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Canyne Kadachi Set Stats and Forging Materials (Low Rank) | Monster Hunter Rise

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This page is about the Canyne Kadachi Set (Low Rank), a buddy equipment set found in Monster Hunt Rise (MHR). Stats, resistances, and forging materials for the Canyne Kadachi Set can all be found here!

Canyne Kadachi Set Preview

Canyne Kadachi Set

Canyne Kadachi Set Image
Rarity 2

Canyne Kadachi Layered Armor for Palamute

Canyne Kadachi Set Stats and Resistances

Canyne Kadachi Set Weapon

C Kadachi Sail ImageC Kadachi Sail Type
Attack Type Melee Attack Ranged Attack
Severing 90 90
Element Affinity Defense Bonus
Thunder 5 5%

Canyne Kadachi Set Armor

Head Armor

C Kadachi Helm ImageC Kadachi Helm Defense Fire Res. Water Res.
28 0 -3
Thunder Res. Ice Res. Dragon Res.
3 0 0

Torso Armor

C Kadachi Mail ImageC Kadachi Mail Defense Fire Res. Water Res.
28 0 -3
Thunder Res. Ice Res. Dragon Res.
3 0 0

Canyne Kadachi Set Forging Materials

Weapon Forging Materials

Weapon Required Materials
C Kadachi Sail

Armor Forging Materials

Armor Required Materials
Head Image C Kadachi Helm
Torso Image C Kadachi Mail

Layered Armor Forging Materials

Armor Required Materials
Head Image C Kadachi Helm
Torso Image C Kadachi Mail

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Buddy Equipment Partial Banner

List of Palamute Equipment

List of Master Rank Palamute Equipment

Aknosom X Alloy X Almudron X Angel Veil
Anja X Archdemon Arfsène Arzuros X
Astalos Baggi X Barioth X Barking X
Barroth X Basarios X Bazelgeuse X Bishaten X
Blackbeard Bone X Canyne Chaotic Ceanataur
D. Stench X Diablos X Edel X Espinas
Fairy Garangolm Gore Goss X
Hermitaur Ibushi - Pure Izuchi X Jelly X
Jyuratodus X Kadachi X Kaiser X Kamura Legacy
Khezu X Knight Kulu X Kushala X
Lagombi X Ludroth X Lunagaron Malzeno
Mizuha X Mizutsune X Mosgharl X Nargacuga X
Narwa - Pure Pride Pukei X Pure Golden
Rakna X Rathalos X Rathian X Red
Regios Rimeguard Shikigami Sinister Demon
Sinister Grudge Snowshear Somna X Tetra X
Tigrex X True Chaos True Trader Valstrax - Eclipse
Volvidon X Wroggi X Zinogre X

List of High Rank Palamute Equipment

Aknosom S Alloy S Almudron S Anjanath S
Arzuros S Azure Era Baggi S Barioth S
Barking Barroth S Basarios S Bazelgeuse
Bishaten S Bone S Chaos S D. Stench S
Diablos S Edel S Golden Goss S
Ibushi Izuchi S Jelly S Jyuratodus
Kadachi S Kaiser Kamura S Khezu S
Kulu S Kushala Lagombi S Ludroth S
Mizuha Mizutsune Mosgharl S Nargacuga S
Narwa Pukei S Rakna Rampage S
Rathalos S Rathian S Sinister S Somna S
Tetra S Tigrex S Trader S Valstrax
Volvidon S Wroggi S Zinogre S

List of Low Rank Palamute Equipment

Aknosom Alloy Almudron Anjanath
Arzuros Baggi Barioth Barroth
Basarios Bishaten Bone Chaos
D. Stench Diablos Edel Goss Harag
Izuchi Jelly Kadachi Kamura
Khezu Kulu Lagombi Ludroth
Mizutsune Mosgharl Mystic Nargacuga
Pukei Rampage Rathalos Rathian
Sinister Somna Tetra Tigrex
Trader Volvidon Wroggi Zinogre


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