Genshin Impact

Perfect Shot Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Genshin Impact - Perfect Shot Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Perfect Shot is a World Quest in Genshin Impact to obtain the Special Kamera gadget. Check out how to unlock the Perfect Shot Quest, the full quest walkthrough, and all the rewards here!

How to Unlock Perfect Shot

Reach Adventure Rank 20

Genshin - Pefect Shot World Quest
The Perfect Shot World Quest will automatically unlock after reaching Adventure Rank 20.

Five Flushes of Fortune Event Quest

You can originally obtain the Special Kamera during the Five Flushes of Fortune Event where Ji Tong asks you to take vibrant and colorful subjects to trade with special rewards.

Perfect Shot Location

Quest Location
Location Liyue Harbor, Liyue

Ji Tong is located at the North Wharf of Liyue Harbor, just near the docks' of street market!

Perfect Shot Quest Walkthrough

Head to the North Wharf of Liyue Harbor

Genshin - Pefect Shot World Quest - Head to the North Wharf of Liyue Harbor
Look for Ji Tong at Liyue Harbor. He is located just beside the colorful umbrella stall. You can quickly get here by using the Teleport Waypoint by the North Docks.

Ask Ji Tong about the Kamera

Genshin - Pefect Shot World Quest - Ask Ji Tong about the Kamera
Ask Ji Tong about the Kamera from Fontaine. Once he is done telling the story of how they fixed the Kamera, he will give the gadget to you and the quest is finished!

How to Use the Special Kamera

Perfect Shot Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Quest Rewards
Genshin - Special Kamera Image Special Kamera Genshin - Mora Image Mora x10,000
Genshin - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x4Genshin Impact - Liyue ReputationLiyue Reputation EXP x20

Perfect Shot Information

Part of Five Flushes of Fortune

Genshin - Five Flushes of Fortune Event
The Perfect Shot World Quest is permanently available for those who have missed the limited-time event, Five Flushes of Fortune.

Five Flushes of Fortune Event Guide

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