Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Felyne Ludroth Layered Armor for Palico

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This is a guide on the Felyne Ludroth Layered Armor Set for the Palico in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. See what the Felyne Ludroth Set looks like and find out how to get and unlock it by reading on!

Felyne Ludroth Layered Armor Appearance

Palico Appearance
Armor Set Skills and Forging Materials
Low Rank High Rank Master Rank

How to Get Felyne Ludroth Layered Armor

How to Get
Crafted at the Buddy Smithy

Crafting Materials

Armor Required Materials
F Ludroth Helm
F Ludroth Mail

How to Forge Weapons and Armor

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise Sunbreak - Layered Armor Partial Banner
List of Layered Armor and How to Equip

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