise - Gaismagorm Large Monster IconGaismagorm 38 38 23
MH Rise - Garangolm Large Monster IconGarangolm 40 41 32
MH Rise - Gold Rathian Large Monster IconGold Rathian 30 30 33
MH Rise - Gore Magala Large Monster IconGore Magala 43 41 29
MH Rise - Lucent Nargacuga Large Monster IconLucent Nargacuga 35 38 33
MH Rise - Lunagaron Large Monster IconLunagaron 33 35 21
MH Rise - Magma Almudron Large Monster IconMagma Almudron 37 35 28
MH Rise - Malzeno Large Monster IconMalzeno 35 33 18
MH Rise - Primordial Malzeno Large Monster IconPrimordial Malzeno 34 32 17
MH Rise - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Large Monster IconPyre Rakna-Kadaki 37 40 19
MH Rise - Risen Chameleos Large Monster IconRisen Chameleos 34 31 29
MH Rise - Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Large Monster IconRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax 35 34 21
MH Rise - Risen Kushala Daora Large Monster IconRisen Kushala Daora 37 38 34
MH Rise - Risen Shagaru Magala Large Monster IconRisen Shagaru Magala 33 33 21
MH Rise - Risen Teostra Large Monster IconRisen Teostra 36 34 20
MH Rise - Scorned Magnamalo Large Monster IconScorned Magnamalo 42 41 26
MH Rise - Seething Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconSeething Bazelgeuse 49 50 34
MH Rise - Seregios Large Monster IconSeregios 39 40 27
MH Rise - Shagaru Magala Large Monster IconShagaru Magala 37 37 25
MH Rise - Shogun Ceanataur Large Monster IconShogun Ceanataur 30 34 24
MH Rise - Silver Rathalos Large Monster IconSilver Rathalos 32 31 29
MH Rise - Velkhana Large Monster IconVelkhana 40 40 30
MH Rise - Violet Mizutsune Large Monster IconViolet Mizutsune 33 33 19
The numbers are calculated by averaging the weakness values per body part for each damage type found in game. This gives us a rough estimate of which damage type that monster is weak in!

Base Game Monster Weakness Chart

Elemental Weaknesses

Press the arrows to order the values and check which monsters have higher or lower elemental weaknesses. Numbers in red are the monster's major weakness.

MH Rise - Aknosom Large Monster IconAknosom 0 19 18 9 0
MH Rise - Almudron Large Monster IconAlmudron 21 0 8 17 6
MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath 0 20 9 14 5
MH Rise - Apex Arzuros Large Monster IconApex Arzuros 10 0 8 12 0
MH Rise - Apex Diablos Large Monster IconApex Diablos 0 11 7 17 11
MH Rise - Apex Mizutsune Large Monster IconApex Mizutsune 6 0 17 8 15
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Large Monster IconApex Rathalos 1 6 12 6 16
MH Rise - Apex Rathian Large Monster IconApex Rathian 2 8 14 8 19
MH Rise - Apex Zinogre Large Monster IconApex Zinogre 7 9 0 13 5
MH Rise - Arzuros Large Monster IconArzuros 21 5 14 18 0
MH Rise - Barioth Large Monster IconBarioth 13 3 9 0 7
MH Rise - Barroth Large Monster IconBarroth 26 0 0 15 7
MH Rise - Basarios Large Monster IconBasarios 10 13 10 10 16
MH Rise - Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconBazelgeuse 0 4 12 9 9
MH Rise - Bishaten Large Monster IconBishaten 9 0 5 15 0
MH Rise - Chameleos Large Monster IconChameleos 21 0 10 0 15
MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax Large Monster IconCrimson Glow Valstrax 21 21 21 21 0
MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos 0 19 9 23 19
MH Rise - Goss Harag Large Monster IconGoss Harag 25 0 11 0 0
MH Rise - Great Baggi Large Monster IconGreat Baggi 40 20 20 0 0
MH Rise - Great Izuchi Large Monster IconGreat Izuchi 11 13 20 11 5
MH Rise - Great Wroggi Large Monster IconGreat Wroggi 0 20 5 40 0
MH Rise - Jyuratodus Large Monster IconJyuratodus 8 0 17 5 5
MH Rise - Khezu Large Monster IconKhezu 21 5 0 5 5
MH Rise - Kulu-Ya-Ku Large Monster IconKulu-Ya-Ku 15 20 15 15 15
MH Rise - Kushala Daora Large Monster IconKushala Daora 10 5 17 0 10
MH Rise - Lagombi Large Monster IconLagombi 20 0 11 0 0
MH Rise - Magnamalo Large Monster IconMagnamalo 0 16 13 6 0
MH Rise - Mizutsune Large Monster IconMizutsune 6 0 17 8 15
MH Rise - Nargacuga Large Monster IconNargacuga 13 0 22 6 7
MH Rise - Narwa the Allmother Large Monster IconNarwa the Allmother 2 3 0 8 12
MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei Large Monster IconPukei-Pukei 8 0 23 13 6
MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang 0 5 0 18 0
MH Rise - Rakna-Kadaki Large Monster IconRakna-Kadaki 0 7 0 14 0
MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos 0 6 11 11 21
MH Rise - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian 0 6 11 6 21
MH Rise - Royal Ludroth Large Monster IconRoyal Ludroth 26 0 9 7 1
MH Rise - Somnacanth Large Monster IconSomnacanth 10 0 21 0 0
MH Rise - Teostra Large Monster IconTeostra 0 14 4 11 4
MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon 10 0 19 6 3
MH Rise - Thunder Serpent Narwa Large Monster IconThunder Serpent Narwa 2 3 0 7 12
MH Rise - Tigrex Large Monster IconTigrex 1 8 16 4 11
MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi Large Monster IconTobi-Kadachi 11 21 0 10 5
MH Rise - Volvidon Large Monster IconVolvidon 0 18 9 13 0
MH Rise - Wind Serpent Ibushi Large Monster IconWind Serpent Ibushi 15 9 5 8 19
MH Rise - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre 7 9 0 13 5
The numbers are calculated by averaging the weakness values per body part for each element found in game. This gives us a rough estimate of which element that monster is weak in!

Damage Type Weaknesses

Press the arrows to order the values and check which monsters have higher or lower damage type weaknesses. Numbers in red are the monster's major weakness.

Sever Damage Icon Transparent.pngSever
Blunt Damage Icon Transparent.pngBlunt
Ammo Damage Icon Transparent.pngAmmo
MH Rise - Aknosom Large Monster IconAknosom 48 47 29
MH Rise - Almudron Large Monster IconAlmudron 41 40 32
MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath 50 49 44
MH Rise - Apex Arzuros Large Monster IconApex Arzuros 40 36 30
MH Rise - Apex Diablos Large Monster IconApex Diablos 37 34 19
MH Rise - Apex Mizutsune Large Monster IconApex Mizutsune 36 35 18
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Large Monster IconApex Rathalos 35 35 22
MH Rise - Apex Rathian Large Monster IconApex Rathian 35 35 28
MH Rise - Apex Zinogre Large Monster IconApex Zinogre 38 37 23
MH Rise - Arzuros Large Monster IconArzuros 52 52 45
MH Rise - Barioth Large Monster IconBarioth 40 40 33
MH Rise - Barroth Large Monster IconBarroth 38 40 35
MH Rise - Basarios Large Monster IconBasarios 20 20 21
MH Rise - Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconBazelgeuse 42 42 26
MH Rise - Bishaten Large Monster IconBishaten 41 37 38
MH Rise - Chameleos Large Monster IconChameleos 32 31 28
MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax Large Monster IconCrimson Glow Valstrax 35 34 21
MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos 38 41 34
MH Rise - Goss Harag Large Monster IconGoss Harag 42 42 31
MH Rise - Great Baggi Large Monster IconGreat Baggi 63 58 50
MH Rise - Great Izuchi Large Monster IconGreat Izuchi 61 61 56
MH Rise - Great Wroggi Large Monster IconGreat Wroggi 63 55 55
MH Rise - Jyuratodus Large Monster IconJyuratodus 42 41 38
MH Rise - Khezu Large Monster IconKhezu 45 36 40
MH Rise - Kulu-Ya-Ku Large Monster IconKulu-Ya-Ku 55 55 45
MH Rise - Kushala Daora Large Monster IconKushala Daora 36 37 31
MH Rise - Lagombi Large Monster IconLagombi 43 44 33
MH Rise - Magnamalo Large Monster IconMagnamalo 40 40 24
MH Rise - Mizutsune Large Monster IconMizutsune 37 36 27
MH Rise - Nargacuga Large Monster IconNargacuga 39 39 34
MH Rise - Narwa the Allmother Large Monster IconNarwa the Allmother 63 61 22
MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei Large Monster IconPukei-Pukei 56 54 49
MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang 45 45 34
MH Rise - Rakna-Kadaki Large Monster IconRakna-Kadaki 37 39 23
MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos 40 40 34
MH Rise - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian 44 44 36
MH Rise - Royal Ludroth Large Monster IconRoyal Ludroth 41 41 38
MH Rise - Somnacanth Large Monster IconSomnacanth 45 45 32
MH Rise - Teostra Large Monster IconTeostra 35 34 19
MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon 42 44 35
MH Rise - Thunder Serpent Narwa Large Monster IconThunder Serpent Narwa 50 48 26
MH Rise - Tigrex Large Monster IconTigrex 41 39 31
MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi Large Monster IconTobi-Kadachi 45 45 36
MH Rise - Volvidon Large Monster IconVolvidon 42 39 33
MH Rise - Wind Serpent Ibushi Large Monster IconWind Serpent Ibushi 48 45 36
MH Rise - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre 38 37 33
The numbers are calculated by averaging the weakness values per body part for each damage type found in game. This gives us a rough estimate of which damage type that monster is weak in!

Monster Weakness Chart Explained

Monsters Receive More Damage from Elemental Attacks

MH Rise - Apex Diablos Aim for the Head

The straightforward explanation for this is that a monster will receive damage on top of the sever, blunt, or ammo damage inherently present on your weapons when you use weapons imbued with elements!

Some monsters are weak against certain elements and are strong against some! Take note of this!

Unique per Body Part

Each monster's body part also has a unique number that represents their weakness against a certain element. The higher the number, the weaker the monster is to that element.

Useful to Know If You Have Element Exploit

MH Rise - Element Exploit

If you're using a weapon with the Element Exploit Ramp-Up Skill, your attacks are increased even further when you attack a monster part extremely weak (25 and higher) against that certain element.

Weapons with Element Exploit
Ramp-up Skill

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4 Sunbreak Walkthrough Team@Game8almost 2 years

Hello, Anon! Thanks for pointing out the error. We have corrected the table to show the proper values.

3 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Hello these values are wrong. For example Astalos is mainly weak to Ice not Fire. Every other guide says to use ICE against him but you put Fire as its main weakness.. Not sure how accurate these are.


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